One Tree Hill

did anybody watch last night?? that was an amazing episode!!

I'M SO HAPPY PEYTON IS PREGNANT!! hahhaah, finally a happy ending for her and lucas, im glad they ended up together. i'm also glad they caught Q's killer, and i think Sam respects Brooke more after that whole ordeal, and realizes everything she does. i'm happy for Nate, he's gonna be great on that team, and i'm proud of him for standing up for himself :p[

It was great episode! I liked how Jamie and Andre's trip to Quentins grave was done. Peyton's pregnancy was a surprise. I wonder how that's going to turn out. And finally they got Brooke's attacker and Q's killer. I still don't get how Sam knew Jack's brother had the sketches and how she got them back, because it appears she didn't know he was the one who attacked Brooke. Did I miss something? :confused:
I'm a couple of eps behind now. Peyton is pregnant?! That's a shock, and I'm glad to hear they caught Q's killer
I thought the last two episode were great. Brooke kicking ass was definately entertaining! I'm also glad they caught Q's killer. Yeah, Peyton is pregnant. Yay...not exactly excited. I was excited about Luacs and Peyton watching Andre and Jamie. They are so cute! Those kids are adorable.