Feeling like doing something different.
Nick walks into a gentlemen's club. He sits down and lights up a cigarette when the song starts to play.
Greg, Sara, Catherine, Wendy and Mandy walk up to the dance bar, dressed in lingerie and pink feather boas (yes even Greg..because I imagine Greg doing such a thing) and start snapping their fingers and stare intensly at Nick who starts shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
Then they sing:
The minute you walked in the joint (hip swivel)
I knew that you were a men of distinction
A real big spender..
Good looking, so defined
How'd you like to know whats going on my mind
So let me get right to the point (hip swivel)
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see..
They all come out from behind the dance bar and sashay over to Nick, draping their boas over him..
Hey big spender
Spend a little time with me..
Nick sits up in bed screaming...then sighs to his relief that it's a dream...
Suddenly Greg sits up beside Nick, still in lingerie and a pink feather boa..
Greg: Hey big spender..
Nick: aaaaaaaaaaa