One Tree Hill

Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

OMG, really?! That's horrible, :( he could have at least been given a nice way out. Aww, i'm all sad now :( that sucks. I was jjust getting to like him too.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

AppleJack i just meant Canada is stereotyped by other countries as always saying "eh!" about everything..which isn't true so we kind of make fun of it up here :lol:

Now I get it! Thank you for explaining. I live on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean so I didn't know. :)

Wow...this season has been...AMAZING!

I agree. :) I've always liked to watch this show but I think since the beginning of last season it got much better. Maybe it's because of my age that I can relate more to the grown up part then the teen part? *feels really old now*
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

^well I don't know your age :lol: But for me personally as a college student, and a little closer to the age of the characters of the current season I connect (not sure if that is the right word I want to use) with them more. Well, I don't have to deal with psychotic nannies and multi-million dollar company but the emotional growth yes!

Plus the fourth season was so incredibly out there even for teenagers so it was kind of hard to connect there. :p
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

AppleJack i just meant Canada is stereotyped by other countries as always saying "eh!" about everything..which isn't true so we kind of make fun of it up here :lol:
Now I get it! Thank you for explaining. I live on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean so I didn't know. :lol:
bahah, good to know we're loved down there!
it really grinds my gears at how Peyton was soo easily bought by brooks story, her injuries are completely inconsistent. but she was really happy about Lucas...and so was I :rolleyes:
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Did anyone find it kind of odd that Lucas really wanted to talk to Brooke? Now I'm not saying that it had to do with romantic feelings. I am just curious to see what was so urgent for him to talk to her about.

As the lone Brucas shipper here I cracked up when Jamie asked Luke if he was ever in love with Aunt Brooke. :lol: Also when Skills asked Lucas if he should wait till when Luke proposes to Brooke.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

Let's hope Skills has some psychic power that yet has to be revealed and your Brucas dream may come true one day! ;)

I don't think it was odd that Lucas wanted to talk to Brooke. He just got engaged with Peyton and probably hasn't spoken with her in a while so logically he wants to see her. She's a good friend. :) I can't remember exactly what he said but I didn't get the feeling it was urgent.
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

i really like the friendship Lucas and Brooke seem to have built up over the past season or so. I think it's really sweet. But I think if Lucas splits up/ gets with anyone else now, it's taking it to a pathetic extreme with his indecision lol
Re: One Tree Hill *Spoilers*

LOL I really don't want Lucas with Brooke together romantically any more. I realized that immediately in the dream sequence in the premiere. I liked how now Lucas is someone that Brooke can turn too in a time of need. It seems to me that their roles have been reversed now. Although the death of Q :( kind of changes it once again *sigh*
I've finally watched the second episode. I'm so behind. How sad was the ending? And poor Brooke. I know everyone's already said it, but I'm so behind!

I hope Lucas helps Brooke through what she's going through, but I think he'll be too wrapped up in Peyton now.
For Lucas to help Brooke he needs to know whats going on with her. Just my theory but I'm afraid Deb's going to be the only one who knows about Brooke's situation for a while. Just when things are going really, really, really bad Lucas (and/or Peyton) will find out and come to the rescue.

Now I just have to wait and see if my crystal ball is working properly. :D
I do hope so. I think Peyton should have asked more questions though. I hope they can both help her.

I can see Deb helping a lot more though, it's sweet that Brooke called her
okay...without spoilers, after watching that last episode, i feel sympathy and pity for Nanny Carrie, but they need to wrap up her story lines. it never gets boring though!!
i cried through out this episode. especially at the end when Jaime puts the cape he made for Q on the coffin :( it was soooo sad.
Nanny Carrie is one crazy broad. But after tonight's episode I understand why. Her and Dan should get together. They're both too crazy for normal people.
Too bad nanny Carrie's got a reason to be so screwed up. I was hoping she was just pure evil. Would have been a lot more interesting (read: fun). ;)

To describe this episode in just one word: sad. Now let's get over it and hope for a not-so-sad episode next week.