"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

I knew it, I knew I heard something different, I didn't even realize it.

But how great was it that they wanted to help, just Nick's reaction alone when Warrick asked him how it went..Nick was on the stand when Demetrius' mother and brother started going off on Greg, said just how bad it was going for Greg.

I loved that they worked together on that simulation and that they proved there was no way Greg could have stopped in time and that he only had seconds to decide what to do.

It really does show just how much they care about him.

Grissom, he's got his hands full too..I think that line about taking the suit off was kind of his way of telling Greg to relax, that it was over (now we know it wasn't) and Greg's reaction to Grissom saying he did a good job, that was telling too. You can see the difference in him, (Grissom and Sara definitely could see it) it's like someone lowered the volume on him..he's still there but in a way, he's not quite the same. Change is inevitable, but when it's forced upon someone, like the way it was forced upon Greg, it's hard to watch.
My 2 cents: Good ep, but poor Greg! I felt so bad for him, especially at the beginning of the inquest. The look on his face...man, he was just so sad!! :( And, whoever that guy was that kept jumping up and asking the questions, I just wanted someone, anyone to punch him in the face! I loved that Nick stood up for Greg!!! YAY!! :)
As for the miniature crime scene, that was/is creepy. The doll with the blood or cut above the eye, that's just plain weird. But I love it, anyway. Hodges dancing, too funny! :lol:
I'm glad the writers are keeping some continuity in the storyline. I wish they had kept the Nick/kidapping/Grissom/relationship/conflict thing going, though. But i'll take continuity where I can get it.
I miss funny Greg!
allmaple said:
however, this is purely my opinion, i think the writers are taking gregs case too far. for me, it would have been perfectly fine and over at the end of the inquiry. i think the law suit from the family is a little too much. the writers need to learn how to give us character development without using only negative storylines. show us how the team and his family help greg get through this, dont drag him back to court. i just find it interesting that with all the traumatic things the writers have put the other characters through this storyline looks like its going to have the largest arc.

i too think the actually crime storyline was the background story, but it worked for me. they gave us a little bit of new information but not a lot. we have no obvious connection and only the potential of a suspect. keeps everybody wanting more. was glad to see sara and grissom were able to work together without making goo-goo eyes at each other.

See, I think I agree with you on the Greg stuff, if only because I really am not a fan of CSI court room stuff. And, I would've been bothered if they did it with any character. It just doesn't feel like an episode of CSI. This is the most courtroom stuff we've seen since, "The Accused is Entitled" if I'm remembering correctly. And, while I don't mind Greg getting a storyline, I do mind that we spent half the episode in court and that the big continuing storyline of the season involving a serial killer took back seat.

This is going to sound bizarre, but serial killers intrigue me. I hate to read about the specifics of their kills because I'm a bit squeamish. However, I love trying to figure out their patterns, understand their motivation, speculate about where they've been if they disappeared for a while. It's amazingly intriguing to me, and the signature, especially, is so much fun to try to figure out. The degree of attention paid to every little thing in the crime scene...

Did the killer throw the coupons everywhere out of anger for things going wrong? Or, was it intentional to add to the placement of things in the room? And what to be said about the two different methods of killing? One was killed by blunt force trauma, the other was supposed to die from poisoning. Why the change? Most serial killers have a pattern they stick to. If they enjoy blugeoning, they blugeon. If they enjoy strangling, they strangle. They become creatures of habit until the step it up. This killer doesn't seem to have a particular method of killing, suggesting that the rush may not be from the killing, itself, but from the rush of, perhaps, revenge or release. It's not about the style of killing. It's about accomplishing it. Like, the feeling of accomplishing a project you've been working on, like, say, a mini crime scene...

See, I guess I'm a weirdo in wanting to talk about these things with other people, get their insight, see what they think about this case. With my fiance working nights, he hasn't seen a single episode this year, and my parents are never as involved in the episodes as I am... So, I come to the boards. I guess, if anyone is as intrigued and interested in this as I am, they can PM me. :) I'm always up for some deep discussion and analysis of a serial killer. (though, technically, this person needs one more kill to be officially labled a serial killer). :)
speakerset said:
I swear you just want to protect Greg, always have, but now, really, it's like you want him to walk with that police tape around him, no one can come within 5 feet. :)

Nobody but me, anyway--just kidding. If you mean all the Greggo fans collectively..yeah, there's likely a few of us overprotective ones out there. If you mean me personally...naw, it's all in fun :). Just a fun way to make light of all the angst brought on by little brother :devil:. The way little brother was acting though, coming after Greg when he was alone and no one else was around, made me scared for Greg--hence the bodyguard idea. Naturally, bodyguards wouldn't work in the storyline for Greg--but he might be smart not to walk out to his car by himself from now on.
neenee67 said: I really wanted to kicked the shit out of that juror who seems to have an attitude towards Greg before the reveiw even started.
As stated in the "Help Guidelines" tacked in this forum.

Censor Self Language:
When it comes to swearing we ask that you censor yourself (even just a little), since the board censors are not on to do it for you, there are many ways of doing this and I have faith that you all know what they are, this is not a general rule of the board, but something being asked by the moderators of this forum, because of the minors on the board (even if they already know it) its still nice not to constantly see swearing all the time.
Here's my problem and a gaping plot hole. If all the asskickers were paged or texted...where is this guy's cellphone?

How did he know when and where to show? All they have to do is show is him receiving texts about where to meet and BOOM he was part of the gang and not some innocent by-stander as the family is trying to make him out to be.

Also what about the other piggies..were they all just as clueles as the girl, not one of them knew this kid and got him involved?

It were certainly have clered the inquest and the stupid wrongful death suit.

I liked the episode, though the courtroom stuff got to be a little boring, while the seriel killer case upped a notch in intrest for me. Though I liked it when Warrick and Nick went to bat for Greg...and Nick kept up with his more agressive style in court.

My big issues was the end. A lawsuit now? Do we need to drag the plot in that direction...it'll go from being intersting to plain annoying if that's the case. I'm glad TPTB are learning a clue about writing story arch, but this one can end now.....of all the traumatic things to have happen on the show..why keep going this way on this plotline?

I've enjoyed most of the eppys this season but its time to shift a few things over.

Who's Warrick?

Is Sara reduced to just being in every scene with Grissom?

Poor Nick gets two min scenes, but at least he makes the most of them.
labgeekluvr Oh no wait, you took that the wrong way, I didn't mean You as in YOU, I meant that you, me, the audience, the viewers, everyone, the other characters..there is just something about Greg that makes you want to protect him, believe me, I'm one of the overprotective ones..remember the whole "goalie protecting the net" description I said.

I've been scared of that brother from the beginning..plus he said he's already done jailtime..seriously, just from that look in the hospital, it gave it away that he was going to be bad news.
Yeah, sorry, I totally misread you. Just got your PM about the bodyguard card. Cool, no problem. Feel free to bring the police tape.
I was wondering something, in FannySmackin there was a video of Jessica being beaten that was on the news, because someone recorded it on their cell phone. So why wasn't this video used at the inquest? It might have proven that Demetrius was involved in the beatings??? Maybe then his family could accept the reality that your son and brother is a killer! Wake up and smell the blood he shead...
Honestly Lab, I really didn't mean it that way, Greg is like the little brother of the group, seeing what that brother was doing (and notice he did it when no one was around, yeah, big man there), I really hope that Greg says something to someone, because if something happens he'll have a history of the brother harrassing him.

You know, kristen999 has some points, I was wondering why they just didn't call the other punks to testify that old Demetrius wasn't the angel that his mother or his brother thought he was..and who in hell goes to a costume party with just weird contacts.

And really, GPA doesn't mean good guy, I think they just don't want to admit that Demetrius was a punk, and honestly anyone who goes out and beats innocent people like that is a punk, college education or not.
I think it's unlikely the other punks would have testified, but there has to be something besides the rock that links Demetrius to the crimes. Hopefully that will come out in the civil suit and cause it to be dropped or withdrawn.
One of them I thought they would call, but then again, it really probably should just be the CSI's testifying, at the civil case everything will come out, I wonder how the family is going to take it when they realize that Demetrius was not only a killer but wasn't so wonderful after all. You know, they probably already know, they just don't want to admit it.

Then all the victims can come and testify and actually, if push comes to shove, the wife of the man that died, can sue Demetrius' estate for what he did to her husband and the other victims could sue for pain and suffering, not for even any monetary gain, but just to prove a point.
That end scene was so scary. I really thought that Greg was going to be beaten again, or worse! I have never been one to yell at the TV before but man i was letting loose on the family, the judge and that jury. I just hope that Greg stays strong, he was justified!!!
I was a nervous wreck during last nights episode. And I freaked out too during the scene when Greg was in the bathroom, I really thought the guy was gonna hurt him! And that jerk in the jury really set me off. I yelled at him for being so mean spirited. Greg was SUCH a trooper though, he hung in there through everything. The look on his face was sad but SO adorable. It was a worried/nervous loook and he totally rocked it like no one else could. And let me just say that i LOVED seeing him in a suit. yum-ness. :) Im glad they gave the court hearing decent screentime, I really was expecting it to be put on the back burner but i was pleasantly suprised.
Now, as for the mini crime scene killer, i really wish they wouldnt have dragged it out for another episode, i just wanna find out who the guy is!
And poor Greg, Demetrius James' family had no right to verbally attack him like they did. And i loved how Nick and Warrick worked together to help out Greggo, thats what true friends would do.
And i couldnt help but laugh when Hodges danced :lol:
Of course Gil and Sara worked together...should i expect anything else? :rolleyes: guess not.
Good episode, next week looks super interesting!

And i forgot to add that i cheered for Greg when he told the prosecutor about how he only had half a glass of wine, and he completely shot down the persons argument. GO GREG!! I yelled something along the lines of "TAKE THAT!" :D
I really like that this MCSK senerio is being played out more and lasting more episodes, I find it intresting and creepy. The detail in these things are amazing. I wonder though if the person putting the MCS's at the victim's place is really the killer or just some random insider trying to muck with Gil's head?

The garage scene scared me, I was like "Oh God what's going to happen to Greg now?" Both stories left me with that creepy feeling... :(