Ratings: CSI vs ...

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Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Thanks everyone. I got it now!!!! Thanks again.

And hey - I didn't mean to "slam" you. I thought you were comparing the two new episodes. In truth, it is sad that CSI cannot regain its old viewership when another show is not on against it, but there could be other factors at hand as well.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

And hey - I didn't mean to "slam" you. I thought you were comparing the two new episodes. In truth, it is sad that CSI cannot regain its old viewership when another show is not on against it, but there could be other factors at hand as well.

No worries...I didn't feel slammed at all. I wonder if CSI has lost some fans due to GSR? They are in fact the first canon relationship on the show.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

not that its accurate or anything, but it could be a close indicator of viewers feelings, but on jumptheshark.com gsr is number 8 in votes of reasons why people think it jumped (never jumped is still number 1) but the people who visit that site have voted catherines personal problems as the number one jumper. compare that to greys where meredith dying and coming back is the number one reason by a landslide. just an interesting observation, but like i said probably doesnt mean too much at the end of the day.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

No worries...I didn't feel slammed at all. I wonder if CSI has lost some fans due to GSR? They are in fact the first canon relationship on the show.

Unfortunately, because Grey's chose to put itself in the same timeslot the exact season after it had been "revealed", I don't think we'll ever know which was the bigger factor. Even with less people tuning in without Grey's, it could be explained simply by people who haven't watched the rest of the season feeling that they'd be behind, because TPTB were playing the MCSK promo a lot more than they were the Empty Eyes one - people might have thought it was going to be another installment.

I'm sure that there are people who didn't want romance, or didn't want THIS romance on the show, and have tuned out, but Season 6 began dipping in the second half, and I think due to what I felt was a lackluster season, they might have lost fans too lazy to tune in this year to see that (again, my opinion) it's gotten much better.

not that its accurate or anything, but it could be a close indicator of viewers feelings, but on jumptheshark.com gsr is number 8 in votes of reasons why people think it jumped (never jumped is still number 1) but the people who visit that site have voted catherines personal problems as the number one jumper. compare that to greys where meredith dying and coming back is the number one reason by a landslide. just an interesting observation, but like i said probably doesnt mean too much at the end of the day.

And really, "Never Jumped" is beating everything by a mile, as opposed to Grey's, where Mer's "death" is pretty much head, shoulders, torso and legs above the competition.


Because I really should be doing my last essay of the semester, but after 10,000 collective words of other essays, and the fact that I got a half hour of sleep last night (UGH) and I'm sick, I'm going to amuse myself with this instead (cuz I'm a loser). lol.

In order of audience numbers, here are the CSI episodes, highest to lowest: (W/G) stands for without Grey's.

1) Leaving Las Vegas (W/G)
2) Happenstance
3) Built to Kill Part 2
4) Loco Motives (W/G)
5) Empty Eyes (W/G)
6) Monster in a Box
7) Built to Kill Part 1
:cool: Law of Gravity
9) Fallen Idols
10) Fannysmackin'
11) Toe Tags
12) Meet Market
13) Sweet Jane
14) Redrum
15) Post Mortem
16) Burn Out
17) Double Cross
18) Living Legend

In order of lowest percentage drop to highest percentage drop, here are how the Season 7 episodes faired against the Season 6 counterparts:

1) Leaving Las Vegas
2) Empty Eyes
3) Built to Kill Part 2
4) Happenstance
5) Law of Gravity
6) Redrum
7) Monster in a Box
:cool: Fallen Idols
9) Sweet Jane
10) Built to Kill Part 1
11) Fannysmackin'
12) Meet Market
13) Loco Motives
14) Toe Tags
15) Double Cross
16) Burn Out
17) Post Mortem
18) Living Legend

Even though GA wasn't always on "against" these episodes, I'll show you the comparison for the first 18. From highest percentage win to biggest percentage loss against GA

1) Happenstance
2) Leaving Las Vegas (W/G)
3) Built to Kill Part 2
4) Post Mortem
5) Empty Eyes (W/G)
------------------ (end of CSI's wins, now it's the smallest to biggest lost for CSI)
6) Redrum
7) Fannysmackin'
:cool: Double Cross
9) Sweet Jane and Burnout (TIE)
11) Loco Motives (W/G)
12) Toe Tags
13) Living Legend
14) Law of Gravity
15) Built to Kill Part 1 and Meet Market (TIE)
17) Monster in a Box
18) Fallen Idols

So my question is this: do you think that the ones at the top were really the best episodes of the season, and if you were to tune into that episode for the first time since Season 6, would you want to come back for more?
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Maybe due to the disgust over Sanjaya, but American Idol's ratings went down from last week's Tuesday with 26.84 to this week's Tuesday showing of 25.65 million. Two weeks ago they had 29.43 million. They started their season with over 37 million. I'd say they're falling fast.

House got 21.01 million. (22.18 for the week before, so it's also gone down).

Looks like CSI will have it in the bag for third place (and number one scripted show) again (hopefully).
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I'd have to say some of the top episodes weren't the best of the season. Living Legend obviously did big because of the tease of Grissom leaving, and BTK 2 did big because it was the only To Be Continued episode of the season. Happenstance was decent, but IMO it was one of the only episodes of the season that featured a plot that seemed like it could have also taken place in the first couple seasons of CSI (if that was confusing let me know).

Pretty much going without Grey's is a big help, but as you can see the episodes that get advertised more do better. I was really suprised to see how low Law of Gravity was, seeing that it was Grissom's return and took place the week after the Super Bowl, which got plugged a lot.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I do agree with those episodes. "Happenstance'" was one of my favorites. I loved that episode. I missed LLV, Built to Kill Part 2, the was great. I loved the whole Cath!Drama. Post Mortem was also another favorite of this season, and Empty Eyes.. Sara!Drama, loved it.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

To give you some idea on how much American Idol has dropped, here are the figures for its Tuesday shows: (I could only find fast nationals):

American Idol Tuesdays:

1) 37.43
2) 31.17 33.29
3) 33.07
4) 30.97
5) 29.44
6) 30.443
7) 27.80
:cool: 29.39
9) 29.43
10) 26.84
11) 25.65

I'd have to say some of the top episodes weren't the best of the season. Living Legend obviously did big because of the tease of Grissom leaving, and BTK 2 did big because it was the only To Be Continued episode of the season. Happenstance was decent, but IMO it was one of the only episodes of the season that featured a plot that seemed like it could have also taken place in the first couple seasons of CSI (if that was confusing let me know).

I agree. I think a lot of the higher-rated episodes were gimmicky in the way they were advertised or in their premise. As for Happenstance, I heard it was vigorously promoted.

Pretty much going without Grey's is a big help, but as you can see the episodes that get advertised more do better. I was really suprised to see how low Law of Gravity was, seeing that it was Grissom's return and took place the week after the Super Bowl, which got plugged a lot.

It was up against a Grey's cliffhanger of some sort, I believe.

That's the advantage GA has. I mean, unlike a film where the first weekend might do well, but then it tanks, when people realize an episode of Grey's sucked, they already watched it. Only that first viewing is what "counts". While I know CSI is a procedural and GA a soap, I still think it's impressive that CSI gets 15 million or so viewers for its re-runs in its timeslot when you can see it SO many times a day on Spike or other channels. That, to me, says that CSI has a great inherant quality than GA that people want to re-explore after that first viewing.

That leads to big syndication money and obviously all the games and exhibits and spinoffs that CSI has created. So that may be why we don't see them really freaking out over the numbers and suddenly pasting the team's face on every bus stop and billboard - they're comfortable with being the number one scripted show overall, even if they may lose in new episodes.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

American Idol this season is dull. The only interesting person on the show is Sanjaya...everyone else is boring, the songs are all the same, everyone keeps rehashing songs we hear every year on AI.

I think cath eppys usually get higher ratings, that is probably why BTK 2 had higher ratings...also the 'best' episodes are subjective, everyone has different favorites.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

also the 'best' episodes are subjective, everyone has different favorites.

Exactly - that's why I asked how you would rate them subjectively, away from the three ratings columns.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Okay - American Idol is down again.

Last week's Wednesday fast nationals:


This week's


While I don't think CSI can beat that, hopefully if the numbers keep dropping, they might be able to win next week's #2, or even #1 spot, since Grey's is airing their highlights show.

To highlight American Idol's downwards Wednesday trend of the past few weeks, I made a chart cuz I'm super board and all of my final essays are done. lol.

On the days when they had two hour episodes, I just add the two hours' ratings together and make an average.

AI's Wednesday Ratings
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Dare I hope that AI's falling ratings are due to the fact that people are finally clueing in to the realization that this show is not the be-all and end-all to entertainment and is, in fact, completely repetitive? Or the realization that all the people getting on in the sixth season are either people who weren't good enough to get on in previous seasons, or barely legal? God, I hope so....
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

sarahvma said:
Okay - American Idol is down again.

Last week's Wednesday fast nationals:


This week's


While I don't think CSI can beat that, hopefully if the numbers keep dropping, they might be able to win next week's #2, or even #1 spot, since Grey's is airing their highlights show.

To highlight American Idol's downwards Wednesday trend of the past few weeks, I made a chart cuz I'm super board and all of my final essays are done. lol.

On the days when they had two hour episodes, I just add the two hours' ratings together and make an average.

AI's Wednesday Ratings

It must be Sanjaya. :lol:
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Dare I hope that AI's falling ratings are due to the fact that people are finally clueing in to the realization that this show is not the be-all and end-all to entertainment and is, in fact, completely repetitive? Or the realization that all the people getting on in the sixth season are either people who weren't good enough to get on in previous seasons, or barely legal? God, I hope so....

I'm going to agree with Shane on this one. But not straight-forward "Sanjaya", more what his continued place in the competition suggests. Whether it be crying pre-teen girls, or Mrs. Robinson-esque soccer moms or (more than likely) www.votefortheworst.com, what this says is that it's not really a talent competition. It's a popularity contest. One of the values of American Idol in the past was this feel that it was about giving his underdog with a great voice a chance to be a star.

Instead, they're sending the underdogs with great voices home.

That, or people could just finally be bored of it. BUT I do want to say this. Has AI lost almost a third of its audience in just twelve weeks? Yes. But it's still the number one show on TV. Until CSI or Grey's tops it, I don't think Fox or anyone else cares much what the ratings are, so long as they're still in top position.
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