New RP- open

Sara smiled as she got herself a juice standing next to Nick "I'm tired to its been a long night and i'm afraid my feet cant handle this much longer"
Nick leaned closer to her, he leaned against the counter and sipped his coffee, "oh Greg, all is ok, I think every thing will be fine" Nick said in a reassuring way, he looked at Sara, "and as for you, we should get you home, maybe run a bath, get cozy watch a good old movie" Nick said wile putting his arm around her waist.
She smiled "you're still supposed to take me to see the New pirates movie" (Yes call me obsessed) she gave him a look as she pouted "I dont want to go home just yet I want to be with you"
Nick gave her a frown, "your picking Johnny Depp over me?" Nick asked in mock sadness, "no I'm just kidding, I want to see that movie too" Nick joked, he smiled at her, "let's do that then, I wanted to see that one to" Nick said.
Sara looked at Nick "well I just like the fact that He gets the girl for once or so i've heard" then she looks at Greg "and its MORE then just a Disney movie its by that producer who produces those forensics shows" she sticks her tongue out at him
Greg stuck his tounge out like the her little brother and stated to read charlie brown "Dont you love it when Charlie brown says good grief" he giggled
Nick looked between the two, he gave them a look, "right, well we can go see that, it should be good" Nick said wile sipping his coffee, "and yes I love it when charlie Brown says 'good grief' I want to say that some times" Nick said with a smile.
Nick put his hand around Sara's waist, he kissed her on her cheek, "ok baby, lets split" Nick said as he put his coffe mug in the sink, "bye Greg, see you next shift, and say good night to Wendy for me" Nick said as they headed for the door.
Sara took his hand as they left for the movie ,she had every intention of watching the movie but knowing her and Nick that might not be what actaully happens
(i'm going to play Hodges, if it's ok)
Hodges saw Greg, he ran over to him, "hey Greg, what's up?" he asked him, "you wanna play 'Dukes of Hazard?' with me?" he asked the young CSI.
Greg looked around "If i can rememmver to play it was so long ago ever since" he stopped in his tracks "Yeah sure" he changed the subject.