Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Sandle_Luver said:
Ecklie: Welcome to the LVPD Winter Talent Show!Please Welcome...G.G and the Power Of Three!

Grissom (With Greg, Warrick and Nick in the backround):
Yo, yo, yo

All you sucker MCs
Ain't got nothing on me
From my grades to my lines
You can't touch Gil G
I'm a Forensic Investigator
So CSI is inferred
but forget what you heard
I'm like James bond the Third
Shaken not stirred
I'm G Grissom
The G is silent
When I sneak in your door
And make love to your woman
On the bathroom floor
I don't play it like Shaggy
You'll know it was me
because the next time you see her
She'll be like
Gil Grissom!
Ecklie: Thank you, Gil, that's enough.

Happy holidays, everybody.

!G.G. And the Power of Three.!

Catherine (To Sara in the audience): I will never look at them the same *Shudders* :p

hahahaha.. i like this one too.. :lol:
and i also lke mean girls..
nicksarafan2 said:
Nick: Greg i'm mad... are you mad to?
Greg: yeah!
Nick: Why are you mad?
Greg: because I can't see my forehead!
Nick: ......

(thank spongebob square pants :D )

yehey!! i like spongebob too...

this is one is so funny..
hahahaha!! :lol:
Gil:Hey Ecklie, come here.
*Ecklie walks over to him*
*Gil kisses him and runs away, laughing crazily*
Ecklie: WTF?!

That was odd. Oh well.
Swap Meat Ep

Grissom opens the door to the dishwasher
"oh..i knew this place looked familiar *cough* sara your's ...quick take it hide dont let greg find it"

kinda crappy but my friend and i were tlking about it and it made us laugh :lol:
Right before cut to theme song
Grissom: Peace out. Hits chest and holds up peace sign

:lol: Oh boy, i can see that in my head crystal clear. :lol:

Ecklie: Yo wasup ni**a?
Warrick: ....Excuse me?

Oy vey. :lol: New at this, sorry.
Greg: What kinda bug is that?
Grissom: I dunno. What am I an expert?

I would probably die if heard that
Hunter said: Ecklie: Yo wasup ni**a?
Warrick: ....Excuse me?

Oy vey. :lol: New at this, sorry.
While we understand that you are new at this, please take into consideration that some may feel that quote (ie the ecklie part) is out of line.

Thank you.
Psychiatrist: So, Mr. Hodges, what seems to be your problem?
Hodges: The people I work with keep calling me a labrat.
Psychiatrist: And you have a problem with that?
Hodges: Well, rats are such filthy dumb creatures.
Psychiatrist: You have a point. Would you like some cheese?
Dear lord, how did that person get 1500 posts in 3 months??

Grissom: Hey Greg, I got tickets to see blackflag, u wanna go?
Greg: Are you nuts?
(It's another Miami/Vegas Crossover)

Delko: Yo H!

Horatio Yes... Erik?

(Greg observes the two interacting, then Grissom comes in)

Greg: Yo, G!

Grissom: GREG! Stop imitating those Miami posers!!!

Greg: Sorry, G... I mean... GRISSOM!

Grissom: That's DOCTOR Grissom to you, bub!