Everybody in the shipper thread seems to think they have chemistry
Well, uh, wouldn't that be kind of
obvious? It's the shipper thread, that's what it's there for. I'm hardly going to go over there and post that I don't think they have chemistry, am I? People who don't like Danny/Flack stay out of our thread, and I return the favor. (That was just one example, of course, because it personally relates to my shipping preferences, not necessarily the preferences of the posters in this thread as a whole.)
The hope for a Danny/Angell relationship stems from Angell’s overall likeability something some viewers strongly feel Lindsay lacks. If there were a Danny/Angell relationship and it derailed Danny’s character, made him a spineless idiotic doormat then I’m sure there would be an outpouring to quash it and spare us any more pain.
Thank you, you worded it perfectly.

I like the idea of Danny/Angell because there's
possibility there, if the writers simply
must put Danny in a romantic relationship. Emmanuelle seems to be a fantastic actress, and we know Carmine is very good, of course. Together the relationship could be believable, and considering that Angell has only been in 5 or 6 episodes this season (I believe), one would hardly expect it to be a big deal on the show itself. Yes, Danny and Lindsay have had few scenes this season, but once Anna is back from maternity leave full-time, one can only assume that she'll be having
far more scenes with Danny than Angell would possibly have.
And I don't know about all of the D/L fans, but I'd rather not have the cases sidetracked by schmoopy, out-of-character dialogue over the dead bodies. The first time they have a lovers' spat, Danny will end up missing important evidence and Hawkes will have to save his ass or something.

Really, looking at the interaction between them thus far, and considering the route that these types of shows often take, I consider myself perfectly within my rights to think it would be a f**king stupid idea, even if other people disagree with me.