Ratings: CSI vs ...

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Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

xfcanadian said:

I watch it for the pure entertainment. Its cheesy, ridiculous, fake, soap operaish, and explosive...entertainment!! I think the younger audience might go for this one...its the pimped out csi.

Read my mind excetly. Even though I am younger audience, Miami just annoys me.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

mrb105 said:
xfcanadian said:

I watch it for the pure entertainment. Its cheesy, ridiculous, fake, soap operaish, and explosive...entertainment!! I think the younger audience might go for this one...its the pimped out csi.

Read my mind excetly. Even though I am younger audience, Miami just annoys me.

lol, thats the reason I love it...I embrace the cheesiness...love it.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I watch it for the pure entertainment. Its cheesy, ridiculous, fake, soap operaish, and explosive...entertainment!! I think the younger audience might go for this one...its the pimped out csi. Also, DC acting has been exagerated these past couple of seasons, they play up the cheesiness...its funny! I don't know why people keep complaining about the quality...I am lovin' miami the past two seasons. It is also the reason I watch Vegas. Never gave CSI a chance. My dad watched some Miami eppys, and I decided to watch vegas from that. So they gained one viewer from that spinoff...
As Ashley Banks once said to Will Smith: "Maybe I LIKE cheese!!!!" Seriously, some people do. My aunt (a retired clergyperson in her 60s) hates Vegas & New York - loves Miami. Loves DC. Thinks he's far warmer and more personable than either WP or GS. Enjoys the easy cases. Loves the colour and warmth. What can I say to her? Either I smile and nod or offend her television-viewing sensibilities. So even if it pains me, I sit with her and watch it if it's on while I'm visiting.

xfcanadian, I've heard that comment manys a time on various boards - you're not alone in coming to Vegas because of the spinoffs. Unless they're into mysteries & procedurals as a rule, people might not have a reason to turn into Vegas - but it turns out that they think that Danny guy is cute (my mom), or they once lived in Miami and want to see all the places they know (a classmate), and so they watch... and then they realize that it's pretty cool for its own sake, and wonder if the original is anything like it. And sometimes, they get hooked.

So in that sense, I don't think the sequels were a bad thing. And considering where they went with Miami... yeah, definitely not a bad thing. *grin* Keep that flavor of cheese way over there, I say!
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Just want to add in that watching the NCAA games again this weekend and not once was a "Empty Eyes" promo shown, but 5 or 6 ads for the Mini Killer. I really question CBS' advertising techniques
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Speaking of cheese, here's the graph of what Grey's looks like with the last episode's fast nationals included (all others are final numbers):

Grapic Here!

*Edited: Graphic exceeded the Max pic Posting limit*
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Wow looks like they have taken quite the hit the past 2 weeks. And the side that says ratings, that is really the millions that have watched right??
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Yeah - if you check right next to the dots you can see the exact number of millions, but the lefthand side gives you a more general idea of how many they've dropped.

And before anyone starts to say "post-sweeps", etc., episodes 10 and 11 had no CSI against them either, and they were consistently 2-3 million viewers higher than these last two.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

sarahvma while the graphics are nicely done, the size of the picture exceeds the max size of 400 x 400 so I have had to put them into a URL clickable link. It would be much appreciated if you could do it that way if the graphics can not be made to the fit the max size. Thank you. :)
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

sarahvma while the graphics are nicely done, the size of the picture exceeds the max size of 400 x 400 so I have had to put them into a URL clickable link. It would be much appreciated if you could do it that way if the graphics can not be made to the fit the max size. Thank you.

Absolutely - I'm sorry for the violation. I normally link to it, but I figured it might be easier to put it as a graphic. I was unaware of the size problem, but will respect it from now on - thanks for the heads-up, Destiny.

Quickly, for anyone interested, the last time that Grey's showed episodes without CSI airing, their average for them (episodes 10 and 11) was: 23.52.

This time, the last two episodes they showed without CSI got an average (again, the second one is still a fast national figure) of: 22.28. That is a drop of 5.3%

Currently, even though the premiere *was* opposite CSI, from the first episode to the most recent, they are down 13.8% or 3.51 million viewers.

From CSI's first episode this season to its most recent (Fallen Idols) which *was* against Grey's Anatomy, they are up (and remember - this last episode WAS with GA in its timeslot) 0.6%, or 127,000 viewers. Long story short? Even with another huge show against them, CSI has retained its viewers from the premiere, and grown on them. Grey's has lost theirs.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

No problem and we appreciate it, thank you. ;)
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Grey's came third overall for last week, behind the two American Idols. It got 22.304 million viewers, down slightly from its previous week, and is now tied with CSI for ratings (CSI has more viewers) as the number one scripted program on TV for this season.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Just want to add that Grey's has aired two more new episodes then CSI has this season to date. GA-19 CSI-17
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

Yeah - precisely. So Grey's has had two more shots, with first-run episodes, to boost its numbers, and has only managed to tie CSI in ratings, but has lost to them in viewers.

Please note that they do include repeats in their final counts (which is why you see 26 after GA and 24 after CSI). They only count the repeats that air in the timeslot assigned to the show.

CSI usually gets about 16 million for its repeats, Grey's about 5-10.

Because advertisers still air ads during these hours, these numbers matter to them almost as much as the first-run numbers do, depending on how many people they bring in.

Zap2it's Season Ratings

The current chart for the top 5 looks like this (obviously this is only Monday and Tuesday):

1) American Idol - 26.84 million
2) House - 22.18 million
3) Dancing With the Stars Monday - 20.16
4) Dancing With the Stars Tuesday - 17.58 million
5) Law & Order: SVU - 12.82 million

So obviously this is what CSI currently has to beat to be in the top 5 as of Tuesday.

As a sidenote, American Idol is down more than 10% from last week's Tuesday ratings. Could it be the Curse of Sanjaya? lol.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

I see CSI being right around House's numbers, hopefully a little higher. Not sure though, sometimes these layoffs hurt the ratings so lets hope for the best.
Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy

My only real concern would be them not advertising CSI hard enough so that people know that it's a new episode. I mean, the other part of the problem is, obviously, that they haven't even had their own timeslot for the past 2 weeks for repeats.

But *shrug*. It'll be what it'll be.
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