On Love Triangles (chock full of *MAJOR SPOILERS*)

Yeah, it might be good if you leave that one alone.

Mo and her fluffyness..

My poor Angell, I hope it doesn't turn out bad for you babes.
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I think guest stars like Nixon Suicide and the dominatrix have proved Danny's not easy like some think he is. I think if characters are being used to prove he's being true to Lindsay (though it's not like they're together, so he really doesn't have any obligation to do so), it would be them.

If the Angell scene stays in, I think it's something different. Either just a moment or something more. I guess time will tell.
sexually charged scene.. hehe. Hey Modie would you like to see Dangell sexually charged scene?
Yes please as long as they're not just using Angell to further push DL.

Like everybody's said before, Nixon Suicide and the dominatrix openly flirted with Danny. IMO, he was very tempted by Nixon Suicide. He seemed to like her and he seemed to regret not taking her up on her offer. He really didn't seem too into the dominatrix.

I think maybe the Angell scene will prove to him that it's not just "wild" women who are attracted to him. The subway girl in Risk was a good example and I'm hoping that maybe they did go out. Angell would be a good example of a beautiful woman, who is (as far as we know) a pretty normal woman who (if this scene plays out) clearly feels something for him.

We all know that Danny calls Lindsay after the scene with Angell but it's not like he runs back to the lab to call her. Unless they change things around, it doesn't happen right after the Angell scene so I'm not sure if the two are related to each other. It's later on in the episode that he calls her.

I'm pretty sure he's not thinking of Lindsay during this "scene" with Angell because (unless they change it), she's the one who seems to back down (not Danny) and continues on with the case.

Moriel, you feel free to come in here as often as you like. :D We welcome all DL shippers and enjoy differences of opinion and debates. It's nice to see how the other side of the fence feels about things.
I'm really excited to see how it all plays out, if it does. I really don't want Angell to get hurt if their using it for a DL thing.
^ He can't get back with Angell because they have never been together (that we know off :)).

If that phone call to Lindsay hasn't got anything to do with the DA scene and both are still gonna be in the ep, than maybe DA is something they've already put in there for some future story line - don't have a clue what that could be though :confused:
If "Dangell" was together, I would've loved to see that moment :lol:

If its a future type storyline to have, they confusin' the hell outta me.
dbl4eva said:
^^I don't know either. I don't think they would have put so much effort into DL to just make it go away.

I honestly wish they would make it just go away. It being the Danny/Lindsay fiasco that constantly derails the shows forward momentum, plot, and character development. It is detrimental not only to the show, but to the actors involved, specifically Carmine. I think Angell is worth more than a simple roadblock to Danny/Lindsay and the insertion of the scene should have reverberations long after the moment happens if they take that road. If the writers don't have the balls to explore the actual possibility of Danny/Angell then they should drop the scene post haste. The Danny/Lindsay trifle can be exorcised from the show without sacrificing the elegant character of Angell. Love triangles are a cliché of soap operas and a symptom of an uninspired mind, though Danny/Lindsay is uninspired so perhaps I'm asking for too much.
I don't undertand how everyone keeps saying that Danny/Lindsey is the center of the show. So they flirted last year, Danny probably flirts with everyone. There relationship was only even noticed 5 times this season. There have been 15 episodes.

As for the relationship thing. Everyone is against relationships on the show, unless it is Danny/Angell. Why is it okay for them and not okay for Danny/Lindsey?
They usually say that storylines continue because thy can see it being a hit with the fans!
I wanna know who they are talking to and who's saying they want the D/L thing to happen!! I couldn't think of anything worse!! I cringe now when the two of them have scenes together!!! It's no disrespect to the actors but they lack the chemistry.
Well, there are a lot of fans who do say they want the D/L thing to happen. Everybody in the shipper thread seems to think they have chemistry, so it is probably like a 50/50 thing and TPTB are going to have to figure out which way to go. Either way, some fans are going to be happy and others are not.
dbl4eva said:
I don't undertand how everyone keeps saying that Danny/Lindsey is the center of the show. So they flirted last year, Danny probably flirts with everyone. There relationship was only even noticed 5 times this season. There have been 15 episodes.

As for the relationship thing. Everyone is against relationships on the show, unless it is Danny/Angell. Why is it okay for them and not okay for Danny/Lindsey?

I don’t think people are against relationships on the show, in fact I think many people have spoken highly of the Mac/Peyton relationship. Many people have spoken highly of CSI’s paired with non-CSI characters on the show, because then romance can stay out of the lab and remain a subtle background detail. Danny/Lindsay are not subtle, they are overwhelming and silly. People seem to be against any action that derails the show, now I haven’t bothered to count how many Danny/Lindsay moments we’ve had this season because I could care less. I am against juvenile actions where adults are concerned, I am against an obvious and painful lack of chemistry, I am against the sacrifice of one character’s essence in an attempt to sell another character to the audience, essentially, I am against Danny/Lindsay and only Danny/Lindsay. I can’t speak of relationships that haven’t begun, but I could be against those as well. The hope for a Danny/Angell relationship stems from Angell’s overall likeability something some viewers strongly feel Lindsay lacks. If there were a Danny/Angell relationship and it derailed Danny’s character, made him a spineless idiotic doormat then I’m sure there would be an outpouring to quash it and spare us any more pain. The fact is, this is a procedural drama, it is not Young & The Restless and anything that takes away from team dynamic, character growth, or general enjoyment showed be thrown away. That includes not only Danny/Lindsay but love triangles as well.
Again, where you all see that they have no chemistry, there are a people who say that they do. I don't think Danny has been made a doormat. After the Love Run Cold episode until she left, the flirting stopped. Now, everyone says he is just being a friend by going to Montana, yet you still think they are going the relationship route?
JDonne - you've hit the nail on the head!!
No one really bothered when Stella was seeing Frankie or Danny was seeing Cindy. I mean are we supposed to believe that these characters don't date or see people outside of work. It can be written in a way where we understand but the way they are forcing Danny and Lindsay upon us is uncomfortable and cringy and I kinda tune out when it's all about them! Even in interviews Carmine doesn't seem all the happy with the relationship going that way, he kinda changes the subject. I really hope they don't end the season with them getting it together. Or them getting it together at all in fact!