Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

*the CSIs are in a major case*
Warrick:Hey Grissom did you have Wendy run those samples yet?
Warrick:Then what did you do?
Grissom: I played some hopscotch!
that was funny, mel. i just watched felonius monk the other day, so i got that "cracking the case" thing. *giggle*
griss: sara, i need you to work a case in henderson.
sara: your mom needs to work a case in henderson.
griss: *blinks*

hahaha....lame i know but i'm bored....
Grissom: So I found this thing... and... Greg, what are you doing?
Greg: I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. <sway> Sevvy?
Sara: I thought we burned your Captain Jack outfit, Greg?
Greg: Still here, love. <sway, gesticulation>
Grissom: And people say I'm weird.
Greg: <jumping on furniture>
Sara: Let's go confiscate the rum.
Greg: NOOOOOO!!!

Ecklie: <beep> <whirr>
Sofia: Dammit, not again.
Greg: <waving sword> <swing>
Ecklie: <is decapitated> <sparks>
Greg: Captain Jack wins again! <waves sword>
Ecklie's Severed Head: <looking at sword> Humph. And I half expected it to be made of wood. MY QUEEN, THE PLAN HAS BEEN FOILED BY A HOT MAN. WHAT DO WE DO?
Sofia: <zap>
Ecklie's Severed Head: OW.

Hodges: Damn it. <fiddle> Damn it, damn it! <fiddle fiddle>
Microscope: <snap>
Hodges: Whoopsy daisy.
Miscroscope: <rattle>
Greg: What are you doing, Hodges?
Hodges: GAAH! <fiddle> The midcroscope isn't working. The light won't turn on.
Greg and Hodges: <fiddle>
Grissom: Plug it in, idiots... it smells funny in here... Hodges, you haven't been getting high off unidentified trace again, have you?
Grissom: I want everyone's attention! We have Visitors in Vegas! Aliens landed in town last night. They even abducted Ecklie and gave him an Anal probe!

Ecklie: (Looks embarrassed) That's a little joke there...
Oh Crysthala, that was sooooo funny! :lol: I absolutely love Ecklie as a Borg... That's what he deserves: assimilation!!! :devil:
Patrick Star: (In his loud, dumb, huffy voice) WHOOOOO ARE YOU? WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO? (Huffs and puffs) HOOOOO ARE YOU? WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO? (Huffs and puffs) I REALLY WANNA KNOW... CUZ I'M DUMB... AND I FORGOT (huffs and puffs) HOOOOO ARE YOU? WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO?

Spongebob Squarepants: Patrick, will you PLEASE stop singing that song and get out from in front of the TV! Grissom's gonna solve the crime now!!!

Grissom: (On the TV, suddenly pauses) Hmm..

Nick: (on the TV) What's wrong, Grissom?

Grissom: (On the TV) Suddenly, I get the feeling that two cartoon invertibrate aquatic lifeforms are arguing about me while they watch TV!

Nick: (On TV) Yeah, right!!! :lol:
Patrick singing 'Who are you'! :lol: i love it!

Catherine in a really bad mood:Jesus, you guys! Can't you do anything right?! I asked you to do something simple like run the results, but NO! You had to go collect some "evidence"! I mean WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Sara:It's our job!
Catherine:OH NO YOU DIDN'T! You do not talk back to your SUPERIOR!
Greg*you hear his voice in the distance*:Wow, MOOD SWINGS!

*using a quote from House*
Grissom:What makes someone drool? Is Ecklie wearing his short shorts again?!
Greg *walking into the lab* Watch it, Cath's PMSing and....is it really a good idea for her to carry a gun in that case?
Gris: Send Nick in, he may be able to calm her
Nick: Nuh-uh...okay i do have a crush but that would make it go from CatNip to tiger by the tail!