Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Sorry Lucy..we're just worried about this season and our man.
I am sooooooooooo good. I did some csi work on the net and I managed to find the number for that Hollywood life magizine with Jon/Emily in it and I called it and just placed my order for it. I should have it in my hands by the end of the week..SSSQQUUUEEEEE. The pics were awesome but I just need the magazine, yes I'm insane. So anyone want the number just let me know. I'm doing the happy dance right now..cookies for everyone.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hi Dutchie! *hugs* It's good to be back, thanks! :D

Sorry, Lucy, but thanks for pointing out that thread.

Aw, Twiz... See? A little digging with a dash of persistence really pays off. You really are a good CSI! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome back Shadowfax!
Hope you enjoyed your trip.

ThumpyG42 said:
...as long as he looks like he's considering something or thinking about something, I call it Thinker's Brow.

:lol: like this description. this is how I would describe the term too.
the pic is great, thanks!
I like it very much when he looks thoughtfully.
smart man are so attractive (that's my opinion)!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey guyss! Im back from my first day of highschool :eek: I got up at 5:30 to straighten my hair. (it takes FOREVER) so im pooped :lol: Its so nice coming to this thread so I can see all the hot Jon/Ryan pics :devil: Yum! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks inge!! *hugs* I did, but it's good to be back! :D

sandersidle how was your first day?

So, only a few weeks left before the start of Season 5, and I'm so excited! Hubby and I actually picked up a big screen tv from my parents, so I'm actually gonna be able to :eek: oggle :eek: at Ryan even more now when the new season starts. :devil: I tell you, he looks even hotter magnified 100x, tee-hee! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Shadowfax said:
...and people often mistake me for a 12 or 14 year old (my poor hubby! :lol:). Now, I've gotten a new haircut and my friends say I look 16 now (I guess I'm moving up the teenage scale, whoohoo!) :lol:

That happens to me too!!!! People think I'm 14!!!! :lol: :lol: Well, it's difficult to find b/f, I just find guys that are younger than me!!!

Lucy I'm sorry about the shipper thing, it was a little my fault. I started the conversation. I'll try not to do it again :( :blushes:

I'd like to buy a bigger TV too, to see Ryan bigger!!! Imagine those muscles, and those eyes bigger :eek:

Here's a new question: What would yo tell Jon if you had him in front of you????

I'm gonna think my own answer!!!! ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hello my lovely Togies! I've missed you all so much, but I'm back, at least for a few minutes. :D I'm here at the university in my favourite computer lab. *breathes deeply* Ahhh, that wonderful smell of supple young minds and higher learning that only the university smells like... or maybe it's just laboratory chemicals. Either way, it's good to be back. :D

So, I haven't caught up on the pages while I've been gone yet (hey, only 5 days, and 5 pages, not too bad :D ), but before I do, I must warn you of a new hazardous-to-your-health Togo experience I've encountered!! You see, I was channel surfing on my newly acquired cable TV (oh God I love it so much... almost makes up for my lack of internet), and I was doing it manually because my remote's not working, so I was only a few inches away from the screen when suddenly it was filled with a close-up Togo shot!! I nearly hit my head on the TV stand. :lol: Once I regained consciousness ( ;) J/K), I discovered that they were showing "Shootout" :D :p , and I think I may have discovered something: is the light blue t-shirt that Ryan/Jon's wearing in "Shootout" (underneath a grey jacket) the same as the t-shirt he wears in "Shock" ?? I think it just might be!

Anyways, I gotta move quick if I want to catch up at least somewhat on my reading here before I have to get out of my 1-hour parking spot. I'll be back tomorrow, though (for my first day of classes :D ). Happy Togoing 'til then. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:lol: You're telling me, CalleighWolfe. I had 11 and 12 year-olds asking me out when I was already 15! I always look at them like, "Do you even know how old I am?" :lol: Are you petite like me, too?

Anyway, back on topic... what would I say to Jon if I had him in front of me? Okay, I'm quite embarrassed to say this, but since I'm already married and cannot have a second husband :(, I'd say, "Hi Jon! I wanna have your baby! Would you please father me some gorgeous children?" :devil: :lol: Okay, now I'm really blushing. And shhhh! The hubby must NEVER know! :lol: Mwahahahaha!! :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah, I'm a little petite!!!! :lol:

Girls!!!! alex21591 posted this pic in CaRWash thread!!! I think it's the one MikeW was talking about!!!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oh my!! Nice back!! :eek: *oggles* :eek: Though it could've been anyone's back, if you ask me. :lol:

I'm looking at his left arm, and I don't see any tattoos to indicate that this is really JT. Jon's tattoo is on his left arm, right? And he got it when he was still quite young, if I remember correctly. Does anyone know for sure when Jon got his tattoo? :confused: I dunno, what do y'all think?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I don't think that pic is them. That doesn't look like emily at all. Her hair is way longer then that. Where is the pic from? There was a link there first and when I tried to see the pic it sent me to some strange site.
MikeW said the pic he had he could see Jon's tat and there's no tat on that guy, so I don't think it's the same pic as Mike's. I'm not sure if his is real either, intil I see it for sure. I just don't see csim writers letting Ryan have Jon's tat. I think they would cover it up. JMO

I think Jon got it early in college cause he had it during his skabba band days.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

That isnt the pic of him. Thats from the episode "Swap Meet" On CSI: Las Vegas ;) Though I wish that was him :eek:

My first day was good! Thanks for askinn Shadowfax :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I wish that was him!!

What would I say if Jon was in front of me? Well, first of all, I'd be speechless, and then I'd say, "Can I be your girlfriend or little sister on 'CSI: Miami', somehow? I can act really good!!" :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey guys...I'm a bit under the weather today, so please forgive me if this is pretty brief.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Shootout')

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

So, tonight...sorry last night, I work nights...Episode 4.08 was aired on Channel 5. I have watched it at 4.15am when I got home. What a way to finish a night slaving away for Mr Tesco :D! And I often start it by having the YouTube Carwash 'Fix' puts me in the right frame of mind (Who cares, there are more interesting things than working nights in a supermarket :cool:!)
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