Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey not sure if anyone watched ET (Entertainment Tonight) tonight but it said for tomorrows show they would be in Rio on the set with the cast of CSIM showing some scenes of filming...Unfortunately Togo won't be there of course but I know some of you actually like the other people on the show. So check your local listing for time. It's on at 7:00 pm cbs and 7:30 ABC my time which is U.S. East coast. Just thought you all would want to know. I am going to record it even if Togo isn't on it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awwwww thank you so much everyone!! :D I'm enjoying the nice presents :D

Ooh loving the present, inge, he's really gooorrrrgeous in that pic...

Awww Twiz, hahaha yes you kinda put too many candles on it, I did count :lol: I'm 21, Jon ;)

athlov, I love the photostory!!!! :D This man is amazing, even holding a phone could be sexy :lol: Awww Jon couldn't reach me? :( *phone rings* Oh wait... *goes to pick up phone* It was Jon wishing me happy belated bday! ;) YAY!!!
Loving the last (he does look dissapointed lol awww) and fourth pic, cuz I wish I was that phone! :lol: Thank you athlov

When is your bday, CalleighWolfe?

You guys are AMAZING! Thanks again everyone! :) *hands bday cake around the room* Enjoy :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hello gorgeous people!! I'm finally back from my too-short vacation! :D Gosh, I've missed this thread. You guys post fast!

Okay, first off... Happy Birthday Silhouette! And I still need to talk to you about coming to Indonesia in October... *wink, wink* :D

CalleighWolfe, you thought I was a teenager??? :confused: What on earth made you think that? Should I be offended? :lol: (Just kidding! :D) Is it b/c I sound like a crushing schoolgirl when it comes to JT/Ryan? :devil: Can't help it, you know? And yes, I'm married (still sort of a newlywed), but I'm still only in my mid-20s, AND I'll always be young at heart, hehehehe... :D

Thumpy and athlov I LOVE those pics! Mmmm for the armage, and I love the old-style photography with Emily Procter!

Okay... now I'm off to bed in a few minutes. I just got back from a 7-hour drive, and I'm tired. Catch you guys in the morning! ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Shadowfax, you're back!!!! :D Welcome back, hun... *hands cake to celebrate her coming back* Here you go...
And awww thank you :) October it is then? Just PM me if you want to talk about it :)

Hahaha JT/Ryan has that effect on people, no worries about it. At least someone thinks you're younger, not older. That means you're young at heart! :D Mid 20s? I've just turned 21 myself... Don't think I could see myself being married in near future though... well unless JT decides to fly all the way down here to propose me :lol: (hey a girl can dream ;))
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

LOL hi ILuvJonathanTogo... Glad you like my brokeback avie :D Had so much fun maniping it too :devil: Oh, and thanks :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

My b-day is on Sept 7th Sil. And Shadowfax I thought you were younger because we have many teens here, I thought I was one of the oldest (I'll be 23 in 2 days). I'll get married in 10 years :lol: :lol: You're from Indonesia!!! Where are you from Sil???

I read that Natalia Boa Vista will get in trouble with her ex-husband, and someone said that she wanted that Ryan helps her: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! That will be a nightmare, I don't want Ryan with the Boa!!!! :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah I know what you mean, Ryan and Boa obviously haven't worked out so far, so.. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see, unfortunately ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:lol: That's okay, CalleighWolfe... Good to know I'm not the only one in my 20's here. 20s rock, if you ask me, hehehe... I, too, felt like I was one of the older ones here. I married rather young at 22 (is that young? :lol:). Oh, and I'm not from Indonesia either, but Sil is... I'm just "visiting" there in October, and hopefully I'll meet her and have a blast talking about our Ryan/JT obsession. :devil: :D

And thanks Silhouette. You're right, I'll always be young at heart when it comes to a lot of things, especially JT/Ryan. :devil: I'm quite petite, and people often mistake me for a 12 or 14 year old (my poor hubby! :lol:). Now, I've gotten a new haircut and my friends say I look 16 now (I guess I'm moving up the teenage scale, whoohoo!) :lol:

Okay, back on topic... if Ryan ends up helping Natalia, it might make him look good (more compassionate) in the eyes of other people. Though, I'd have to say I hope nothing more comes of it, other than the fact that he's doing his job. *shakes image of Ryan comforting Natalia from head* Yuck! :p But there might not be anything to worry about since Ryan comes across as someone who places a heavy emphasis on trust, which Natalia has obviously broken. He might feel "sorry" for her, but I doubt they'd get back together. :)

ETA: Oh, and thanks for the welcome back Silhouette! *hugs and takes cake from you* :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG I go to bed and I wake up to Ryan & Boa talk UGH. I can't take that first thing in the morning. I'd be so pissed if they hook up, I'll be puking every ep. I will cry my eyes out. They just don't have chemistry together, don't the writers see that...
Hey Shadowfax your back..YAY..I don't have anything to give you right now...OH wait maybe I do...

shadowfax welcome back

After watching CSIM last night and seeing Jon/Ryan in that suit I decided to make some caps of it...it was a long night.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Dutchie said:
MRS. Togo thank you very mouch for that comment, I will certainly use it. Thank you thank you thank you. ;)

You're welcome Dutchie :D are you gonna use it for an avie ?

[off topic] oh Silhouette you're indonesian?! I love this country and all S-E Asia, i'm trying to travel down there at least once a year...*feels nostalgic*[/off topic]

Ryan and Boa again? YUCK YUCK YUCK... :( though being helpful doesn't mean sleeping with her...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aw, thanks Twiz! *hugs* What a wonderful welcome back present! That's too cute! :lol:

I agree with you Mrs. Togo, helping her certainly does NOT mean sleeping with her. Let's hope TPTB sees that there really isn't any chemistry there and avoid making this show soapish. UGH! :eek: *gags*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Guys, if you want to discuss chemistry/lack of chemistry between the characters, please go to this thread in Shipper Central. All relationship speculation, whether positive or negative, shouldn't really take place here, unless we are responding to something that has actually happened on the show. Thanks. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Mrs. Togo, I was thinking about it, and I posted it in a thread which shall not be named. :D

Hi Shadowfax! Welcome back. Silhouette, would you hit me if I say that I just now found out who are in your avie? :eek: I thought it were just the real actors from brokeback mountain! :eek: *hits head* Jon looks good with a cowboy hat though. ;) Where's Quicky? We need a Ryan fantasy!

Hey Lucy! :D
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