Ratings: CSI vs ...

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Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

this is one time im glad to live in the uk
over here its the same channel that shows greys and csi so we don't have this problem.
just a question is either show repeated another night? if that happens with csi maybe thts why people watch greys because they can watch csi another time. that happens here with prison break on 5. just a thought and it probably doesn't apply but ya know
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

No CSI doesn't replay it's new episodes until at best, months later, but I believe Grey's repeats on Friday nights, but I've never seen the show so I really shouldn't comment on it.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

ok sorry lol thanks for letting me know thats a bit of a bummer then
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Which is why, xfcanadian, I have a hard time accepting that CBS would think GSR tanks the ratings - they wouldn't show them in the promos, otherwise. That'd be like suggesting the network would rather warn people about it and risk lower ratings. Can you imagine? "Danger! Danger, anti-shippers! GSR in upcoming episode! Do not watch; I repeat, DO NOT WATCH!!!"

:lol: :lol: they need a GSR warning, like they do with the violence...but I think that Sara eppys usually don't do as well as Catherine ones...I also think people who won't watch the show because of the GSR already stopped watching, which accounts for some of the ratings drop.

I hate to say it, but I just want to see if anyone agrees with me, but ever since the addition of Greg to the team, hasn't it seemed like Grissom has slowly faded away. I think by adding one more member of the team kinda pushed him back. Obviously it isn't WP's fault, it is just the writers making him like this. We all get caught up sometimes referring to the characters as real people, but I'd like to see the writer take some initiative and bring the Grissom we love back to life.

I don't know if its Greg, because I loved season 5 when he started to work in the field, especially when he worked with Grissom. I would say it started mid season 6, when he started to disappear, and they only do one case per eppy, it just seems like Grissom doesn't do anything anymore...he is just around..and used for the GSR stuff. He doesn't do anything interesting with science any more, and thats why I loved him so much!
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I actually beg to differ on the Grissom part. If Grissom wasn't on the show, no matter how little he does on it, the ratings would go flat. He's a big part, and he still has a lot to do on the show. I personally only see attitude changes in him, little with how he uses Science.

Like I said another thread, I believe after Grave Danger aired, the writers of CSI had a lot to "live up too". As in, coming up with episodes, and storylines that top it. Tarantino is a great writer/director.

I was surprised they didn't gain viewers in last night's episode.. But I blame TiVo. I know many, many people who loved last nights episode. I had a few conversations with friends who thought it was one of the best this season. :D
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I am playing around with some Season 6 and Season 7 statistics as well, I was wondering, where do you get your ratings information? Thank you in advance.

Also, do you remember what it is called when you remove the highest score and lowest score then do your calculations?
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Alot of the info for ratings are gotten on many different sites, such as "The futon Critic", "Zap2it.com", etc. Usually credit to the site used as a source of information is given.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

MissDee said:
A ratings drop after a GSR eppy...hmmmmm not that surprised.

I wondered who was going to be the first to suggest that!!

Carol Mendohlson promised it wouldn't turn into the Grissom and Sara show and it has.

Nick-centric episodes due well in the ratings as well. Grave Danger was one of the highest rated episodes (also because of who directed it) and Gum Drops was one of the most higly-praised almongst tv critics and fans alike.

I think having Grissom leave for a few episodes was very good for CSI because for me at least it showed that the the tv series could go on if WP left.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Carol Mendohlson promised it wouldn't turn into the Grissom and Sara show and it has.

That's opinion, not fact.

My perception is that if this were someone's first time watching the show, they would still know more about Catherine and her backstory than Grissom and Sara OR Grissom or Sara separately.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Very true, the only real revealing GSR moments would have to be Leaving Las Vegas at the end, or the end of Empty Eyes, other then that somebody just starting to watch this season prolly doesn't kno much.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

It kind of have turned into the Sara Grissom show this season...

I keep checking the tv ratings in the Toronto star (the ratings for the greater toronto area), and they have been down all season. It is interesting to note that Greys isn't shown at the same time, it is on the same channel at 8, and Greys isn't even in the top 10. Although CSI is still #1, the number of viewers is definatly down for the whole season. The number of viewers is down about 20% from last season...
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

sarahvma said:
Carol Mendohlson promised it wouldn't turn into the Grissom and Sara show and it has.

That's opinion, not fact.

Wouldn't you consider that as a fact, as it's coming from the showrunner herself? ;)

Very true, the only real revealing GSR moments would have to be Leaving Las Vegas at the end, or the end of Empty Eyes, other then that somebody just starting to watch this season prolly doesn't kno much.

There's also the moment in "Double-Cross" where Grissom calls Sara "dear", end of "Happenstance" where Sara says she wont wait up, etc. :p
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Wouldn't you consider that as a fact, as it's coming from the showrunner herself?

It is opinion that it has *become* the Grissom and Sara show.

Let me ask you this: what show in TV history has revealed a couple and not had them kiss 19 episodes after it is revealed? Or shown them in bed together? In the shower? In the bath? At a restaurant? On a date?

My point is that they have shown us little glimpses, but those glimpses have never been particularly long or involved scenes. Arguably the most "GSR-centric" scene was the shaving one, and that lasted 25 seconds.

25 seconds out of a 44 minute show.

They don't work together in the episode, and there is only a head-tilt earlier from Sara that in any way implies Grissom, when Warrick asks her about her current choice in men.

A "Grissom and Sara Show" would mean that every episode had some big or at least longer than 25-second clip with them. What it feels like right now, from my perspective, is that they're doing the littlest amount that they can given the fact that they are addressing a relationship between two lead characters.

And I think that the problem with continually arguing that GSR caused the ratings fall, or that it's taking over the show, is that there are so many people here on this board who are against it. And yet... they still watch. Not only that, but another leading theory was that it was only the "younger viewers" who wanted to see GSR, and in actuality it's the younger viewers who turned to GA instead. The older viewers have, for the most part, stayed.

So if the people who really hate it are still watching, and the younger audience that the people who hated it claimed were the only ones interested are NOT watching, doesn't it seem likely that GSR had less to do with it than Grey's? Otherwise, 19-49 numbers should be up compared to 25-54s and the antis should have stopped watching the show.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I don't see how anyone could say that CSI has lost that many viewers because of Sara & Grissom's relationship. Some? Maybe. But Millions? That is just ignorant. The show is getting older, the cases aren't as appealing, and it is competeing with the most talked show on TV. You expect the decline. Every season for the past 4 seasons, the ratings decline each year has been steady. Next season will bring the same. CSI is actually doing far better then I expected this year, so I'd say it is still going strong.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

*walks in* hmm Want to know what I see?

I see alot more of the discussion being that of shipping which last I looked that forum was a couple doors down. hmm occasional mention of it one thing, where this is going another.

Shouldn't have thought "Gee I wonder what she see's?" :lol: *Walks out*
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