One Tree Hill

Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Man I feel left out, need to watch ASAP...

Brooke gets beat up?! is it one of her mothers cronies?

Poor Brooke.

I can see nanny carrie really doing my head in, but we'll see.

Going to hold judgement on Leyton, I used to like them, then i didn't, now i don't know, s5 ruined them a bit for me.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

I'm telling you, it'll be Psycho Derek! :lol:

Well, I'm routing for his return anyway. i can't wait to see the Peyton/Lucas hook up! Yay!!! I win, so happy!! I'm all for their flufftastic behaviour.

The problem with Dan is he's such a moron for killing his bro but he's an awesome baddy. Beyond fab! There are some characters on TV shows who you can't stand to watch regardless of whether they're good or evil like Victoria but Dan I love watching cause he's just so convincing. Especially when he talks about defending his family. We're all like WTF?!:lol:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

I totally agree about Dan. He's an awesome baddy, and if he hadn't have killed Keith, you could kind of see why he was bad in most cases, if you know what i mean? Even though he is just bad lol.

anyway, I'll have my opinion on the episode later! squeeee lol

Oh yeh, I'd like psycho derek to return too.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Psycho Derek? Gee...Thanks but no thanks! I like having Dan and Victoria (although Victoria is kind of overdoing it with her being bitchy to EVERYONE) as our two resident baddies...Carrie is overkill at this point! :scream: First we think the obsession is with Nathan, then Haley getting everything taken away from her, but really it all comes down to Jamie and having the perfect family...ugh...

One of my favorite scenes was actually between Victoria and Millie...Millie standing up to her and calling her an evil bitch...YOU GO GIRL!

Oh and BTW, there is a guy from Peyton's past that will be coming to work with Lucas on making his book into a movie. :D (don't shoot the messenger please!) He will be played by Austin Nichols. I'll find the article if anyone wants it?
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

I've watched the ep now. I have to say it wasn't as good as I expected :( I'm sad to see Nathan having back trouble again :( and The Dan/Carrie storyline is just too OTT if you ask me. As much as I used to like Leyton, it was a bit just out there, without much explanation.

I am liking the Brooke/Victoria storyline, and millie rocked in that scene :) And Jamie's little dancing, bless.

and Skills/Deb is actually quite amusing.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

oh god, jaime dancing in the gymnasium with the b-ball team made my day.
he was the absolute cutest thing E-V-E-R
and then again with Hayley.:adore:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Yeh, they were both really sweet. And Nathans face when he saw Haley and Jamie, bless... That was the best part of the ep I thought, that and the Brooke scenes, the rest wasn't as good as I hoped :(
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Heh...I seem to be the only one who wasn't all that disappointed with the episode. I do agree that Mark Schwann must of watched some Stephen King or Supernatural with the whole Dan and Carrie thing...:p

And as for Lucas picking Peyton...*vomits*

I always pictured it being Nathan and Jamie dancing and Haley being the one to catch them...but it was just as cute this way too :adore:

Brooke I think stole the show...I can tell she is going to have a very powerful season!
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Yeh, I do agree that Brooke was absolutely fantastic. I'd be moaning more at it if she hadn't been so great :) I think it's the whole Lucas Peyton and the first 5 or so minutes just made me think *sigh*.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

once again..
did people watch the last ep?? good, eh?

"eh" bahah i'm so Canadian.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

JorjaFoxFan, I'm sorry but I don't really get what you mean with your last remark about being Canadian. Care to explain? :)

Finally I started to like Q and now he's gone?! Didn't see that one coming! I was like :wtf:! Now I get why we suddenly got the little background info when he was sitting with Hayley in her class room. :rolleyes:

Poor Brooke! It was a surprise that she called Deb. Can't remember them ever interacting so closely but I like it. Deb's doubt about keeping it a secret is very realistic. Too bad she's choosing to keep her mouth shut. There's going to be trouble... :shifty:

I know Peyton is all "happy, happy, joy, joy" atm but come on, she had to know Brooke was lying about falling down the stairs! Two black eyes and a bruise free nose...When you fall face down wouldn't it be the nose that suffers the most? Or am I taking 'face down' too litterally? :confused: Brooke telling Peyton she believes in justice is promising. I hope she's going to kick Victoria's *ss! :devil:

I like Skills and Deb. Can't hardly wait for the moment they going to get caught by Nathan. :lol: I'm amazed that Jamie can keep his mouth shut to his parents. Grandpa Skills... :guffaw:

Nanny Carrie was disappointing. Her plan sucks, i agree with Dan, but letting Dan get to her is just stupid. I liked it better when she was in control and Dan was powerless. :rolleyes:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

i just started to like Q too, i was so sad it had to end like that..
Nanny Carrie is just much as i don't like Dan, i don't want him to die with Nanny Carrie :shifty:
her plan does suck though. poor jamie :(

AppleJack i just meant Canada is stereotyped by other countries as always saying "eh!" about everything..which isn't true so we kind of make fun of it up here :lol:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Wow...this season has been...AMAZING!

I am a little peeved that Peyton so easily bought the story Brooke fed her. :rolleyes: This is why I don't like happy Peyton because she becomes so freaking self-involved. OK, that was a little harsh...she deserves some happiness after all the crap she has gone through. I just think she should be aware of what happened to Brooke. Of all the people, I think Peyton was the best person to come to. Ugh, it all comes back to Lucas ruining things! :p Although I was glad that she did seem a little suspicious in the end of the episode.

I have liked Q since the beginning and am heartbroken by what happened to him :(
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Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

What happened what happened? I really shouldn't come in here before watching, but i just can't help myself :D I'll probably watch in the next few days, but what happened with Q? And I really don't like the nanny carrie stuff already...
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Are you sure you really want to know? :lol:

Basically, Q had just finished his workout with Nathan who wanted to stop early so he can rest his back. He went to a gas station and went inside and lo and behold he sees the gas attendant on the floor bleeding. The robber shoots him and it ends with Lucas getting a phone call saying that Quentin Fields had been shot and is dead. :(