Ratings: CSI vs ...

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Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I'm guessing that Blue was CSI season 6, Grey's is the Red, and CSI season 7 is green?
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Yeah - sorry. I forgot to post that. For some reason, the program I use won't let me label them on the chart.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I think a lot of the droppings has to do with TIVO indeed. Hopefully their ratings pick up :(
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Er... mrb105, could you let me know exactly where you ran into the spoilers? If there's a supposedly non-spoiler thread around here I've got to avoid, I'd rather know now before I blunder into it. Thanks!
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I was on the CSI wiki looking for a song title, and ran into the spoiler. I can't tell you how upset I was.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Ohhhh, yes, that's right. The CSI Wiki is not friendly to the non-spoiled these days... apparently some jackass is going to various boards, getting what spoilers he/she can, and plastering them across the wiki for all to see. I'm avoiding it like the plague right now.

I'm terribly sorry that you weren't aware of it - that just sucks. :( Maybe there should be a thread alerting the non-spoiled to places they're better off avoiding until the finale's over....
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Ya, I think I learned just enough to be upset. I don't know all that much, but just enough to have aggrevated. Anyways, CSI's numbers were down last night, but hopefully after the final ratings come out they will increase like last week.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I am not happy with the spoilers either, its like they are trying to kill the show....

anyway, I am not letting my exams interrupt my CSI watching..need something to do while i am avoiding my work...

A ratings drop after a GSR eppy...hmmmmm ;) not that surprised.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

A ratings drop after a GSR eppy...hmmmmm not that surprised.

Here's the problem I have with this assessment: they showed the entire GSR moment in the preview. So anyone tuning in, having seen the preview, would know that there would be GSR.

In fact, even those of us who were spoiled figured there would be *more* GSR because of what they previewed in the promo. That episode got higher ratings. This one had no GSR advertised. *shrug*

I guess my only point is that if this were another moment like Happenstance, where Sara is missing the whole episode and then shows up at the very end (un promo'd) for a GSR scene, I would agree. But if they displayed only GSR promo pics and GSR promo vids, I don't really think the argument has much weight.

As the very smart Bugeater pointed out, this was also the night before the long Easter weekend. Some people take advantage of those with "mini breaks". For some people, it is also Spring Break (likely explains why GA chose to go on hiatus).

I'm not happy with the results, but no GSR was promo'd or insinuated or spoiled. If GSR was turning people off, the numbers wouldn't be higher for the episode that they were featured in.


Keep in mind that this same time last year, the 19th episode of the sixth season got the lowest rating for the year - 23.327 million. It was Spellbound. I think Spring Break/Easter does have an effect, because the next few episodes were 2-4 million viewers higher.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

well, I never see any of the promos before the eppy...or maybe it was worse than they expected, several posters on here said they expected the episode to be better, including myself. It might not have anything to do with GSR, lol I just couldn't resist pointing that out ;)
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I just think overall, that we are all so caught up in the Mini Killer, because it is such a compelling and intense storyline, that these un-related episodes just can't match those, but that is just my opinion. And like I mentioned last night in the "Big Shots" thread, it seems like they put the best parts of the episode in the promo, and even ruined some of it for me last night. It seemed like most of the scenes from the promo took place in the final 3/4 of the episode. I would have rather not known "The James Gang" would make an appearence if I would have known it would have been that late in the epi.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

mrb105 it seems like they put the best parts of the episode in the promo
In my experience, promos are generally put together by baboons. Meaning that they have absolutely no compunctions about giving away plot twists (i.e. the James involvement in "Big Shots") or falsifying what's about to happen (i.e. Grissom leaving in LLV, where the promo was cut to suggest that he was leaving for good). The baboons show what they think will grab people and make them watch, not giving a whit whether or not it ruins the episode or gives the wrong impression about the plot. And it's not only CSI; I've seen it happen for Lost, House, and Smallville as well. (Errr... not that I'm admitting I watch the latter. *hides*)

Which is why, xfcanadian, I have a hard time accepting that CBS would think GSR tanks the ratings - they wouldn't show them in the promos, otherwise. That'd be like suggesting the network would rather warn people about it and risk lower ratings. Can you imagine? "Danger! Danger, anti-shippers! GSR in upcoming episode! Do not watch; I repeat, DO NOT WATCH!!!" :)
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

xfcanadian , like we were talking about yesterday, and waiting for Grissom's character to come back. I am hopeing we get some of his old character back in the last few episodes, when they all revolve around the Mini Killer. I'd like to see him use more science, I'd like to see him say more witty phrases, I'd like for him to get a little pissed off.

I hate to say it, but I just want to see if anyone agrees with me, but ever since the addition of Greg to the team, hasn't it seemed like Grissom has slowly faded away. I think by adding one more member of the team kinda pushed him back. Obviously it isn't WP's fault, it is just the writers making him like this. We all get caught up sometimes referring to the characters as real people, but I'd like to see the writer take some initiative and bring the Grissom we love back to life.
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