Ratings: CSI vs ...

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Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Entertainment Weekly Online has an article with the person who runs Vote for the Worst... you can read it here, if you're interested.

It just goes to show you, though... if there are enough people passionate enough about your favorite TV show to band together for a common cause, they just might have a positive or negative influence on it.

Then again, the travesties that are Smallville and Grey's Anatomy would belie that statement. If only fans did have an influence on those shows....
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

MissDee said:
Entertainment Weekly Online has an article with the person who runs Vote for the Worst... you can read it here, if you're interested.

It just goes to show you, though... if there are enough people passionate enough about your favorite TV show to band together for a common cause, they just might have a positive or negative influence on it.

Then again, the travesties that are Smallville and Grey's Anatomy would belie that statement. If only fans did have an influence on those shows....

Dave rocks! (the guy who runs the vftw website...that is the same dave chris sligh did a shout out too when he said 'hi dave!' lol)

I am a worster this season, i vote for sanjaya! i luv him, and i luv making the hard core AI fans go crazy :lol: trust me...that message board is psycho, they are very angry people...

I think this weeks CSI is going to do ok...i foresee a ratings drop next season, including me...
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I would imagine for a ratings drops next season, as there has been every season for each of the past four, but just wait for the series finale, I think it is gonna go huge.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

You're probably right, mrb105. But I think Sarah and XFCanadian are on to something when they bring up a slow but growing backlash to the show. I've always felt that they were manufacturing pop stars rather than discovering them, which is why I've never really gotten into it. And if there are a growing number of people who feel the same way, well, human nature being what it is, I can see AI becoming a parody of itself. You could argue that it almost is now... all those big names coming up to "help" the kids (& boost ratings), and still the numbers are going down and the good singers are getting sent home.

But to keep this somewhat on topic: do you think the promise of solving the MCSK mystery will lure more people to the CSI finale this year? (Be kind; I'm unspoiled!)
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

It is hard to say because CSI has never done something like this before. I may have said this before or may have not, but I think you have to relate it to a season of 24, the whole season builds up for the ending, and for the people who haven't seen some parts feel like they won't be able to follow, therefore they won't watch. But, on the other hand I could see it going real big, as all season finale's do. It all depends on how CBS promotes it. If they do it right, it will succeed, if they do it wrong, it won't.

I am spoiler free, therefore I'm trying not to learn a lot about the plot for the last couple episodes, therefore I can't really comment on it.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Wow. Ratings are in... and the result is not good.

At all. They definitely went down. *fuck*

Okay, time for my usual spin, BUT... every single show seems to have been going down in the ratings lately. Maybe sampling the college kids is spreading the ratings thin?
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Do you know the numbers excetly, or just that they went down??
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

God I am in a horrendous mood, not because of the ratings, which is kinda sad, but I accidently ran into some spoilers for the season finale. I'm gonna go punch some stuff.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

God I am in a horrendous mood, not because of the ratings, which is kinda sad, but I accidently ran into some spoilers for the season finale. I'm gonna go punch some stuff.

lol. Go punch the Nielsen ratings.

Honestly, if it was just CSI, I would take all of this at face value. But Grey's is dropping, CSI is dropping, Dancing With the Stars is dropping, American Idol is dropping, Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader, House, Deal or No Deal...

I don't know if it's the fact that people know they can TiVo it or watch it online, but perhaps people just don't see the point in watching live the way that they used to.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I wouldn't worry about it, it's only one week. And next week looks good.

P.S.-Screw spoilers,
not only did I find out who the Mini killer is, but also found out how they abduct Sara. I so hope they are wrong.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

P.S.-Screw spoilers,

I'm not "worried", I just wish CSI was getting more kudos for a great season.

If it makes anyone feel better, last year's 19th episode got 23.327 million. I don't know if this is indicative, but it was also Greg-heavy (Spellbound). But I don't want to think that about my Greggo *hugs*

Fast Nationals:


Updated chart:

CSI Season 7 vs. Itself
Season 7 Premiere: 22.58
Episode 2: 23.77 - 5% gain from week before
Episode 3: 21.51 - 9.5% drop
Episode 4: 21.58 - 0.3% gain
Episode 5: 20.49 - 5% drop
Episode 6: 20.53 - 0.2% gain
Episode 7: 20.83 - 1.5% gain
Episode 8: 24.11 - 13.6% gain
Episode 9: 17.171 - 28.8% drop
Episode 10: 23.253 - 26.2% gain
Episode 11: 26.116 - 11% gain
Episode 12: 21.41 - 18% drop
Episode 13: 21.172 - 1.1% drop
Episode 14: 21.494 - 1.5% gain
Episode 15: 22.522 - 4.6% gain
Episode 16: 22.707 - 0.8% gain
Episode 17: 21.780 - 4.1% drop
Episode 18: 22.713 - 4.1% gain
Episode 19: 21.55 - 5.1% drop

Average: 21.96 million viewers

Grey's Season 3 vs. Itself

Premiere: 25.4 million viewers
Episode 2: 23.5 million viewers - 7.5% drop from week before
Episode 3: 22.8 million viewers - 3% drop
Episode 4: 21.93 million viewers - 4% drop
Episode 5: 20.96 million viewers - 4.5% drop
Episode 6: 21.03 million viewers - 0.3% gain
Episode 7: 20.65 million viewers - 1.8% drop
Episode 8: 20.92 million viewers - 1.3% gain
Episode 9: 18.509 million viewers - 11.5% drop
Episode 10: 24.01 million viewers - 22.9% gain
Episode 11: 23.032 million viewers - 4.1% drop
Episode 12: 21.942 million viewers - 4.7% drop
Episode 13: 21.504 million viewers - 2.0% drop
Episode 14: 24.18 million viewers - 11.1% gain
Episode 15: 25.197 million viewers - 4% gain
Episode 16: 25.759 million viewers - 2.2% gain
Episode 17: 27.394 million viewers - 6% gain
Episode 18: 22.677 million viewers - 17.2% drop
Episode 19: 22.304 million viewers - 1.6% drop

Average: 22.82 million viewers

CSI Season 7 vs. Grey's Season 3

Premiere: Grey's beats CSI by 11.1%
Episode 2: CSI beats Grey's by 1.1%
Episode 3: Grey's beats CSI by 5.7%
Episode 4: Grey's beats CSI by 1.6%
Episode 5: Grey's beats CSI by 2.2%
Episode 6: Grey's beats CSI by 2.4%
Episode 7: CSI beats Grey's by 1%
Episode 8: CSI beats Grey's by 13.2%
Episode 9: Grey's beats CSI by 7.2%
Episode 10: Grey's beats CSI by 3.15%
Episode 11: CSI beats Grey's by 11.8%
Episode 12: Grey's beats CSI by 2.4%
Episode 13: Grey's beats CSI by 1.5%
Episode 14: Grey's beats CSI by 11.1%
Episode 15: Grey's beats CSI by 10.6%
Episode 16: Grey's beats CSI by 11.8%
Episode 17: Grey's beats CSI by 20.5%
Episode 18: CSI beats Grey's by 0.2%
Episode 19: Grey's beats CSI by 3.4%

Overall percentage winner: Grey's with an average of 3.54%

CSI Season 7 vs. CSI Season 6:

Premiere of Season 6 - 29.02 million
Episod 2 - 28.00 million
Episode 3 - 28.85 million
Episode 4 - 28.34 million
Episode 5 - 28.48 million
Episode 6 - 28.73 million
Episode 7 - 29.55 million
Episode 8 - 28.98 million
Episode 9 - 25.72 million
Episode 10 - 30.945 million
Episode 11 - 27.233 million
Episode 12 - 27.128 million
Episode 13 - 25.860 million
Episode 14 - 28.365 million
Episode 15 - 27.416 million
Episode 16 - 27.813 million
Episode 17 - 27.155 million
Episode 18 - 25.234 million
Episode 19 - 23.327 million

Average: 27.7 million viewers

Premiere of Season 7 - 22.58 million - 22.2% drop
Episode 2 - 23.77 million - 15.1% drop
Episode 3 - 21.51 million - 25.4% drop
Episode 4 - 21.58 million - 23.9% drop
Episode 5 - 20.49 million - 28.1% drop
Episode 6 - 20.53 million - 28.5% drop
Episode 7 - 20.83 million - 29.5% drop
Episode 8 - 24.11 million - 16.8% drop
Episode 9 - 17.171 million - 33.2% drop
Episode 10 - 23.253 million - 24.85% drop
Episode 11 - 26.116 million - 4.1% drop
Episode 12 - 21.41 million - 21.1% drop
Episode 13 - 21.172 million - 18.1% drop
Episode 14 - 21.494 million - 24.2% drop
Episode 15 - 22.522 million - 17.8% drop
Episode 16 - 22.707 million - 18.3% drop
Episode 17 - 21.78 million - 19.8% drop
Episode 18 - 22.713 million - 9.9% drop
Episode 19 - 21.55 million - 7.6% drop

Average drop: 20.39%

To tell you the truth, I think we're supposed to find out who the MCSK is pretty much from the start of the episode.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

mrb105 keep in mind that spoilers are subject to change and not always written in stone, so what you found out could always be rewritten, or cut, or edited. Cheer up knowing any of that should make it abit better.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Ya last night was low, but still it isn't that bad compared with the rest of the season. The problem was we all had our hopes up.
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