Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2


Grissom: *whispiring* Greg, time for me to switch to Super Bugman.
Greg: I'll go warm up the Bug Mobile.
^Continuing from Dynamo1

(Theme song playing) Da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da da-da-da.... BUGMAN!!!

(Video shows Grissom in Purple Leotard and Tights with a lime green cape and trunks on the outside, and Fake Antenna, looking much like Adam West by the end of the 1969 season of Batman, with Greg in a red speedo, black vest, black cape and black mask glued around his eyes. Logo says "Bugman and Worm-boy!!!!")

Yes, that would scarier than clowns, even.
you guys are extermely silly.

(Inspired by something I read on fanfiction.net)
Catherine: You guys won't believe what I found on the Internet. It's a music video and you won't believe who's in it.
Gil: Is that Greg?
Sara: Wow.
Nick & Warrick: :eek:
*Greg walks in*
Greg: What are you guys...*sees* I can explain!
Sara: Really?
Greg: Maybe not. :eek:
Grissom and Ecklie walk into the breakroom
G: Guys we have something to tell you
E: we're BFF Best Friends Forever *kiss*
Feeling like doing something different.

Nick walks into a gentlemen's club. He sits down and lights up a cigarette when the song starts to play.

Greg, Sara, Catherine, Wendy and Mandy walk up to the dance bar, dressed in lingerie and pink feather boas (yes even Greg..because I imagine Greg doing such a thing) and start snapping their fingers and stare intensly at Nick who starts shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Then they sing:

The minute you walked in the joint (hip swivel)
I knew that you were a men of distinction
A real big spender..

Good looking, so defined
How'd you like to know whats going on my mind
So let me get right to the point (hip swivel)
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see..

They all come out from behind the dance bar and sashay over to Nick, draping their boas over him..

Hey big spender
Spend a little time with me..

Nick sits up in bed screaming...then sighs to his relief that it's a dream...

Suddenly Greg sits up beside Nick, still in lingerie and a pink feather boa..

Greg: Hey big spender..

Nick: aaaaaaaaaaa
*Sara and Grissom pass each other down the hall*
Grissom: Hey Sara!
*Sara smacks his behind -- Grissom does one of those eyebrow things and the episode just keeps going*

Because I would be on the floor laughing and it would never happen.
Hodges: If I were a superhero, I'd be...

Wendy: Incredible Kiss-ass!

Henry: WHOO HOO!!! BURN!!!

Archie: YASE!!! (He and Henry High Five)

Hodges: (rolls his eyes and shakes his head) You are all so... whatever...