sexually charged scene.. hehe. Hey Modie would you like to see Dangell sexually charged scene?
Yes please as long as they're not just using Angell to further push DL.
Like everybody's said before, Nixon Suicide and the dominatrix openly flirted with Danny. IMO, he was very tempted by Nixon Suicide. He seemed to like her and he seemed to regret not taking her up on her offer. He really didn't seem too into the dominatrix.
I think maybe the Angell scene will prove to him that it's not just "wild" women who are attracted to him. The subway girl in Risk was a good example and I'm hoping that maybe they did go out. Angell would be a good example of a beautiful woman, who is (as far as we know) a pretty normal woman who (if this scene plays out) clearly feels something for him.
We all know that Danny calls Lindsay after the scene with Angell but it's not like he runs back to the lab to call her. Unless they change things around, it doesn't happen right after the Angell scene so I'm not sure if the two are related to each other. It's later on in the episode that he calls her.
I'm pretty sure he's not thinking of Lindsay during this "scene" with Angell because (unless they change it), she's the one who seems to back down (not Danny) and continues on with the case.
Moriel, you feel free to come in here as often as you like.

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