"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

That's an intresting observation labgeekluvr and the reason he would not have been contacted was because his brother's number was in the records. So they both were called with one number...I wonder if your right about this, it sure would make an intresting twist.

Too bad the writers aren't as smart as we are... :lol: :lol:

I just hope Greg does not go down a path of self destruction because he feels guilty and is blaming himself.
The little brother, most likely will be a big part of Greg's storyline later on in the season. Let's just hope nothing happens to our Greggo!
Nothing bad will happen to our Greg. The writers won't devote that much time to him, unfortunately. But there will be an end to his ordeal and I'm confident that he will come out on top.
I have the feeling that if he keeps being stoic about the whole thing--which is admirable to an extent--that he's going to explode or have a meltdown. I'd hate to see that happen.
See, that's why I want to see what goes on after work, he's got to have an outlet because he's not letting anyone see how this is effecting him, he's holding it in in work, you can see that, maybe he's afraid if he shows it they will think less of him or think he went back to work too soon--I don't know, but have been little bits that show how his personality has changed a little as well.

There are a few things I feared would happen after the Fannysmackin' incident, he'd get hard--meaning showing no emotion or empathy, two, he'd turn to medicinal means of dealing with it or three, like labgeekluver said, he'd have a complete meltdown or explode.

So that's why while this may make him stronger, internalizing it can actually be worse in the long run. But I really did like that scene with him in Sofia, he admitted he just wanted to be able to sleep, maybe he'll go to her more often for advice or maybe start talking about it more, because burn out is a strong possibility.
Wojo said:
My biggest fear...

I'm missing something here- what's your biggest fear?

Poor guy. It's horrible to desperately need someone to talk to, but feel like you don't. Hopefully, Greg will find someway to get out what's bothering him.
I've posted about it a lot, but that is my biggest fear, that's the reason why I think this storyline is going on a lot further than usual (not that Eric doesn't deserve it, it's Greg's turn to have a storyline), I think that look that the brother gave him coupled with that anger is a bad thing, I think that if the family loses that civil suit that Greg will get killed. But that is me speculating, but from the minute I read those Fannysmackin' spoilers when the first epi. descriptions were posted months ago, I've been worried about that, that and the sort of "rookie curse" that happens in a lot of shows and movies meaning, the one with the least experience who has sort of a rocky road ends up dying, add in the fact that there is no word if a contract has been signed, plus with the way that shows usually do things, this may drag out but I think we'll be seeing that brother again and if we do, it'll be in either the next to last epi of the season or the finale. Plus that tag line of the epi, that the incident would have physical, emotional and spiritual effects on Greg "for the rest of his life" it was that "rest of.." that I didn't like, that would be a mighty long time and whenever they use that line it can spell doom.

I would love nothing more than to be totally and completely wrong, I think that would be the first time I'd actually be incredibly happy that I am, I'd be estatic to be utterly wrong.

He has said he wants to stay, but at the same time, maybe he wants to do other things that the hiatuses can't afford him to, meaning, there isn't enough time off to do the projects he wants.

If he does die, I get the feeling he'll be all alone and it will end almost like "Homebodies" did, with Grissom processing the scene, and then what would be the effect on Grissom if that did happen, after all it was his okay that let Greg out in the field in the first place.

My other fear, that he starts using medicinal ways of dealing with his guilt or memories of the beating.
I would have to agree about the end of the season, if the brother does come back, because, the past two seasons, have ended up, with one of the team, being in danger. I hope he don't come back, and I hope if he does, Greg doesnt die.
Well if CSI does kill him off that is when Me and CSI part ways. If Eric wants to leave then so be it but if Greg dies or he is demeaned in any way I won't be watching next season (if there is a next season). Because to me that is an unforgivable sin on CSI/CBS/TPTB's part.
I can't believe all this obsessing about the possibility of Greg getting killed. I just don't believe that is going to happen. Why would tptb do that? Greg is an extremely popular character. Why would the writers mess with that? Also, Eric has got a good gig going here. He'd have to be an idiot to leave a good thing like this show, and we all know he's a very smart young man.
Although I would be terribly upset if he was killed off the show, that is not what I am worried about. I don't think they would kill him off, but I have been surprised before.

Anyway, earlier I was thinking about the MCSK and it just intrigues me. Does the killer build the model after he/she does the killing? That would seem like it would take a long time for the body to be found. Does the killer build the model beforehand and then commits the murder and sets it up afterwards? But that seems like that would take a while, too, especially with how detailed everything is. It's so interesting. I can't wait to see who the person is that commits these murders.

Oh, yeah, to Wojo- thank you for answering my question. ;)
Toots, it's not obsessing, it's really just thinking, really, a steady paycheck, good visibility, free promotion and a top show is something all actors strive for, so while I don't think the powers that be would write him out, personally, I think they love him, at the end of the day it's up to the actor to sign the contract. And honestly, in a way, with how this storyline is going, there is a potential for some revenge on the brothers part, they laid that out with that look he gave Greg and that threat in the men's room.

Eric is smart, but he's also young, he may want to do something different, but again, he has said he wants to stay on the show.

Could all this be for nothing, absolutely, and I do hope it is, because Greg is such a dynamic character and with this storyline there are so many avenues it could go down, him not being effected, him seeing a therapist, etc..this is a very fruitful storyline.

About the mini model killer, he has to know the layout of the house first, and what i really want to know is, if what was said about who the killer is, from spoilers, how could he get into those homes and spend so much time there??