"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

I think Greg took Grissom's advise and told his parents that he's a CSI and that he'd been hurt, but I can see him not telling them about the inquest to keep them away from the media circus and Demetrius's family.

I think it would be intresting if the Mom & brother ended up being murder victims...and guess who the prime suspect would be? (that would end the civil suit)
Im kind of glad they didn't go because if they had, I think that the brother, if he really wanted revenge, would go after the people Greg cares about most.. Because being the person he is, (and a lot of people are like this anyways) I think Greg would prefer to be hurt again, or die himself than having something happen to his family or friends. So, I'm glad that the brother didn't see Greg's family there or else it could be bad. Though thinking that Greg is going to get into some serious trouble in the future is a better thought (to me) than having to watch him suffer through the death of someone he cares about.

Thats mental pain, which in my opinion is far worse than physical. So.. theres the optomistic side of things :)
Question for everyone. This kid was the one wearing the weird contacts. Sara showed them to Grissom (in Fannysmackin) and said that the doctors removed them during surgery. Shouldn't they have been shown during the inquest to help prove that this kid wasn't the angel his mother and brother were trying to make him out to be? There was no mention of them.

blackflag said:
Question for everyone. This kid was the one wearing the weird contacts. Sara showed them to Grissom (in Fannysmackin) and said that the doctors removed them during surgery. Shouldn't they have been shown during the inquest to help prove that this kid wasn't the angel his mother and brother were trying to make him out to be? There was no mention of them.


Well, the brother of the victim said he was going to a costume party (wait, no the mother). So it could have been backfired as part of his costume.
it was either the mother or brother (dont remember which one) that said demitrius was going to a costume party. thats probably what he told them to explain the fact that he was wearing the contacts. i wear weird contact lenses every once in a while (usually silver :D) but doesnt mean im no angel. its lots of other things besides the contacts that make me not an angel.... :lol:
Did Archie called Grissom as "Gross" at the end? I ran it a couple of times, since I thought it was Griss or boss, but I kept hearing he called him as "GROSS!"

Its just funny i think
I really enjoyed this episode! Can't wait to see where they'll be going with both Greg's storyline and the minature killer! Only thing I didn't like, not enough Nicky, but he did wear that suit!
eszmanda_luver said:
MMForbiddenDonut said:
eszmanda_luver said:
For the people that are getting worked up over the civil suit:

Honestly, I think it will be more of a mentioned type thing. I highly doubt that we will actually see him in court again. My guess he will say something about it and then later we will found out somehow the verdict and everything. I think we are done with the huge points in his storyline for now. My guess is there won't be anything huge until next year. But thats a different story.

I'm kind of hoping that they do that. This is just too much angst for me. Now when you say there won't be anything huge until next year, are you guessing that the story will continue into next season? Or something happening to Greg? Or do you just mean something huge happening in the show in general? :confused: Sorry for all the questions. I got nervous when I read that. I hope it doesn't continue into next year! Poor Greg! :(

No worries about the questions. I think what could happen is that for a while, we may get small mentions or clips of his ongoing problem, but they won't take a major step in is storyline. And, we don't have that many more weeks in 2006. I'm sure the brother will be back, but not real soon. The other possibility is a cliffhanger on his story when they take that long break before continuing the rest of the season.. but I don't really know. But though I'm not enirely sure it will move into 2008, I think its possible.

Thanks for answering. Sorry, when I get nervous, I ramble on.

I know it's only TV and I shouldn't get worked up, but I don't know about the rest of you- if they do not end this storyline soon, I am going to lose my mind. It is really bothering me. I know a lot of Greg fans are happy to see him get a storyline and I couldn't agree more, but I just wish they would change it and give him something better. Sorry if I have insulted anyone. :(
You know, something makes me wonder if it won't turn out that little brother was part of the gang too, and for whatever reason he just wasn't contacted for the sting that rounded up all the "piglets". It just seems that he's too quick to respond with violence towards Greg.