Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Grissom: (Watching some DVD on a laptop and laughing his ass off!) BWA HA HA HA HA!!!

Nick: (Comes in) What's so funny, Grissom?

Grissom: You ever seen this Spongebob Squarepants show? It's HILARIOUS!

Nick: Uh... yeah... I'm just surprised you'd watch it!

Grissom: Someone left this DVD in my office.... and look at this (Camera cuts to the screen and we see Squidward)

Squidward: Unlike the rest of the idiots in this town, I'm not so easily foold. I listen to PUBLIC RADIO!

Grissom: Doesn't he remind you of someone we know?

Nick: Ecklie!

Nick and Grissom: BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!

(Ecklie comes in upon hearing this)

Ecklie: What are YOU TWO idiots laughing about? What day is this: happy hopping moron day?

Nick and Grissom: BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!

Ecklie: (Snidely) Aw-right! Ver-ry funny!

Grissom: Sure thing.. SQUIDRAD!

(The Young Turks are sititng at the break room. Nick is happily chowing down on some food)

Warrick: Watcha got there, Nick?

Nick: Mmmmph, Murfle-murfle.

Sara: What?

Nick: I found this fruit pudding in the fridge and since no one claimed it, it's mine.

Warrick: Um, okay.

(Grissom walks in)

Grissom: Hey guys? I'm missing some guano I wanna feed my roaches and I think it left it somewhere in this breakroom. Have you seen it?

Sara: Guano? As in bat droppings?

Warrick: You're missing a stool sample?

(Nick continues to chew until it dawns on him just WHAT he is eating, turns green and bolts out of the break room)

Grissom: Not anymore...
BeCarefulWithMe said:
Grissom: Catherine, I think I have my period.

Haha, earlier I said that Grissom would tell Sara he was pregnant...how did this happen? lol. He must be so confused.

Greg- Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?
Nick(Laughing)- No... No.
Greg- Neither did I. I was just asking.

Wayne's World is amazing.
Grissom:Okay Catherine! You and I are getting pedicures today at 2:00 PM! Don't be late! Oh yeah i'm getting my eyebrows done too!
Catherine:Reading Cosmopolitan again? *smirks and laughs*

Nick:Everyone I have a confession.. I like Desperate Housewives better than CSI...
Grissom:That's blasphemy! Wait.... This is a show?
Nick:Yeah! Don't you ever notice all the cameras following us?!
Shelby said:
BeCarefulWithMe said:
Grissom: Catherine, I think I have my period.

Haha, earlier I said that Grissom would tell Sara he was pregnant...how did this happen? lol. He must be so confused.

Greg- Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?
Nick(Laughing)- No... No.
Greg- Neither did I. I was just asking.

Wayne's World is amazing.

Haha, it's funny giving him women qualities because he's like..the last one you'd hear saying that. :)
*Cath and Lindsey are fighting*
Linds: whatever mother
Cath: don't say mother like there should be another word after it...
Catherine: I GOT THE PART!!!!
Sara: Huh?
Catherine: I got the part for a television show called CSI: Portugal!
Sara: Right, Catherine. (walks away)
*group sing* We are the champions, my friendssss....and we'll keep on fighting 'till the end.....we are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, 'cause we are the championnnssss....of the worllldddddd....!
"We will, we will rock you...."
BeCarefulWithMe said:

Haha, it's funny giving him women qualities because he's like..the last one you'd hear saying that. :)

Yeah..the sad thing is that I could probably hear Greg saying something like "I got my period", while picking up a pad or something. Poor Greggo, always getting a bad wrap. lol
Hodges: There's a torch on the wall/And she didn't call, o-hay, o-hay, there's a cat on the bridge/and experiments in the fridge, o-hay, o-hay, there's fire in the door/And another dead wh-
Grissom: Hodges, you have got to stop lighting unidentified trace on fire and inhaling the fumes.
Hodges: There's a head on a stick/and Ecklie's a d-

Greg: <dressed like Jack Sparrow, is dancing on a table>
Sara: What in the name of all that is good and humble are you doing?
Greg: <sway> I'll tell you, mayte. <jumps off table, sway> I'm bein' the Captain. <sway, hums POTC theme>
Grissom: <impression of Patrick Stewart> Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise?
Archie: <pokes head out of A/V lab> WHERE?!??! WHAT SEASON?!
Greg: <sway, jumping from table to table>
Sara: False alarm, Archie.
Greg: Naw, mayte. <sway, vague gesticulation> I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Sevvy? <sway>
Sara: I think someone's been hitting the rum.
Grissom: Attention Mr. Bruckheimer, cross-fandom-contamination in Aisle 5... <bloop>

Nick: <stare>
Catherine: Who is that?
Grissom: <blush> Turn it off.
Warrick: Dude, that's Grissom.
Grissom: TURN IT OFF. <lunge>
Nick: Dude, I am totally getting a still of this. I'm going to post it allll over the lab. :devil:
Grissom: You are NOT posting pictures of my-
Warrick: What's the big deal, anyway? It's just a-
Catherine: But it's so BIG. I mean, look at the size of that one part there, right where it makes that little bulge-
Grissom: You are not going to post images of my bellybutton all over the lab.
Catherine: But it's soooo cuuuuute! <coo>

Ecklie: Sooooo. Welcome to my lair- I mean, welcome back to my office, Gil. <leer>
Grissom: Right. So what kind of evil do you have for me today?
Ecklie: <robotic voice> MY QUEEN, WE WILL PROCEED WITH THE PLAN. <light blinks on> YOU WILL NOW BE ASSIMILATED.
Grissom: <dodge> Hodges, did you give Ecklie some of your "medicine" again...?
Hodges: I don't GIVE him any. He keeps taking it.
Grissom: Riiiight. <dodge> Sofia, could you hand me that taser over there?
Grissom: Yeah, yeah, and I'm Species 8472. <zap>
Catherine: Ring around the rosey, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall DOWN! (falls onto the floor and giggles like a school girl, rolling on the floor.)
Grissom (walking in): It's good to see you too, Catherine.
Catherine (standing): It's my morning routine, you should be used to it by now.
Grissom (listening): I think I hear someone else's morning routine as well.
(They walk to a storage closet)
Greg: And IIIIIIIIIIII will always love youuuuuuuuu, I will always love you! Bittersweet memories, that is all I'm taking with meeeeeeeee! So good-bye, please don't cry. We both know I'm not what you, you neeeeeeeed. AND IIIIIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUUU!
(Greg continues singing)
Grissom: I can't take this anymore. (Bangs on the door) Greg! Stop singing to yourself in the mirror!
Crysthala, you crack me up! :lol: I never thought Grissom knew about species 8472!!! ;) I know he knows a lot about a lot of things, but Voyager? :lol:
:lol: You know, I don't think he's quite as modern-culturally inept as he'd like us to think. That was my little shout out. I love Star Trek. (but only TNG. I only know about 8472 because of the awesomeness of Wikipedia.
Grissom: ...Sure. Whatever, you psycho.