Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Hey, Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Speaking of mother's. My mom was watching CBS and CSI:LV was on. She calls to me, "Heather, quick, Togo's on! I think that's Togo!" Not knowing she was watching the orginal CSI (I didn't know what she was watching so I got thrilled), I run to her room, only to find that she was referring to: Eric Szmanda. :lol: I told her simply that Jon gets confussed for Eric all the time, and she went, "Oh." At least she knows his name though.

About Ryan in Open Water. I found it adorable how he asked Natalia out. I just don't think he should have asked her out, he should have asked someone who would love a crazy date like that.

I think that date to watch Mexican Wrestling would be so much fun, especially with Ryan. But then again, I like dorky geeks who make dorky sweater vests sexy. ;) Plus, the fact that Natalia only went out with him to spite Eric, :( and to make him oblivious to it. :rolleyes:

On the Plus side, at least we know Ryan is a gentleman. He pays for her dinner, and took her for calamari?

:lol: Now I'm hungry for some calamri, and I'm rambling.

What else have we seen Ryan do (besides messing up) that makes him so adorkable?
He took her to Mexican wrestling, I wouldn't call that romantic really :p But that might be me.

Ok can I just stop this MySpace talk again? I thought we were done with that and now we're starting it again. If you want to message him: go ahead, I won't stop you. But don't come running on here going all hyper because he answered, or all depressed because he didn't. Seriously, you are talking about this as if you're asking him on a date. Come on, we don't know him and most likely never will meet him. Seriously, I don't mind you messaging him, but honestly, I don't really need to know. I'm sorry if this sounds bitchy, I'm just tired of all this MySpace talk. He's got the thing for his friends, please.

I had a party with my work yesterday and at some point they were playing 'Sexy Back' and guess who I thought of? Right. ;)
In the UK, Mother's Day is in Lent, so seems a bit strange to be saying it now.
Ryan is awkward around girls, maybe he was badly hurt in the past and is afraid of it happening again, maybe it's because as HoratioStalker said he was a nerd in school and picked on. Perhaps there's another reason, such as an unhappy home life in his childhood. It's just another aspect of his character the tptb have hinted at but never explained to us. Anyway, very little cannon gives our imaginations lots of scope... :D :D
Ok Ive really tried to figure it out for like months but never could...WHAT THE HECK DOES TPTB mean? It drives me crazy because I have absoluty no clue whats so ever. All I think is it The Producers something something... so someone tell me please :)

Im worried about whats going to happen in the episode on Monday. If you watched the promo, you are probably worried too..

On a different note, Im not really annoyed of the myspace talk because there is barely any of it, just some people mention here and there but we dont want any members being upset or annoyed so maybe we should stop, but you dont have to listen to me :D

Happy Mother's Day all you Moms and future Moms(Athlov)!!
Thanks for the explanation HoratioStalker! :)
I know they have to reopen every case. It makes me sad though. I'm sure IAB won't find anything.

he doesn't know he's that cute, and he's always been a little goofy and obsessive,
Hm, not sure about this.
For example, he doesn't have a problem with Erica. He isn't shy around her. :rolleyes:
Maybe he's only shy around woman he really likes and cares.
(Please don't be mad at me, but I think he liked Natalia wheter we like it or not)

It would be interesting to know something about his highschool years.
Maybe they will have a case at a highschool and they talked about it.
I can imagine Eric asking him if he was in a sport club or if he was a geek. :lol:
Such a scene happened in LV, so why not in Miami too. ;)
:lol: I never said it was a romantic date, what first date is though? ;)

I'm just a crazy person who likes to do crazy things and mexican wrestling sounds fun. *shrugs*

Now I have that song stuck in my head. Thanks, Nikki. :D
ericisacutie said:
I'm afraid if I e-mail him he won't like me.... I'm just a teenager, and I'm always scared of contacting cute guys, what do you think he'd say if I did e-mail him??
I'm a teenager too and he's answered every e-mail i've ever sent him :) so don't think that way :D oh and he said something to me too about Ryan. he said Stetler is getting his ass kicked, Ryan Wolfe style. i so hope that happens!!! that would make my day!!! :lol:
Ohhh~~~~~~~~I love the baby-and-Ryan pic to death.
So heartwarming!!! :D
I really miss the S3 Ryan.Hope Ryan can find his tender and caring side back afeter coming back to the lab. :lol:
Awww, cute! I had a bit of a panic yesterday, seeing all the Mothers Day things. I thought I'd forgotten about it, but then I realised that it happens in March here. :eek: So that's fine - I'm not in trouble.

So you in the US are nearly at the end of S5 now? Are there two more episodes to go (Togo :lol: ) or just the one? I wanted to ask a question. Which are the best Ryan episodes from S5, do you think? I know there have been episodes where he's hardly had any scenes at all and some where he has a fair amount of screen time. So when we finally get S5 in the UK in the summer, which episodes should I look forward to?

It's time for a Mondaypic! I've got one from Kill Switch again, courtesy of Athlov , the screencap queen! Thanks! The reason I've chosen this is that I can see echoes of his younger SU2 look in this smile. Beautiful shiny eyes! He's matured so much (which is only to be expected) that he seems like a totally different person recently, but here I can see the Jonathan he used to be. Sweeet! :D

AliGtr's Mondaypic


I have to go now. There's a cat sitting beside me insisting that he wants something. I don't know what. I filled the food pots. :confused:
^ Today is the season finale. :)
Thanks for the pic! :)
I'm excited and a little bit anxious to see Ryan fighting for his job.

I saw 'Rampage' tonight. Ryan was wearing a purple shirt and a tie because he was in court.
It wasn't really a Ryan episode but he had some nice scenes though.
I liked the scenes with Calleigh and Valera about the vomit he collected. Didn't know that vomit can be so funny. :lol:
side note: wow this episode was brutal one. :eek:
wasn't very happy with a few things. :rolleyes:
Honestly, AliGtr, I loved Curse of the Coffin. Ryan was hilarious in it, and the expressions his face could give off. :)

Be excited for that one. It has everything, Drama, Comedy, "Horror". Remember that this was the "Halloween" episode when you watch it too. ;)
Aligtr - tonight is the finale. :( I have probably only seen about half of this season....so I have no favorites yet. This last epsiode he had quite a bit of screentime in it. (can you tell from the 100+ caps Athlov has??) The week before...practically nothing.
Happilyhappy - I still have not seen Curse of the Coffin. I am impateintly waiting for the rerun of it!
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