Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy
Even American Idol couldn't come first this week. With everyone else over 35 million viewers, Grey's came in 5th place and CSI in 6th.
Their final numbers:
CSI: 21.41
Grey's: 21.942
Grey's is up 0.2% from its fast nationals and CSI is up 0.6% compared to theirs.
So adjusted numbers look as such:
CSI Season 7 vs. Itself
Season 7 Premiere: 22.58
Episode 2: 23.77 - 5% gain from week before
Episode 3: 21.51 - 9.5% drop
Episode 4: 21.58 - 0.3% gain
Episode 5: 20.49 - 5% drop
Episode 6: 20.53 - 0.2% gain
Episode 7: 20.83 - 1.5% gain
Episode 8: 24.11 - 13.6% gain
Episode 9: 17.171 - 28.8% drop
Episode 10: 23.253 - 26.2% gain
Episode 11: 26.116 - 11% gain
Episode 12: 21.41 - 18% drop
Average: 21.946
Average week-to-week change: -0.29%
Compared to the premiere their numbers are down: 5.2%
Grey's Season 3 vs. Itself
Premiere: 25.4 million viewers
Episode 2: 23.5 million viewers - 7.5% drop from week before
Episode 3: 22.8 million viewers - 3% drop
Episode 4: 21.93 million viewers - 4% drop
Episode 5: 20.96 million viewers - 4.5% drop
Episode 6: 21.03 million viewers - 0.3% gain
Episode 7: 20.65 million viewers - 1.8% drop
Episode 8: 20.92 million viewers - 1.3% gain
Episode 9: 18.509 million viewers - 11.5% drop
Episode 10: 24.01 million viewers - 22.9% gain
Episode 11: 23.032 million viewers - 4.1% drop
Episode 12: 21.942 million viewers - 4.7% drop
Average week-to-week change: -1.38% (drop)
Their total drop in audience since the premiere is: 13.6% loss.
Grey's episode rating average for this season is: 22.06 million
Difference in ratings averages between the two: 0.111 million
CSI Season 7 vs. CSI Season 6:
Premiere of Season 6 - 29.02 million
Episod 2 - 28.00 million
Episode 3 - 28.85 million
Episode 4 - 28.34 million
Episode 5 - 28.48 million
Episode 6 - 28.73 million
Episode 7 - 29.55 million
Episode 8 - 28.98 million
Episode 9 - 25.72 million
Episode 10 - 30.945 million
Episode 11 - 27.233 million
Episode 12 - 27.128 million
Average: 28.41
Premiere of Season 7 - 22.58 million - 22.2% drop
Episode 2 - 23.77 million – 15.1% drop
Episode 3 - 21.51 million – 25.4% drop
Episode 4 - 21.58 million – 23.9% drop
Episode 5 - 20.49 million – 28.1% drop
Episode 6 - 20.53 million – 28.5% drop
Episode 7 - 20.83 million – 29.5% drop
Episode 8 - 24.11 million - 16.8% drop
Episode 9 - 17.171 million - 33.2% drop
Episode 10 - 23.253 million - 24.85% drop
Episode 11 - 26.116 million - 4.1% drop
Episode 12 - 21.41 million - 21.1% drop
Average drop: 22.73%
CSI Season 7 vs. Grey's Season 3
Premiere: Grey's beats CSI by 11.1%
Episode 2: CSI beats Grey's by 1.1%
Episode 3: Grey's beats CSI by 5.7%
Episode 4: Grey's beats CSI by 1.6%
Episode 5: Grey's beats CSI by 2.2%
Episode 6: Grey's beats CSI by 2.4%
Episode 7: CSI beats Grey's by 1%
Episode 8: CSI beats Grey's by 13.2%
Episode 9: Grey's beats CSI by 7.2%
Episode 10: Grey's beats CSI by 3.15%
Episode 11: CSI beats Grey's by 11.8%
Episode 12: Grey's beats CSI by 2.4%
Grey's this season has beat CSI eight times (not including the repeats) and beat them by an average of 4.47% when it beat them.
CSI beat Grey's four times with an average of 6.775% when it beat them
Grey's is the overall victor with an average win of 0.72%
i would think greys will probably take a hit, but what that means for csi i dont know. theyve been doing more advertising but last week didnt have bigger numbers. i think this week the numbers will probably go up but there will always be the chance they go down
If the ratings for both shows individually after the break proved anything, it was that CSI is really just missing its 18-49s. The second Grey's comes back on the scene, they're basically even, and also The Office is supposedly quite popular with the teen set, according to the ratings on the USA today board. The 18-49s are likely the group who side with "what's popular". So their disgust at Isaiah turning to curiosity or dismissal is what judges Grey's, but the question is how likely they'll turn to CSI if it's the latter that's important for CBS.