Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Grissom sititng in his office looking at the computer
Catherine walks in
Grissom: hey Catherine, did you know there is a website called TalkCSI?
Catherine: NO Gil, I did not know that (she says very sarcatically)
Grissom: There is a section here called "THE HOTNESS OF GRISSOM"
Catherine: Really? again sarcastically
Grissom: It says I have nice lips, do you think I have nice lips Catherine as he says with a smile
Catherine: WHATEVER GRISSOM and walks out

ok, this sounded alot funnier when I wrote it down :D
ok I don't know if these are any good but here goes:

Sara (doing a striptease for Grissom while singing): One way or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gona getcha getcha getcha getcha...


*Catherine doing a striptease for Grissom*
Grissom: I'm in love with a stripper...
Nick: You know, Warrick, the striped love beetle Eudicella gralli tells us our victim was brought here directly from South Africa.
Warrick: Yeah... and we didn't even need Grissom in this one!!
Grissom was quite busy with Sara at the time.

You wrote some very good ones there... specially the pee one, I'd loove to see Grissom saying that.
All the CSI in a band and Grissom's in charge
Greg:Is mayanoise an instrument?!
Grissom annoyed:No!
*to all spongebob fans!

CSI's at a picnic
Nick:Hey Cath, can you pass the Heine please?
Catherine:Ooooh! Nick you want some of my 'heine'?
Nick:No, i was refering to the ketchup.
Catherine:Oh..... *looks taken aback*
lilbug said:
All the CSI in a band and Grissom's in charge
Greg:Is mayanoise an instrument?!
Grissom annoyed:No!
*to all spongebob fans!

CSI's at a picnic
Nick:Hey Cath, can you pass the Heine please?
Catherine:Ooooh! Nick you want some of my 'heine'?
Nick:No, i was refering to the ketchup.
Catherine:Oh..... *looks taken aback*
ha ha!!! that's a good one!!!
SCENE: The Lab are all the grave site getting Nick, but this time Hodges DOESN'T get through to Catherine and before the eyes: KABOOM..

Warrick: NO Nick!!!! No!!!!!

Starts to sob...as Nick's body parts are strewn everywhere..

Grissom sigh, puts his arm around Warrick and says:

Grissom:It's funny, isn't it? How your best friend can just blow up like that?

-quote from Monty Python's Flying Circus

I know it's crude!!!
(Grissom and Greg are working as cafeteria workers loading those dehydrated meals for the Astronauts on the Space Shuttle.)

Grissom: Breakfast.

Greg: (Slides the pallet in) Breakfast.

Grissom: Lunch

Greg: (sees a button labeled "LAUNCH" and hits it.) Lunch.

(SUDDENLY, the loud sound of the rockets blasting kick in and the shuttle takes off, sending Grissom and Greg to the floor.)


(Shuttle blasts off, sending the two of them into orbit)

This one was for all the FAR OUT SPACE NUTS and Sid & Marty Krofft fans!

To view the sequence I'm quoting:

lol that's a good one. *wonders if anyone's done a hokey pokey one yet*

*the team is standing in a circle*
Greg: Put your whole self in and you shake it all about...
Grissom: You shake it very well, Sara
Sara: Can we try it later without all these clothes?
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself about...That's what it's all about...
*using some quotes from House*
Grissom is in the bathroom and he hears someone grunting in one of the stalls
Grissom:Dear GOD! Will you please shut up?
*grunting continues and finally a kid comes out of the stall*
Grissom:Know what a hemoroid is?
Grissom:Well then GOOGLE it!
lol, that's funny indeed.

*the whole group is singing again while dancing in a circle*
"Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies, ashes ashes, all fall down*
Grissom: Sara, you don't know much I wanna make out with you right here and now
Nick: oh please, if you two get to, I'm doing it with Cath
Warrick: Nu-uh, she's mine
Cath: Come on, don't argue, there's enough for both of you.
Greg: Hey, why don't I get anyone?
Ecklie: Because it would just be gross
Grissom: Well, Greg what are the results?

Greg: Nick is right, and Sara is wrong.

Nick: Awright!

Sara: Here's your 20 bucks. GRRR!!!

Catherine: Right about what?

Nick: That if you played "Saving Me" in one speaker and "How You Remind Me" or any other Nickelback song in the other on your computer, you wouldn't be able to tell that 2 different songs were being played!

Catherine: Well, DUUUHH!!!!