Yes. Yes, we did.
Consider it the fluffy buttercream icing on this sweet, gorgeous, celebratory episode...
- SuperDave saying the same line to Sara, Nick, Grissom and Greg at the beginning...but always in the narrating character's voice, you notice...
- So Grissom is a romantic, in his own buggy, endearing way...Sara is a cynic (no surprise there), Nick is all hearts and flowers, and Greg...is Greg... :lol:
- Speaking of which, Greg's adventures "behind the pink curtain" were a laugh riot. Loved the floating pink powder touch...but not recognizing the "little helper"? Boy talks a good game, but... :lol: (Gotta love him!)
- Brass: "...could have been worse..." ::screeching tires, honking horn::
- Left me wanting more of Warrick and Archie, but both shone in their respective scenes. Aw, ya gotta love Worried!Warrick...and Archie watched the infamous toast five times? Talk about "reality TV"...beats another 40 hours of surveillance tapes...
- Nicky gets his ride pimped. A
little funny, Cath? Laugh freaking riot, sez I. My husband almost fell off the bed laughing.
Brilliant stuff all around. I'd like to see a laugher like this a couple times a season, just to decompress from the usual downerness (if it wasn't a word before, I just made it one) and gore. Brilliant downerness and gore, mind you...but throw us a dead nasty mother-in-law, a drunken toast, and a shirt-cutting-off scene once in a while and we're happy, happy campers.