Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

This is exactly the problem with Miami! I totally love the show to pieces (not as much as the original) but I'm totally sick to death of Ryan being overlooked in favour of Calleigh, Delko and most importantly Horatio! We need more Ryan... nay, we DEMAND more Ryan!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Wow. Ryan is so cool on the cover. :) And uhm, shirtless him, yeah! Thumpy, his arms are so... And Ryan should be the new Horatio!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

yeah WTF just his head..ugh. Thanks Athlov for the pic. OH those arms Thumpy, I just want to squeeze them.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

for the project we could all pick our fav pics of him and sign it and put them all together like a collage and post it or mail it to him. what did they do for hill harper?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah thats a good idea.. I dont get how we could put them together... we would have to mail our pic to someone right?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah. I could put them together or anyone with a photoshop. I can print it out too, I just got a pretty good printer. If we would mail it to him.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Ok... We would need to mail them to you then? I have photoshop but I can't do anything with it :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov said:
Ooo, Pete

Great choice Thumpy. ;)

Season 4 comes out in R1 on Oct. 17th

Box Cover

Once again Ryan is shoved to the back. :(
When will these people get a clue. We like Ryan!!
oh , nice cover :eek: I have to get this season on DVD ASAP :D I love it

why are you doing a project for togo? i like your idea , is it for his birthday?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

no we missed his b day, that was aug 25th...someone said that over on the CSI NY thread they are making projects for their fav actors., hill harper and such..so we are trying to figure out what to do. anyone???
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

But his bday just passed, right? Hmm though it could still say "Happy belated birthday, Jon" :D

I'm in for the project, as long as I don't have to send anything through snail mail (never sent anything abroad, wonder how long it's gonna take and how much... I don't even know where's the nearest post office :lol:).
So what should I contribute? Just a fave pic? Or maybe a little comment on how much we love his work to go along with it? Oh I have no idea...

Nice POTD, Thumpy! Oh God the arm! *faints* I find it a bit funny though when I watch that scene in Mystic River when he's in the cashier and putting those stuff into the plastic bag... Looks like he's struggling with it :lol:

About the DVD cover... Poor Ryan stuck in the back :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Silhouette your icon is great. :lol: I think Jon would love that. :p That's so funny. :D

You did a really great job on it. Could you make one with Ryan and Delko? :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks, athlov :D Haha maybe I should send Jon that manip for the project :lol: I'd probably freak him out...
Ryan and Delko? Sure. You mean Brokeback or any Ryan/Delko manip? Might take a while, I don't have any Adam's pic so I guess I should do a little hunting first :D

Hmm maybe I should contribute a manip for the project... I don't know, put him inside The Matrix or something :lol:

Twiz, how about a "100 Reasons To Love Jon" (or more, depending on how many of us really are there). Like I mentioned earlier, it could be we pick our fave picture, then write a little comment on why we love Jon and his work, and our hopes for him in the future :) Just an idea.

Anyway, still no news about the shirtless pic?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I like the 100 things idea, but let's make sure that the first 20 or so aren't all body parts. That might freak him out a bit.

I'm enjoying the collage idea. A collection of icons, and all the great roles he's played. I think he'd appreciate it.

I'm trying to find any other news of Ryan shirtless. However, when I type it into Google, I mostly get TalkCSI. Who was the one who told us of this? Just wondering.
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