"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

A couple random things, I was also creeped out by the "Lollypop" song in the beginning... Those "sweetly scary" songs always give me a weird feeling...

I also thought Greg was calling Nick, Nicholas and I was thinking "Since when does Greg call his friends by their full name?" (he's always been partial to nicknames :D) but you guys might be right about him referring to that other guy in the hearing. And yay for Warrick actually calling Greg by his frist name! :)

Btw, love the card labgeekluvr! I was thinking of making some GSBC member cards as banners in case anyone wanted to put one in their signature... :D Hehe well let me know if you want one! :)
For the people that are getting worked up over the civil suit:

Honestly, I think it will be more of a mentioned type thing. I highly doubt that we will actually see him in court again. My guess he will say something about it and then later we will found out somehow the verdict and everything. I think we are done with the huge points in his storyline for now. My guess is there won't be anything huge until next year. But thats a different story.

Ugh, I always get sidetracked.

Well anyways. I did find myself freaked out during the MCSK scenes. Its a very frightening idea and they play it out so well. Of course, I don't want every episode to have one, and I don't think they will, but that would get annoying. Which is also why I think that Greg's arch is going to smooth down quite a bit for the next couple of weeks.

Ugh, I did it again..

Oh, someone mentioned the Lolly pop song. Yeah, it was kind of freaky and definitely had a foreboding feel to it so.. it was a nice touch. Because everyone knows its coming so.. its just cool. Its things like that that make things worth watching.

Good 'ol CSI
eszmanda_luver said:
For the people that are getting worked up over the civil suit:

Honestly, I think it will be more of a mentioned type thing. I highly doubt that we will actually see him in court again. My guess he will say something about it and then later we will found out somehow the verdict and everything. I think we are done with the huge points in his storyline for now. My guess is there won't be anything huge until next year. But thats a different story.

I hope you're right. I don't think my poor heart could take another episode like this one. Although I am glad I wasn't the only one yelling at my television.
This was a very good episode. Greg was so great in it, good to see him having more screen time. And what's up with Hodges the last two weeks? I'm actually starting to like him! :D
I liked it but,,, then again...........the judge got on my nerves. especially when he was out to make a name for himself. I think it should've been justfiable not excuseable. Greg did the only thing he could. Hate about the civil suit. Hopefully nothing will come out of it. My? though why wasn't Grissom there for moral support? I understand about the case he was on but still......... I hated the ending. Left it hanging. Maybe they'll wrap it up soon. Guess in time for WP to take his break. LOL Otherwise I enjoyed it.
The judge and that juror got on my nerves, especially when he brought up the drink.

And eszmanda_luver, I think you're right, they might just talk about it, but another courtroom scene might not be in the cards..or if it does happen, it won't happen until probably the end of the season, or the second to the last epi..which I really hope doesn't lead to something else.

But on a much lighter note, I think that during the inquest, everything was getting to Greg, the whole situation has taken it's toll on him, but BUT, at the same time, when he calculated what his blood alcohol level would be, he was totally different, he slid right into scientist mode seamlessly and in a way I think at one little respite from feeling guilt helped him, plus I think he was more pissed off that that was brought up in the first place.

And the Mini Model Murderer, what's freaking me out about that is the fact that he's been in their homes long enough to get to know the layout of them perfectly.
I posted some Greg pics on the Greg/Eric pic thread, there are quite a few so far and I still plan to post more.
labgeekluvr said:
I hope you're right. I don't think my poor heart could take another episode like this one. Although I am glad I wasn't the only one yelling at my television.

No kidding, I think my heart was going faster watching last night's ep than after 30 mins on the treadmill. I felt so bad for Greg. I was hoping Warrick might have some really killer evidence to present that would make the family cower in shame, but sadly no. He's usually so good at heading off confrontations. Plus, he would've eased some of the racial tensions. I hope that Demetrius' brother ends up getting locked up for the delinquent that he appears to be, he was ready to kill Greg twice!!

That was some trick they pulled, making Greg's inquest the real story and not the miniatures (to me at least, I've been avoiding spoilers) and it was so worth it. But still, I'm intrigued by the miniatures story, I wonder how many more Grissom will rack up before he solves it. I love these story arcs that stump Grissom, like the Paul Millander arc. :) I wonder if they'll carry it through the whole season or across seasons.
Holy you people are fast posters!! :D I want to join the GSBC btw! ;) It was sad to see pretty much the whole court gang up on him, but he looked superr niffy in that suit :lol:.. Yeah, I mean HOT! :D

It was really nice to see Nick sticking up for Greg. Someone had to set that court straight. Poor Greg.. It must have been hell in there. That was a pretty messed up trial.

I can't believe the guy is sueing him. And yes, it bugged the crap out of me when the mother and brother said that the guy was going to university. Did they ever stop to think that if Greg didn't hit him, Greg's future would be ruined too? Nope, don't think so. Poor Greggy, he didn't even have much of a choice. :(

I felt so bad for him when he said he wanted to be able to sleep again. And he said his trial was ruled right. Aww he's too sweet. I wanted to hug him in that episode. It was nice to see Grissom being nice to him now. Though, I wish Sara would have said something, but they've had alot of scenes so its all good! :)

Oh yeah, Hodges dancing... Well lets say I was laughing SO hard. It was kind of nice to see something funny though, since the case was so stressful and sad. :) *goes off laughing again* Oh Hodges.. :lol:
I just watched the episode again, and it was just as good the second time!! Greg is AMAZING and Hodges still had me giggling... :lol: That's a catchy song, I'd be dancing too! I agree with you guys that I think they're gradually developing Hodges' character into a sort of clone-Greg now that he's out of the lab. :p

Btw the first time I watched the ep I didn't get at all that the piece of paper the guy handed to Greg in the parking lot meant that he was getting sued or whatever... I can't believe them! Hasn't Greg been through enough? :(

Sandersidle I was also kinda hoping Sara would say something to Greg when he came into Grissom's office... Actually I was really hoping that the whole team would come out and congradulate him and he'd at least get a hug from Sara since she was so worried about him. *Sigh* Well at least Grissom acknowledged his good work, and I bet Greg really appreciated that. :)

Oh and Shady Lane, the promo for the next ep should be up on the CSI section of cbs.com, but they still have the one for 'Post Mortem' right now so it should be up within the next couple days. :)

And one more thing, did anyone catch William Petersen on the Early Show this morning? I COMPLETELY forgot about it... I'm sure I'll find a clip online soon lol. He mention anything interesting about the case?
eszmanda_luver said:
For the people that are getting worked up over the civil suit:

Honestly, I think it will be more of a mentioned type thing. I highly doubt that we will actually see him in court again. My guess he will say something about it and then later we will found out somehow the verdict and everything. I think we are done with the huge points in his storyline for now. My guess is there won't be anything huge until next year. But thats a different story.

I'm kind of hoping that they do that. This is just too much angst for me. Now when you say there won't be anything huge until next year, are you guessing that the story will continue into next season? Or something happening to Greg? Or do you just mean something huge happening in the show in general? :confused: Sorry for all the questions. I got nervous when I read that. I hope it doesn't continue into next year! Poor Greg! :(

Hm, I didn't realize how creepy the music was until just now when I read about it. I was only half paying attention when it first came on, so I didn't really take notice to it, but now that I think about it, it is creepy. ;)
Can I just ask the Americans here is that the way a Coroner's Inquest is held in real life.

I just found that it seemed very disoranized, very emotional and that people were brought in to decide on Greg's fate that probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

There were a lot of interuptions and lot of very inappropriate behaviour on the part of the Judge, the Jurors and members of the deceased's family.

That wasn't an inquest, that was a bloody circus.

In Canada, we have inquest's as well, but they are far more formal and interested parties have to apply to the Coroner himself who oversees the inquests to be granted 'standing' at the inquest. The Coroner then decides whether or not the group has any concrete input for the Juror's to hear. Of course, those involved directly with the case such as doctor's, social workers, police officers witnesses and such are granted standing, but others such as advocacy groups have to apply to be heard.

But these inquests are very controlled, there is no screaming, yelling, inappropriate questions because that would defeat the purpose of the inquest.

My friend's brother is a Coroner and he held an inquest and knowing him I highly, highly doubt he would allow such behaviour in an inquest.

And I think in Ontario, there are protocols that are followed when someone dies as a result of someone involved in law enforcement. There are Special Investigation Units and such, but none of this dog and pony show that I saw on CSI.

Suffice to say, Greg shouldn't have ever been put under such scruitny and subjected to inappropriate behaviour.
i've only seen clips of this ep because i live in the uk. but from what i've seen it looks really good.

does anyone know where i can find more clips. especially ones from the greg storyline because i havent seen anything of that