Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Ecklie: Welcome to the LVPD Winter Talent Show!Please Welcome...G.G and the Power Of Three!

Grissom (With Greg, Warrick and Nick in the backround):
Yo, yo, yo

All you sucker MCs
Ain't got nothing on me
From my grades to my lines
You can't touch Gil G
I'm a Forensic Investigator
So CSI is inferred
but forget what you heard
I'm like James bond the Third
Shaken not stirred
I'm G Grissom
The G is silent
When I sneak in your door
And make love to your woman
On the bathroom floor
I don't play it like Shaggy
You'll know it was me
because the next time you see her
She'll be like
Gil Grissom!
Ecklie: Thank you, Gil, that's enough.

Happy holidays, everybody.

!G.G. And the Power of Three.!

Catherine (To Sara in the audience): I will never look at them the same *Shudders*

(Call me dumb, call me stupid, call me childish but I can not get over how 'fetch' Mean Girls is! lol) :p
those are funny :lol:

here's another:

Grissom: Nick I love you
Nick: .......
Grissom: say something!!!
Nick:...I..um have to go *runs away*
Grissom: Why!! why must all I love run away!!??

(i don't know where that came from)

Nick: Greg i'm mad... are you mad to?
Greg: yeah!
Nick: Why are you mad?
Greg: because I can't see my forehead!
Nick: ......

(thank spongebob square pants :D )
Sara: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedy deedy, there they are standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!

Grissom (to Greg): Okay, so what you do is: stick the head into the hole, turn it one way, then the other, and plunge in!
Greg: (Speachless, jaw dropped)
Grissom: Jeeze, Greg, when diving into a pot hole.
Greg: Yeah...I knew that. (Shrugs like it was nothing.)
Ecklie: (Driving a bulldozer and chasing Greg and Girssom) HAPPY OPPOSITE DAY GRISSOM!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Greg: Gee, I wish Ecklie didn't like us so much!!!
Nick dresses up as Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Carribean" while Greg dresses up as one of his buccaneers'(shipmates) complete with a fake parrot on his shoulder. Together they stroll into the Crime Labs annual Halloween party.

Ecklie walks up to Nick as Greg is off flirting with a lab rat.

Ecklie: Awww Captain Nick Stokes where are your buccaneers

Nick stares at him confused then replies:

Nick: Under my bucking hat!!!!
Grissom (singing to himself in the mirror): You are so beautiful to me. You are so beautiful to me. Can't you see? You're everything I hoped for. And you're everything I need!
i<3 the Spongebob quote! "I can't see my forehead!" lol
Hankster said:
Ecklie: (Driving a bulldozer and chasing Greg and Girssom) HAPPY OPPOSITE DAY GRISSOM!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Greg: Gee, I wish Ecklie didn't like us so much!!!

:lol: continuing from this:

Grissom:Wait, Ecklie! If it were opposite day than it wouldn't really be opposite day because it's opposite day!
Ecklie:Awww, Gil! Why do you always have to ruin my fun!
Thanks lilbug I like SpongBob :D

and the "POTC2" is funny :lol:

here's one:

Nick and Warrick walk in dressed in 70's clothes, Warrick has a giant fro and Nick... well his Beatles hair.

Nick: I'm Bacardi
Warrcik: and I'm Cola, and we're here to show the ladies some fun!
Grissom: and I'm ice... get back to work!
Nick: fun wrecker!

Sara: Gill I love you...
Grissom: .....
Nick: *spits out drink* WTF?!
Sara: ha ha!! got you Gil! remember it's opposite day!! wow the look on your face's!!
Nick and Grissom: *leave*
Sara: what oh come on, it was funny!!
lol the Bacardi one was funny.

Grissom: Does anyone know why there's a tape called 'CSIs Gone Wild' in the AV lab? And I also wanna know who hid the camera in the broom closet!
Sara: I told you we should've waited for your place.
Ecklie: Whadda you want, Grissom?

Grissom: Greg and I are doing forensic art, Conrad. Wanna help?

Ecklie: Forensic art? I am the only forensic Arteest in this lab! I have more talent in my pinky finger than you night shifters have in your whole bodies!
Heh...thought of one:

Sara: God...this was the worst idea of my life. Last time I'm ever wearing a lace corset to shift ever again. This thing chafes like hell.

Ecklie: I've been there--er..I mean...QUIT MESSING AROUND SIDLE!!