Fay's shirt is hopefully not going to be too tight across the tah-tahs. I'm going to cross my fingers. :lol:
I'm surfing the net while my hair dries. We'll be catching our plane in about three hours. I'm nervous and excited and paranoid about having to pee on the plane. Yeah, that's right, I'm one of
those people. As soon as I know I'm going somewhere or I'm in a car/another means of transportation for an extended period, I start to worry about potty breaks. A holdover from those 16-hour car trips with my family when I was a kid and my father's phobia of public restrooms forced us to try much more
interesting means of peeing, perhaps? *sigh*
Rhonda is in the shower, and when she gets out we've got a few last-minute things to take care of before we can grab some breakfast and get to the airport at 8-ish.
And yes, I made sure I took my fingernail clippers out of my carry-on.
After cutting my poor nails to death last night, though. I let them grow too long and then hack them all off so that they look bad. Poor nails.)
Alrighty, I'm off to visit my other regular sites before the trip. Dinner at Miceli's in ~12 hours!