wow, these are wonderful guys!
alright, so around my school, we respond to everything with "that's what she said" or "that's what she said last night," and i don't know if this is any good, but here goes...
Greg, Grissom, and Sara are in the lab going over a case.
Greg:Greg is looking at photos of the victim, who was apparently stabbed with a very large knife. "My God, that's enormous!"
Grissom:"That's what she said last night!"
Sara:Sara gets a "look" on her face. "Grissom!That is NOT what I said!"
Her face gets very red. " is...I have to go."
Greg turns to Grissom, also wearing the "look."
Grissom:"That's TOTALLY what she said, man."
like I said, I dunno... *shrug*
by the way, it's great to be finally back after like a year!