Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

*Sara and Grissom are making out in a broom closet.*
Sara *stops and looks at Grissom*: Don't you feel like we're being watched...?
*Grissom shrugs*

In the breakroom, the rest of the CSIs are watching them on closed circuit tv.
Greg: Thats why it's called a secret camera....
*rest of the CSIs snicker as they watch Grissom and Sara on screen*

ok, that sounded a bit better in my head...
ok... how about this...

*The CSI guys go into a gentlemans club. They take a seat and the show begins. The Pink Panther song comes on and out come Sara, Catherine and Sofia doing a strip tease.*
Greg: Now we know what they do in their spare time...
*The guys start looking embarrased and try to look away. Suddenly Ecklie comes up behind them and starts doing his own strip tease. The guys look horrified and run out*
*The girls turn around, and seeing Ecklie they run off stage, screaming*
Sofia: So thats what Ecklie does on his days off...
Catherine: Man, that's just gross! I'm gonna have nightmares for ages now....
Sara: There is a lot that I don't wanna know about in Ecklie's life that I did not want to know about. That was one of them....
luvincsi said:
the "girlfriend" post was funny.. :lol:

i'll give this a shot... :)

Grissom: I'm kind of psychic. I have a fifth sense.
Catherine: What do you mean?
Grissom: It's like I have ESPN or something. My breasts can always tell when it's gonna rain.
Catherine: Really? That's amazing.
Grissom: Well, they can tell when it's raining.
Catherine: :confused:

(I just would love to see Grissom as one of the plastics in Mean Girls. :p :lol: ;))


Grissom: Oh, my God! I love your skirt. Where did you get it?
Sara: It was my mom's in the 70's.
Grissom: Vintage. So adorable.
Sara: Thanks. (She walks away)
Grissom to Catherine: That is the ugliest F-ing skirt I've ever seen.
Catherine: :confused:

Grissom as the queenbee?? Can't wait to see that! :lol:

Oh my god, I totally died when I read this. Soooooo funny. That's probably one of the best ones on here (IMO)... but so far there are also a lot of other good ones. Niiice, guys. :lol:
Thank you so much PurejoyLove! I'm really happy that you liked it.. :D ;) Well, because I am so grateful I'll give you a hug but I just met you and- Whatever, here's a hug.. *hugs purejoylove* :D

Sofia: (turns to Nick) "You feel like getting breakfast?"
Nick HHHHMMMMMMM.......(smack his lips) bacon!!!
(grabs sofia and throws her on the table in the break room)
These are all so funny! These quotes honestly brighten up my study classes!

Here's a random one...

*Catherine runs into Grissom's office singing 'Don't Cha' by the Pussy Cat Dolls*
Catherine: Don't cha wish Sara was hot like me! Don't you wish Sara was fun like me! Don't cha? Don't ya baby, don't cha?
^It's fun to make fun of him., :confused: did that make sense?


*Grissom is doing paperwork in his office*
Greg walks in

Greg: Screw you!!
Greg walks out
Grissom: WTF?

I've got a couple random ones:

Doc Robbins: Hea Nick, you wanna hear a song?
Nick: Yeah, sure.
Doc Robbins: All right stop collaborate and listen
Ice is back with my brand new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop yo I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
Dance go rush to the speaker that booms
I'm killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom
Deadly when I play a dope melody
Anything less than the best is a felony
Love it or leave it you better gain weight
You better hit bull's eye the kid don't play
If there was a problem yo I'll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
ice ice baby vanilla ice ice baby vanilla ice ice baby vanilla ice ice baby vanilla
Nick: :confused:


Grissom: Greg...
Greg: Huh?
Grissom: I love you.
Greg: Are you on crack?

-Not the best :)