"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

MMForbiddenDonut said:
eszmanda_luver said:
For the people that are getting worked up over the civil suit:

Honestly, I think it will be more of a mentioned type thing. I highly doubt that we will actually see him in court again. My guess he will say something about it and then later we will found out somehow the verdict and everything. I think we are done with the huge points in his storyline for now. My guess is there won't be anything huge until next year. But thats a different story.

I'm kind of hoping that they do that. This is just too much angst for me. Now when you say there won't be anything huge until next year, are you guessing that the story will continue into next season? Or something happening to Greg? Or do you just mean something huge happening in the show in general? :confused: Sorry for all the questions. I got nervous when I read that. I hope it doesn't continue into next year! Poor Greg! :(

No worries about the questions. I think what could happen is that for a while, we may get small mentions or clips of his ongoing problem, but they won't take a major step in is storyline. And, we don't have that many more weeks in 2006. I'm sure the brother will be back, but not real soon. The other possibility is a cliffhanger on his story when they take that long break before continuing the rest of the season.. but I don't really know. But though I'm not enirely sure it will move into 2008, I think its possible.
i dont know a lot about the judicial system but what you said makes perfect sense to me myfuturecsi. that one juror who kept trying to make it look like a racial issue was totaly out of line. and the fact that the mother and brother kept yelling out from the seats while someone was on the stand probably isnt acceptable behaviour and they would have been asked to leave i think. especially when nick was presenting the evidence and the family tried to argue with him!
nick: demetrius was coming at him with a rock
family: he wouldnt do something like that!
nick: but he did
family: no he didnt!
i know they wanted to go for super drama, but that doesnt mean they should sacrifice realism to get it. some of the most powerful drama scenes from me were between greg and the brother in the bathroom and in the garage, when almost no words were spoked. i kind of wanted to tell the family to shut the heck up, demetrius wasnt innocent and in my opinion he put himself in that situation and gave greg no choice.
the writers are on the right track with continuity, but they need to learn when to let it go. personally i think the verdict should have been 'justifiable' and that be the end of it. lets see, unarmed greg against crazy mob trying to beat a guy to death. hmmm...why didnt he just get out and tell them to stop? oh yeah, cuz they beat the crap out of him too.
i need to stop thinking about the errors of the episode, its getting me frustrated :lol: but dont get me wrong, i still think it was a great episode regardless ;)
labgeekluvr said:
I think it's unlikely the other punks would have testified, but there has to be something besides the rock that links Demetrius to the crimes. Hopefully that will come out in the civil suit and cause it to be dropped or withdrawn.

In a law point of view, it's an inquest of Demetrius death caused by Greg's action and not a trial regarding the beating of the other victims by Pig's gang.

Proof and testimony about demetrius involved with the gang are not "relevant" in this coroner's inquiry. It will maybe in the civil action. I know, sometimes, justice sucks.
Regarding Demetruis's mother.

As a mom, I know that your instant reaction to someone pointing out any negative behaviouir of your child automatically has you saying, "No, my child would never do that." It's instinct to want to protect your child.

However, Demetrius was an adult caught up in the mob mentality of that moment. And of course, no one wants to admit to their mother that they are involved in any criminal activity.

And there is a thinking out there that systematic racial discrimination exists in the justice system-based on past high profile events, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone who works in that system is a racist.

So hopefully, if TPTB would be ever so humble to show us Greg's trial in the foreign world of continuity, then the evidence will vindicate Greggo.
Oh, speaking of families, where was Greg's? Did he end up telling his mom what happened? Don't you think his parents would go support him? :confused:
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing... I guess they didn't want to find people to be his family, or they just decided that Greg didn't actually tell his parents.

Don't know, but thats a good question.

And I don't blame the mother for her reactions. There are few mothers that would be able to accept that their child was doing that and just deal with what happened and know what is right, even if it sucks. Of course, that doesn't make me like her or feel for her at all, because we all know the truth.. so..

But that one guy with all the questions did piss me off.
Wojo said:
I was wondering something, in FannySmackin there was a video of Jessica being beaten that was on the news, because someone recorded it on their cell phone. So why wasn't this video used at the inquest? It might have proven that Demetrius was involved in the beatings??? Maybe then his family could accept the reality that your son and brother is a killer! Wake up and smell the blood he shead...

Excellent point! I think that there were just too many unbelieveable parts to the inquest, from the loudmouthed, guy who kept asking all the stupid questions, to the very biased judge who was trumping for votes for the post of Assemblyman.

Even if the video had been shown at the inquest, and I totally agree that it should have been, the family of Demetrius would have denied that he was part of the gang. They just can't see their darling college-educated son doing anything bad. Hello...remember Ted Bundy? He was college-educated too.

I personally enjoy well thought out courtroom scenes and dialogue like the one that was done a few years ago with the movie star murderer, but Greg's inquest was really full of holes and one-sided.

CBS did not air the William Peterson inverview about "Postmortem" I believe because of CBS newsman Ed Bradley's death. All of the morning shows paid tribute to him, and it knocked out the fluff interviews.

I'm wondering if the civil lawsuit filed against Greg will ever come to trial. I don't think they'll continue it because I think that down the road Demetrius' brother is going to try to kill Greg, and in the process Greg or one of the other CSIs, or Sophia or Brass will be forced to shoot that guy, thus making the lawsuit null and void.
You guys might've hit on something here, because during the inquest, my father and I kept yelling at the tele, "That wouldn't happen!" Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if it stuck more to realism.

Then again, I'm not a fan of "CSI's in Court" half the episode. *shrugs*
Of course the inquest was way too emotional and desorganized... but with a coroner in campain who know what they can do... And by the way CSI is also a TV show. I think maybe they but a little bit to much of drama in that episode. Maybe TPTB's think reality is not angsty enough?
To be honest, I think even if they had him on tape they'd deny what he was doing, there will always be people that don't accept any thing that people say, the only thing I don't understand is why they did't do that simulation earlier.

And I think they went for the drama here, showing almost what Greg has been living with and how the family, especially the brother, feels about him, which I still fear is setting something up, especially if they lose that civil case, which they should and like I've said, if he that family can sue Greg, the family of the dead man and the other victims can sue the estate of Demetrius.

And honestly that judge was way out of line, especially that "how was the sea bass line" but I think the fact that Greg got flustered, it totally focused him and he got into scientist mode and kicked ass on the stand. Totally shoving right back at the judge and the trouble maker juror.
Oh, speaking of families, where was Greg's? Did he end up telling his mom what happened? Don't you think his parents would go support him?

I asked about that too, my husband said that Greg may not have wanted his parents to go and have to see that. Which made sense to me because as much as I (an overprotective mother myself) loathe people making Greg's mom out to be some hysterical crazy woman I can actually picture his mom and Demitrius' mom screaming at each other across the courtroom. Not to mention the judge!

I completly believe that he told his parents but I guess thats just my opinion. I mean think of it this way wouldn't telling your mom up front make her freak out less than having her find out later that not only are you a CSI but you got beat up, had to go though an inquest for running someone over, then you have a civil suit brought against you and you never told her a thing. I mean that would really upset me. Now I don't think that he is going to tell her that the guys brother may be comming after him, but I totally think he came clean with her about what happened in Fannysmackin. But like I said it's just my opinion your milage may vary.
Greg probaly never even told his parents that he had been injured. He wouldn't want to freak his mom out.
Do you all think that with the media coverage (it may be going national) that his parents found out that way? I still wonder if he did tell her, honestly, I wouldn't have blamed him if he didn't, but still, if they found out that way, it may have been easier for him to have told them.

I really would have liked to have seen his parents though.
I don't know about you all but I think I'm going to be on pins and needles the rest of the season, wondering where Demetrius' brother is hiding.
I have a feeling he'll show up again, but probably not until the end of the season, I do love spoilers, I'll admit it, but this has been on my mind since I read the Fannysmackin' spoilers months ago, I really just don't want to even think about it.

There are two things that can happen, one, nothing, two, something and it won't be good.

But if is going to happen usually what shows do is lull you into a state of forgetting and then they pop up when you least expect it..usually in the season finale or the epi before it.