"Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

This episode was utterly fantastic! Definitely one of my favorites of all time! I was enjoying it a lot right from the start, and then when the showed Greg's POV with the whole film noire thing, I just went nuts with laughter and joy! :D I liked it because it was interesting and different and really well thought out and put together. Loved when they put the CSI's voices to David's lips moving! Fantastic episode! :D
ariela57 said:
Joking aside, do you guys think this case might have reprecussions down the road when it comes to the disciplinary action that wss mentioned in the end..... :confused:
Yeah, I doubt it. I don't think that continuity and the writers have met. :rolleyes:
I liked the humor in this episode. (finally!)
Great one-liners:
Greg- “dude, where’s your car” and “he was kidding about the bridal diapers, right”
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Cath- “I thought my wedding was bad” (I’d like to see clips of her wedding re-played) It reminded me of the "Brady Bunch" episode where they were recalling Mike & Carol's wedding.
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Gil to Hodges– “would you close the door, please”…..”from the other side” (LMAO) and “I’ll talk, you just look apologetic” (Gil actually trying to be politic?!?!
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Sara – “I need your hands” Nick “I thought you’d never ask”
- - - -
Nick – “That’s not funny” Cath – “oh, it’s a little funny”

The “dragnet” recall sequences – all starting with Dave’s comment – reminded me of the “4X4” episode, where they re-wound it to start at an intersecting point.

I loved the reaction from all of them as they each walked under the arch of flowers:
Sara – anti wedding, Nick – dreamy in love, Gil- poetic, Greg – well…Greg.

Was it just me, or did anyone else think the bride’s brother was very similar to Hodges?
That episode was great! I was laughing all the way through Greg's flashback scene! :D
I liked Sara thoughout the episode, I thought her attitude towards the wedding was funny, especially towards the flowers and the girls. Her opinion about marrige was interesting but also not judgemental or anything, it seemed like something she's felt or thought about...

I thought it was also cool that even though the CSI's were lost with the evidence, for me I felt as informed as the CSI's did, so even though it was confusing at times, it was meant to be because they were slowly piecing together the puzzle. :)
Hi you guys, i know that this is completely off subject. but i have no were else to turn. do any of you guys know what the song is from the begginnning of the "bodies in motion" episode. Please help me!!!
Gosh, nothing like a shirtless Nick to get me through the day. I kept laughing after 1 hour that it was over, and I still can't stop laughing.
Great episode, especially the parts with Greg and Nick. :D
I loved tonights episode. I liked the different views on what Sara/Nick/Greg/Grissom saw in the wedding. Gregs had to be the funniest. I was laughing through the whole thing. And you could hear Sara talking during views.
:sigh: this is why the original is the best.
They can have a funny episode with a great case. I loved David in this episode. And when Greg called Sara "Negative nelly!" :lol:
haha, My favourite line was to Greg at the beginning of his flashback..

"alright raymond chandler, we get it''

sorry but i'm a film student...and therefore a geek :lol:
I thought this episode was excellent. The flashback sequences were very clever especially Greg's. The scene where Hodges comes into Grissom's office to give him those trace results and then procedes to tell him why he and Hodges are not the marrying kind was great.
This is the best episode ever. Perfect 10 yayayay!!!!

They got me with the first seconds!!1

The best, the best, the best

My compliment to CSI-LV the original the best :)
I enjoyed this episode a lot. Greg's POV was hilarious. The cinematography was awesome and I liked the rack focus when the three of them were writting their accounts :)
Greg... Greg.. Greg... His comedy sense of humor came back and I love it!

Whoever did not watch the show missed out a lot
Okay, I just started watching the episode about half way in (taping it, so I'll catch up later), but I have to say- when Greg picked up the "chicken cutlet" and was like "Well, I don't know what that was, but I liked the way it felt" -OMG, so hillarious!! :lol: :lol:

Like the b&w with hints of color too. Very cool.
I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!! it totally ROCKED!!!! i loved seeing Nick/Sara/Greg/Grissom 's points of view. And i loved how they made it amusing! I was laughing from the very beginning!!! And teh one-liners...excellent. I also loved how Hodges mentioned about him and Gris being the not getting married type! How awesome....and that teddy scene..woah!! I loved Nicks new vehicle...hehehe...man im so pumped!!!
I Give this ep a perfect 10!!!! this is why the original CSI KICKS ASS!!