Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

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I just saw The Learning Curve today. It had Carmine Giovinazzo as the main character :).

I thought it was a great movie, and the acting was awesome. It was lacking slightly in a formulated plotline, but it was so interesting that I just didn't want it to end.

I cried. Well actally, I finished the movie in the car, fell asleep for an hour, woke up and forgot I finished the movie, remember who died, and cried. Like...I've never really cried for a movie before, but I completely wasn't expecting Paul (carmine) to die. But god was Carmine's acting amazing. And then it just had Georgia (monet mazur) riding off on her Moped.....I wish there was 'special features' or 'alternate endings' on the dvd :(. It was too sad.
I just watched V for Vendetta. This movie had been on my 'to do' list for quite some time but I never got around to it until I was assigned the movie for my broadcasting class. I absolutely loved it. It felt very 1984ish. That was probably the point...hmmm, oh well. I loved V, especially the scene toward the end in the tunnel. (trying not to ruin it) He was just amazing. He reminded me of Tyler Durden, V was more organized and had better tactics but they had the same basic goal. Radical change.
Its very hard for a movie to keep my attention the full 130 odd minutes but I was glued to the tv for this one. I could go on and on about the effects of the media and their influences in this film...but I'll save that for bcom 201. :) Definately a movie that will end up on my shelf.
I saw Snakes on a Plane yesterday. I didn't think it was too bad, lots of action if not a bit improbable. I thought Samuel Jackson did a good job as an FBI agent escorting an eyewitness to a murder back to LA on a plane filled with deadly snakes. Seems the killer wanted to make sure the eyewitness didn't make it back alive to testify.

One of the best scenes is near the end when one of the passengers has to land the plane at LAX.
Meet the Fockers

I almost died laughing. Such a cool and funny movie. And Lil Jack was too cute! :D

The Chronicles of Narnia

I wasn't able to watch it while in theatres.

My friend already gave me the soundtrack which I love so much!

The movie was great! Also my dad, who was watching too, said it's been a great movie. :)

I liked Peter, Mr. Tumnus and Lucy very much. I also thought/think that Peter is quite cute. ^^ :D

Fantastic Four

I've never read the comics, but the movie is quite okay.

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

What can I say? Just a beautiful movie. I always cry at the end. And the songs are really great. :)

Charlie & and the Chocolate Factory

I love that movie. I've only seen it twice now but it's to colorful and funny. And Johnny Depp is just awesome! :D

I've seen those movies yesterday and today. :)
i just watched The Fantastic Four with my lil cousins however i was watching for the incredibly sexy Julian McMahon :lol:
The Return starring Sarah Michelle Gellar:
The film, IMO, didn't really make sense until the end. The plot was really hard to understand, and difficult to follow. However, the end of the film helped to ease that, and made it an okay film. Not as suspensful as I thought it would be.. but there were some unexpected wierd/scary scenes.

Stay Alive starring Jon Foster and Frankie Muniz:
To be completely honest, I felt kinda geeky watching this :lol: It's a great film for video game lovers.. but it just didn't cut it for me.
ilh214 said:
I loved V, especially the scene toward the end in the tunnel. (trying not to ruin it) He was just amazing.
That's one of my favorite movies. Hugo weaving and Natalie Portman are fantastic in the film. I've seen it about 10 times. :eek: :lol:

That last movie I saw was Spiderman 2. I've seen it once before, but as it was on telly last weekend and I couldn't help watching it again. I love this movie. My favorite scene is the train scene. :D
Let's see...well I watched Zathura yesterday but I've seen it before. Apparently we have Eragon on here so I watched that...great movie :) There were a few differences from the book but overall it was really good.
Gia: Very well done, excellent acting, interesting editing. Had it not been made for TV I believe it would have been a bit better, but I enjoyed it.

Foxfire: Terrible. It started out with potential, but quickly went downhill. I thought it was was too try-hard. Angelina Jolie was hot, though, and thats the only reason I watched it.
I watched The Blues Brothers with a couple friends earlier today. I thought the movie was funny but nothing spectacular. I enjoyed watching it with two close firends we had a good time watching it, however I don't think it would be anywhere near as a good if you watched it alone. Back to the point it was still pretty funny with good music.
Children of Men: Ok wasn't as interesting as I thought it might be. I like movies that when they go for the future angle to make me believe there is a reason it turned out a certain way. And I never got that. It just seemed all over the place.

Man of the Year: It had its moments. And I do wish we had someone like that in the white house. Someone who while might not be perfect for the job would be honest and truthful. Right or wrong, good or bad. And a little funny never hurt anyone, much.
Derailed: Good movie. I thought it was well done and liked the twist that they put in it.

Blades of Glory: Not a bad movie and my friend found it hilarious and laughed at every damn thing which kinda gets annoying but oh well.
BORAT: Didn't get through all of it. Not that I didn't like it, I just ran out of time. Extremely crude movie but funny as hell. When it was in theatres I had absolutely no interest in seeing it, but my bro rented it so I decided to give it a chance. Good movie overall :) Nice!
The Skeleton Key: w/Kate Hudson.
I loved it. I thought it was a great movie and would recommend it to anyone here who hasn't seen it. It had wonderful plot twists, and a very surprising ending. When I realized what happened (at the end), I literally turned to my husband and said, "WTF? No way"
I would go into more detail but I don't want to spoil it for anyone else. If you like thrillers, you should see it.
umm... I didn't even sit through it all :lol: To me, it was reeeally stupid. I had expected a scary movie.. but it wasn't like that at all. More like.. aliens.. er.. something.
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