Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Greg: I think Sara's under there.
Gil: Under where?
Greg: I just made you say underwear!
(runs away)

that was in bad taste. sorry.
wow, these are wonderful guys!

alright, so around my school, we respond to everything with "that's what she said" or "that's what she said last night," and i don't know if this is any good, but here goes...

Greg, Grissom, and Sara are in the lab going over a case.

Greg:Greg is looking at photos of the victim, who was apparently stabbed with a very large knife. "My God, that's enormous!"
Grissom:"That's what she said last night!"
Sara:Sara gets a "look" on her face. "Grissom!That is NOT what I said!" Her face gets very red. "Uhh...er...that is...I have to go."
Greg turns to Grissom, also wearing the "look."
Grissom:"That's TOTALLY what she said, man."

like I said, I dunno... *shrug*

by the way, it's great to be finally back after like a year! :D
Haha this thread is great. I love the "that's what she said" and "your mom" stuff, we do that at my school too. I'll try one but it'll probably suck and it's kind of like a lot of other ones.

Cath: Gil your fly's undone
Grissom: Darn, I might have forgotten to do it up after Sara and I-
Cath starts laughing and collapses on the floor in a fit of giggles.
Grissom: What? I was about to say "got changed out the clothes that smelled like decomp".
Cath: Oh, is that why your office smells so bad?
Grissom: No, that's from the time I laughed too hard and soiled myself.
Sara walks up to Catherine's office, planning to ask her out.

Sara: You can do it.. you can do it... You can do it...
Catherine: Do what?
Sara: *turns to the shade of a tomato* Tie my shoe laces!
Grissom: Are you ready team?
Sara, Cath, Nick, Warrick, Greg, Doc, Hodges: *silence* :confused:
Grissom: I said, "Are you ready?"
Sara: I guess so.
Greg: Sure, boss.
Nick: Okay.
Grissom (sings): Who lives in a condo in Las Vegas N V?
Everyone: Ecklie Pinkthong.
Grissom: Ruins the cases and mean as can be?
Everyone: Ecklie Pinkthong.
(Continuing from above)

Grissom: If you have a boss that you wish were dead

Everyone: Ecklie Pinkthong.

Grissom: Then pick up a bat and bash in his bald head

Everyone: Ecklie Pinkthong! Ecklie Pinkthong! Ecklie Pinkthong! Ecklie Pinkthong! EEEEECCCCKKLIEEEEE PIIIIIINKTHOOOOOOONNNNGGGG!!!
LOL....I don't know where some of you get the ideas, but they are pretty darn funny! :lol:
Sara (singing while wandering in the desert): ...you think I'd crumble, you think I'd lay down and die, Oh no, not I... I will survive...
Sara Sidle: (Singing while in the desert) I been through the desert on a horse with no name; it felt good to get outta the rain....
OK I'm new here.More of a lurker but,now I'm amember soo her I go.

(The CSI'S are watching T.V. in the breakroom)
Reporter on T.V.:Superstar Eric Szmanda was kidnapped by fangirls again tody.And now to weather.
(Nick turns T.V. off)
(Grissom walks in)
Sara:Grissom,do you know who Eric Szmanda is?
Grissom:No why?
Warrick:He was kiddnapped by fangirls.
(Catherine walks in)
Catherine:Has anyone seen Greg??
to add to the song choices......I was thinking something like

500 miles by the Proclaimers

SARA: "And I would walk 500 hundred miles, and I would walk 500 more................................."
Grissom: "Let's make looove/All night looong/Until all our strength is gooone/Hold on tiiight/Just let gooo/I wanna feel you in my soooul/Until the sun comes up/Let's make love"
Sara: *laughs uncontrollably* and/or is supremely touched and jumps his bones, your choice