Sorry I haven't had a chapter up in a while.

Busy busy week.
Hunter said:
Why is this dirty secret coming up now?? Heck why did it come up at all? Horatio would never do something like this...this...this is all taking place in the twisted wacky but fun world of Geni's mind! :lol:
Precisely what Missy said. I figure since this has been going on a long long time, Horatio needed something different about him that's rarely presented on the show. He's human like everyone else and definitely makes mistakes. It just so happens TPTB think a real leader is perfect.
Anyway, the guy needs to have some selfishness like everyone else. :lol:
Hunter said:
And now Lori doesn't like him...argh!
In Lori's defense, she never really likes anyone. :lol: The question has to be asked: If someone normally trustworthy, protective and almost saint-like were to essentially be responsible for putting you through years of torture to satisfy the needs of the many, rather than your own, how would you react? I mean, I probably would have torn the guy's head off and hid the body somewhere nice and quaint.
Thanks for the reviews everyone!
Josh's House
Josh: *walks in* Ethan! *grabs toy* Please put your toys away after you use them!
Ethan: *runs over* Kay. *grabs toys*
Josh: Where's Cait?
Ethan: On the phone.
Josh: Cait!
Ethan: *grabs Josh's pant leg* What's for dinner?
Josh: I'll get to that in a minute. Go upstairs and wash up.
Ethan: Kay. *runs upstairs*
Josh: Cait!
Cait: *walks over with phone in hand* WHAT!
Josh: Someone's scooter is in the middle of the driveway.
Cait: You didn't run it over did you?
Josh: No. I put it away, like you should have when you were finished with it.
Cait: *shrugs* I forgot about it. *goes back to phone* So what did he say about me? Like, was it good? *giggles*
Josh: *places keys on table* Cait, set the table.
Cait: *on phone* NO WAY! So he was like, so into me last period right? *smiles* I know, like, he sooo totally was. Pssh, like yeah right. *rolls eyes* No way.
Josh: Cait.
Cait: *on phone* Seriously, like totally. OMG did you see the way he pushed that kid over today? He was like, crying after, it was perfect. Man he's so perfect.
Josh: *walks over* Cait.
Cait: *covers phone* Dad, can't you see I'm in the middle of a conversation here? It's very important.
Josh: Set the table.
Cait: *goes back to phone* Wait, can you go talk to him tomorrow? ...No, I'm not talking to him,
you talk to him....NO, like totally if he spots me coming his way, he'll like freak....Uh, because I'm not going over to talk to him. How come you can't?...Psha, like I kn-
Josh: *grabs phone, turns it off*
Josh: Now you're not. Set the table.
Cait: *frowns* No. You set it, you were already at the cupboard.
Josh: I asked you.
Cait: What difference will it make who sets the table?
Josh: *walks over to cupboard, grabs plates*
Cait: *smiles* Ha.
Ethan: *runs downstairs* CAIT! YOU BROKE MY DINOSAUR!
Cait: Shut up, I didn't break it. It fell down the stairs.
Cait: Yeah, it sounds a lot better now.
Ethan: *starts to cry*
Cait: *rolls eyes*
Ethan: *punches Cait*
Cait: OW! *pushes Ethan*
Ethan: *falls over* STOP BEING MEAN! *rubbing eyes*
Cait: Stop being annoying.
Cait: You're such a baby.
Josh: Cait, sit him at the table.
Cait: Ethan, go sit at the table.
Ethan: *wipes eyes, sniffs*
Cait: GO!
Ethan: *runs over to chair, sits*
Cait: Can I go now?
Josh: No.
Cait: Why the hell not?
Josh: Grab your brother some juice.
Cait: He can get it himself.
Josh: No he can't.
Cait: Well isn't it about time he tried?
Josh: *opens fridge, grabs juice*
Cait: Ha.
Josh: *grabs cup*
Ethan: *beats hands on table* Hungry!
Josh: In a few minutes, Ethan.
Ethan: Kay.
Josh: Cait, can you come in here and grab the frying pan?
Cait: Ugh, we're having stir-fry and roast AGAIN?
Josh: Your brother needs to eat his vegetables.
Cait: Mom lets us have fast food.
Josh: Mom's not here.
Cait: Yeah she's out having fun with everyone else. I bet she gets to eat good food.
Josh: *hands over frying pan* Take it and put it on the table.
Cait: *places hands on hips* Dad, I'm not eating that. There's like, spinach in it.
Josh: You'll barely taste it.
Cait: Why, because the broccoli and asparagus make up the rest of the 'ick'?
Josh: *frowns* Cait, I'm not going to tell you again.
Cait: I'm not eating crap for dinner!
Josh: *places frying pan on counter*
Cait: Give me 20 bucks and drive me to the store and I'll get some food.
Josh: Let me give you your options. You can eat what I cook or you can starve.
Cait: You're not going to let me starve.
Josh: That's because you're going to eat what I cook.
Cait: *lifts brow* Then I don't really have two options.
Josh: Exactly.
Cait: *frowns* This is bogus. I have to do what Mom says AND what you say? You're supposed to be like, the dumb pushover. Mom says you are.
Josh: I might not be as strict as your mother but I expect you to do what needs to be done around here.
Cait: If you want help taking care of Ethan, go marry one of your boyfriends.
Josh: *grabs frying pan, walks into dining room*
Cait: *follows*
Dining room
Ethan: *stuffs face with veggies*
Josh: *sits, grabs roast*
Cait: *sits*
Josh: *cuts roast*
Cait: I wanna go live with grandma.
Josh: *looks at Cait*
Cait: She's rich and lives in
New York. Mom said if I got enough money, I could go.
Josh: *places meat on Ethan's plate*
Ethan: *chows down on roast*
Cait: So can I go?
Josh: You can't just leave school.
Cait: I spoke to grandma on the phone. She said she could enroll me in one of those rich schools.
Josh: If your mother says you can go, then you can.
Cait: What, you don't have an opinion about it?
Josh: I think you should think about it and maybe wait a few more years. But if you feel you need to do this, then I obviously can't stop you. You do whatever the hell you want anyway.
Ethan: *knocks over cup* OOPS!
Josh: *sigh*
Ethan: *hits hands in puddle of juice* HEHE!
Josh: *stands, walks into kitchen*
Cait: *looks over at kitchen*
Josh: *walks over, wipes table*
Cait: ...
Josh: *wipes Ethan's hands*
Ethan: Can I go watch cartoons?
Josh: You need to get ready for your bath.
Ethan: I don't wanna bath.
Josh: There are things I don't want to do either but they have to be done. After your bath you can watch cartoons for a bit, okay?
Ethan: How about cartoons first?
Josh: *smirks* Bath first.
Ethan: Darn. *jumps off chair, runs upstairs*
Josh: *grabs plate*
Cait: I'm sorry.
Josh: *looks at Cait*
Cait: I've been a pretty rotten kid lately.
Josh: You're a teenage girl.
Cait: Well don't worry 'cause I'm not gonna turn out like the rest of our family.
Josh: *sits* The rest of our family?
Cait: Well aunt Katie's nuts, uncle Tim's mean, Lori's, like, a druggie, mom's insane about rules, and everyone else is pretty much dead. Well, except you, 'cause you're nice.
Josh: And here I thought you hated me.
Cait: No. You're impossible to fight with 'cause you like, don't even yell. And you don't leave me alone either. It's actually quite confusing.
Josh: *laughs*
Cait: Anyway, I'll try not to leave my scooter in the driveway or break Ethan's things or well, y'know, be an ass.
Josh: Thank you.
Cait: *hugs Josh*