Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Sara: So I guess you know about me and Griss now, don't you.
Cath: Yep.
Sara: Do you have any suggestions on how to handle it. I mean, what if Eklie finds out?
Cath: I suggest you and your Kmart Jaclyn Smith Collection outfit... stay the heck away from Gil Grissom!
Yeah drummergirl that was pretty funny, and I'm with Cath there to :D

I'll try again, but all I know is Spongbob :p

Nick: *is laying in bed, then a giant fog horn goes off, Nick jumps out in his under wear* I'm ready!!! *runs and jumps into his clothes, then runs out of his house* I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready...
*he continues to chant this all the way to the lab*

Nick: *singing JT's 'SexyBack' in the break room* ...You see these shackles baby I'm your slave!
Grissom: *walks in* WTF?
Sara: *jumps on table with nick and starts dancing with him, singing PCD's 'Buttons' and grinding with nick*
Grissom: WTF?
Catherine: *jumps on table starts to sing 'Promiscuous' and dances*
Grissom: WTF?
Greg: *bursts in* and is singing 'panic at the disco' and rocks out.
Grissom: *leaves*

(I was listening to a lot of radio today ;) )

And I love Nick Stokes!!!
Greg: Sara, do you need a ride home? I heard your car broke down.
Sara: I don't need a ride Greg. I need $2,000 an engine or a miracle.
Greg: Maybe I'm your miracle. *winks*
Greg:Guess what you guys?! I just won 10,000 neopoints on Neopets! *freaks out*
Grissom:Greg.... Maybe you should go home and get some rest..

Ecklie:Would anyone like to join me to go to the Pants Party?

Grissom to Lady Heather singing:Whip it! Whip it good!
Greg magically pops in on them: Get in shape! Shape it up! Get straight! Go forward, move ahead! Try to detect, it's no to late, to WHIP IT! Whip it goooood!
Grissom:Greg how did you get in here?!
Greg:I have Devo senses! Whenever i hear someone i know singing them i pop in!
Grissom:Well, Greg.... GET OUT!
Greg:But i have FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

yeah i'm in a Devoish mood!
Nick sits with his shrink.

Nick: Doc, I think these meds you have me on aren't working.

Shrink: Oh! And why do you say that Nick.

Nick: Well, I'm in the morgue and I hear voices..

Shrink: Could it be the people working in the morgue..

Nick: Naw man! It's coming from the walls....

Shrink: I see!

Nick: Doc..am I crazy..

Shrink: No..but I'm going to prescribe you another pill..

Nick: I'm on three different kinds..

Shrink: Well a fourth should be easy for you..
lilbug said:

yeah i'm in a Devoish mood!

Oh no! DEVO?!?


(Hodges is puttering around his lab. He looks left and right to see if anyone’s around. It seemed deserted. Hodges pokes his head out the door and looks up and down the hall. Dead. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. He leans back in and closes the door. He heads over to a CD player and presses “play”. Then starts singing and dancing, confident that no one else is around…)

Hodges: Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nun-Well I been workin’ in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin’ in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip down… workin in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip dooown. Five o’clock in the mornin’…I’m up before the sun. When my work day is over, I’m too tired for havin’ fuuuun- Well I been workin’ in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin’ in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip down… workin in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip down. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. LORD! I am Sooo tired. How looong can this go ooon? Well I been workin’ in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin’ in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip down… workin in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip dooown. Five o’clock in the mornin’…I’m up before the sun. When my work day is over, I’m too tired for havin’ fuuuun- Well I been workin’ in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin’ in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip down… workin in a coal mine, goin down down. Workin in a coal mine-WHEW! about to slip down. Dunt. Da-nunt. Dunt dunt da nunah-nunah. LORD! I am Sooo tired. How looong can this go ooon? I been workin’…goin’…workin’… WHEW! about to slip down. I been a-workin’…a-goin’…a-workin’… WHEW! about to slip down. I been workin’…goin’…workin’… WHEW! about to slip-

(Freezes dead in his tracks like a deer caught in the headlights. With a groan he spots Sara with a video camera. She waves and smiles) Oh, crap.

(Stalks to the door and swings it open) And just how long have you been standing here?

Sara: (smirking) Long enough.

Hodges: (sighing) All right, how much? Money’s no object.

Sara: I’m sorry, Dave. I can’t do that…


Just had to give it a Kubrickian twist. :lol:
Grissom: hey how about we go camping and have some Delicious hot shmoes
Nick: Grissom, there called smores
Grissom: I know that's what I said Nick... shut up
Nick: *rolls eyes and leaves*


Nick: do ever feel like your being watched?
Sara: no why?
Nick: oh no reason
*grissom sits in his office watching them on closed circuit tv* oh crap they almost found out!!


oh and myfuturcsi that was funny :D, poor Nick :(
Grissom (in a bubble bath): Rubber ducky, you're the one. (squeaks his ducky.) You make bath time lots of fun!
Shrink: So Nicky how's the meds going..

Nick is sitting on his chair twitching and foaming at the mouth..

Grissom is sitting with him.

Grissom: Uh..I don't think they are working very well..

Nick: G...Get.. me off these things..now...

Doc: Oh but the withdrawls are awful..I'll just prescribe another one for him..
Greg is dancing round the lab singing:
'I like to move it, move it
I like to move it move it
Yeah I like to MOVE IT!!!'
( i love madadgascar in case you couldn't tell :lol: and these are all really good everyone )
(The team goes out for drinks after work)
Cath: I don't get why we came here, I'm telling you, the whole stripper thing is overrated...oh, lord, what *is* that?
Warrick: That is so wrong in so many ways....
Brass: There's got to be something that says I can arrest him. And if it's not illegal, it should be
Grissom: Hey, Ecklie, we knew you were moonlighting, but this is...
Greg: Gross!
Gris: Yeah
Sara: I think I'm gonna be sick
Nick: Save room for me...man that is ugly
Ecklie: Get out of here before I fire all of you!
Sara: (Comes into the office in Vegas wearing a belly shirt and apparently some very short shorts, acting all nonchalant, then passes Warrick and then Nick)

Nick: DAYAM! I didn't know she had a pierced navel or a butterfly tramp-stamp!!!

Warrick: Still, I never expected Sara to come into the office wearing pum pum shorts!!!

(Sara then passes Sofia and Catherine)

Sofia & Catherine: (Rapping) Mmm Hmm, that's right, uh-huh, OH NO! Fix yourself girl--you got a CAMELTOE!!!