One Tree Hill

Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Less than a week till the season premiere! Let's see if for once I can get on Team Peyton at all :p

Is anyone else disturbed by Deb and Skills? Because I miss Bevin and did not like how she came back last season! I also want to know what she did to Skills to make him hate her so much? Probably because of Dim *ahem I mean Tim :lol:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

I'd like to see more about what happened between Bevin and Skills. I liked them together in season 4! But Dim :D or skills. I mean I know who I'd choose! So I don't know what happened between them. It'd be somthing a bit different to explore in season 6.
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Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Eek! Only three more days till the season premiere! I just saw a bunch of interviews from TVguide with Sophia Bush, Chad Michael Murray (who I can't stand so I didn't watch all of that one) and my personal favorite Bethany Joy Galeotti (Lenz for you peaches)! It looks like it is going to be a dark season for them all. Bethany said that if Carrie is coming back she is going to kick her ass...:guffaw: Love it! Oh and CMM said that he called Skills :lol:

I just got the season five DVDs and I am loving it! Although James Lafferty did a commentary with Torrey DeVitto :wtf: They need to do better gag reels though.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

He did a commentary with her? hmph...

I can't wait till the new season. Squeee.

I need to get watching some interviews to prepare ;) haha

And go Haley, you kick that girls ass. she deserves it. I really didn't want the season to be to dark.

How many eps is this season going to have?
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

They ordered a full season so I think that means 23 or 24 episodes. I was also hoping for a lighter season but oh long as they don't ruin Naley and Lucas makes up his damn mind! I think even Haley was getting annoyed at him :p
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

How come you wanted a lighter season? Will this definately be the final season too?

To be honest, I am getting a little sick of Lucas' indecision!!
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

I did!!! Poor poor Brooke! We finally get a fascinating Brooke story without Lucas or a baby involved. ;)

Favorite part is the Haley and Jamie scene, so adorable!
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

OOH I'm desperate to see it. I thought I'd be able to tonight but nooo :( And i'm out tomorrow and thursday, so I won't see it until at least friday!! Which is not good.

Was it good? Worth the wait?
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

It was most definitely worth the wait! It was by far the most amazing episode I have seen since the third season I think...;) Jamie and Haley stole the show and for once we are getting a decent Brooke story line.

Lucas and Peyton made me vomit...I hate how sickingly sweet and overboard they go when they are together. It's like look at us we are finally together! :rolleyes:

Nanny Carrie...*shivers*
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

So Lucas and Peyton again?

What's the Brooke storyline? I can't wait until I see it to find out.

I love Jamie, I can't wait for him and Haley
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

it was always Lucas and Peyton, i think they are perfect for each other.
and poor Brooke :( she cannot legally fire her mother completely and she's trying to steal her designs. and at the end she gets beat up :eek:
nanny Carrie!!! OMG! i was soooo shocked! especially near the ending, when we found out where they were :wtf:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Lucas and Peyton made me vomit...I hate how sickingly sweet and overboard they go when they are together. It's like look at us we are finally together! :rolleyes:

I've been rooting for those two for ages now so I don't care if they overdo it. I did a little happy dance when Peyton showed up at the airport. :lol:

nanny Carrie!!! OMG! i was soooo shocked! especially near the ending, when we found out where they were :wtf:

I love nanny Carrie! She's cool. :D
I was also very surprised about the location (I assumed it was at a hospital). What was it she said to Dan? Something like "I hung those curtains up just to mess with your head". :guffaw:

Skills and Debbie...I'm not very fond of their storyline but it's funny. Sometimes.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Heh...I knew I was going to get a lot of flack (almost spelled that like the detective :p) for saying I don't like Peyton and Lucas...As a former Brucas shipper it was painful to watch but I am glad that Luke didn't pick Brooke (although if he had then Brooke wouldn't of been beaten up :()

Oh AppleJack, please tell me you are kidding right? :lol: I do remember thinking where the hell are all the doctors??? Oh of course...she is being psychotic! :guffaw:

What the heck is with the lack of Nathan and Haley stuff? You know, as much as I love Jamie, I want to see some alone time of Naley! And while the gutter would be nice, I am fine with them going on a much needed date to reconnect. Is that too much to ask for?
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

I didn't mean to give you any flak. But I have lots of Flack if you like? :D

Psychotic or not, I'm not kidding about nanny Carrie. Saying I don't like Dan is an understatement. She can have her way with him and I will enjoy it big time. :devil:

I like Naley but since they have Jamie it's very normal we don't get to see them alone that much anymore. But at least we get to see Jamie a lot. Almost makes up for the lack of Naley. Since I don't really like kids he's really doing an amazing job. :lol: He almost makes me want to have kids (my mom would go crazy if she heard me say this :rolleyes:).

I'm curious if, and when, Lucas and Peyton are going to fall of their pink cloud. Thinking about it it's just a little bit too perfect right now. We can't have perfect in a drama. :shifty: