"Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

i enjoyed the episode, i love how they show the point of views from different CSIs...i love sara though, lol, saying how the flowers are fake, so how real can the love be?
Not at all what I expected, but I absolutely, hands-down loved it. Look at CSI have fun! My favorite segments were Greg's film noir detective and seeing through Grissom's eyes.

nickstokesfan said: The case itself was almost secondary to the CSI interactions

I would say this was definitely more of a friends-than-colleagues episode. Plus, I think I've learned more about each CSI in this one episode than I have throughout the whole series.

And I see there's a couple film students here (GreyWillFade and xgurl), so I can do some shop talk. How about them nailing visual style for each CSI?! The soft focus for Nick the romantic, deep focus and centered characters for the straight-forward Brass, and of course the aforementioned noir for Greggo. I have new respect.

Finally, a quick question: What does "Rashomama" mean?
The episode is actually named for a very famous Japanese film named Rashomon(if I am not mistaken) ,which uses a similar type of technique and reveals a crime from the different perpesctives of four different individuals.
emdash said:
Finally, a quick question: What does "Rashomama" mean?
Was it just me or did anyone else think it was some play on 'Rosh Hashana'? Sounds similar even though I have no clue what they have in common...Anywho... :rolleyes:

However, I did alittle Google search and came up with an episode of 'Mama's Family' called 'Rashomama'- all the characters one by one (just like the CSI episode) recount their stories of how Mama's accident happened.

ETA: Just read ariela57's post about the film-
Thanks for sharing that info. That's a Kurosawa film isn't it?
i am waiting on the edge of my toes to see this. it is at these times that i wish that i lived in the states :)
what does rashomama have to do with rosh hashana? :lol:
whenever someone says 'road rash' i think of the scene with hodges and bobby in 'a bullet runs through it part 2'
i have heard that they said something to nick about disciplinary actions. does that mean that he could be fired??? do they think that it is his fault that his car got stolen? why was griss so mean to hodges?
First of all I think Roshamon is a Kurosawa film. Think we saw part of it in a film class I took...Yup, Pabzi, I do think our Nicky is in a bit of trouble..and in the end the sherriff I think mentions that action will be taken, so that does not bode well down the road.Nick was responsible for the evidence and it got stolen right from under him , so who knows...But you know the requires continuity which means the writers will forget by next episode! And Griss was just annoyed with Hodges becasue he was ranting on about them both not being the marrying type, but he wasn't mean to him or anything. :D :lol:
I also thought that this was a great episode. Right when they discovered that Nick's car was stolen I knew it was going to be a different and funny episode. Hope the next 3 are written as well.
ThisIsMe said:
Can you imagine Nick crusing down The Strip in that?! :lol: I think they should show him coming to work one day with it still like that just for continuity sake...and for alittle fun :p

And dressed in that suit he received as a gift in "Poppin' Tags"? :lol:
pabzi said:
what does rashomama have to do with rosh hashana? :lol:
:lol: Nothing, but they kinda sound alike, so....yeah, I'm a dork. :rolleyes: :lol: :D
ThisIsMe said:
Can you imagine Nick crusing down The Strip in that?! :lol: I think they should show him coming to work one day with it still like that just for continuity sake...and for alittle fun :p

And dressed in that suit he received as a gift in "Poppin' Tags"? :lol:
Oh, yeah, that'd be nice...now all he needs is a gold tooth and a faux fur hat and he'd be set! :lol:
I LOVED this episode! One of my favorites!! I loved seeing the different points of views. I think the characterization was great. And I liked that fact there was more Grissom as we haven't seen much of him this season, just my opinion.

I also loved Nick's new haircut. I loved the one-liners, "Dude, where's you're car?" and Greg's point of view of the crime scene made me laugh.

Nick shirtless! That was awesome! I'm surprised I was able to comprehend the rest of the episode. :lol:

I think the case ended really good, it was one of their best episode's this season. I hope to see more great episodes, they pulled off some great humor in this episode along with a good case.

Overall I'd say an A+
Lemme just say that I knew the ep was gonna be good when Nick came on screen without his helmet hair!

This is most def the best ep of the season. I loved the different POV from each character. And the end where grissom says "It doesn't matter who goes first. I'm sure our stories are all the same" :lol: That was fantastic!

For once I'm completely delighted with an episode from this season, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen. :p
What a refreshing episode this was! Funny, intelligent, and full of all the little elements that make an audience go nuts....regardless of who or why they are watching the show. There was just so much "spark." It actually felt like an episode from much earlier in the series. The last few have almost left me feeling that all the characters were really becoming jaded. Personally, I love all the commentary on the loss of "hairy" issues, helmet hair, or whatever it was called...the best one was the husband that commented about the sound of jaws dropping and hitting the floor all across America when the shirt was cut off..I don't know if anyone could hear my jaw drop, I was way too busy screaming at the top of my lungs into my pillow...hmmmm.

I can't decide who should be up for sainthood after that episode: The girl that actually performed the task of cutting that shirt off that body deserves some serious medical examination to make sure she is still alive, or she is other worldly! I couldn't have walked across the set, let alone make sure scissors held a straight line. The barber that uncovered our Brown Eyed Handsome Man, or...the genius that invented REWIND and SLOW MOTION...over and over again...hmm...I need that cold shower again...

Loved the episode! Next to "Gum Drops" it is the best of the year!

Yep..I will admit it...I do have a serious bias problem. Nick is definitely my guy.

For the sake of things...I loved the "Bogart" portrayal of Greg's demeanor in this episode...
I enjoyed this episode!

*Nick handled getting his truck stolen pretty good. I guess what he had gone through in the past doesn't compare to something like this

*Had to laugh when Nick asked Brass for a lift. Without words, Brass is way too funny. Gotta love him.

*had to chuckle at Greg and his cell phone ringer. The look on Grissom's face was too funny. Griss should know Greg by now.....

*Had to laugh when Sara, Nick and Greg were recounting their encounters with the wedding. Sara was cracking me up with her facial expressions. She didn't need any lines, her expressions said it all! Nick surprised me with his views. Not to mention when he plucked that rose and was smelling it...okay...so I drooled! Things happen, you just gotta go with it!

*Okay I was really crowing over Greg! I loved how he told his recount and loved the film noir style. I was laughing at the breast lift thingy he had in his hand. I'm sure Greg knows what it is for but you know how Greg likes to tell a story! I was loving it!

*Okay...gotta love a shirtless Nick! So it got a little warm....but hey! I will admit that George looked damn good. Not to mention the peek of his briefs/boxers that were just above his jeans. Hey what more could one ask for? Okay...lets not open that crime scene! :devil: Also...I was one of the many who would have loved to cut Nick's shirt off and pull a napkin out of his jean pocket. The trouble I can get into......

*Grissom was laid back as usual. Doesn't anything ever faze him? Was it me or did I detect a little bit of not interacting with Nick there? I think he was amused with Hodges and their chat. I was cracking up!

*I did miss Warrick. But I loved him and Nick being in the locker room. Sigh...the old days..... Wish he had more of them!

*Cath had me laughing with 'justifiable homicide'. I did miss seeing her also. She has such confidence and it shows.

*Brass. I would have liked to see a bit more of Brass. His dry humor would have been an added delight. After the 24/7 comment in the last episode, I was looking for some good ones in this episode.

*Dude..where's your truck?* Couldn't have picked a better person for this line than Greg. That is Greg! I thought he did it just right and not sounding cliched or dumb..IMO.

*Did Nick say 'fricken?' in reference to his missing truck?
I'm pretty sure he did. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I started laughing...what a potty mouth! ;) :p

And the most interesting fact...Nick got a hair cut and no jokes were made about it! Gee...a part of me is going to miss that longer hair.....

Ah..it was nice to have fresh CSI after a long wait. I wasn't disappointed!
Oh man, I totally forgot about Greg's phone going off... "I feel like makin' looooove..."

That was hysterical! :lol:

I think that was the other bonus in this ep- a lot of attention to detail, and all the added amusing bits. It was such a well put-together episode. :D