New RP- open

Hodges knew why Greg stopped, he nodded, "right, um well I don't have anything else to do tonight so, we can play" he said, they walked into his lab, "so, how are you and Wendy doing?" Hodges asked as he pulled the board game from under the cabinet.
Hodges laughed lightly, "wow, you really have grown up, I want to make fum of you, but I feel I shouldn't" Hodges said as he set up the game board, "and nick and Sara...I haven't gotten a visit from them all day so..." Hodges said.
Hodges smiled slightly, "any thing wrong?" he asked, he knew though that the day was a long one for Greg, but he wanted to make sure he was alright.
Hodges almost asked further, when Grissom ran in, "hey Greg, if your not off the clock yet, I need you, i got a break through on my case and i need an extra hand" Grissom said wile looking at the young man with tired eyes.


Nick stood in line at the movies as he looked over and saw Sara just standing there, with her hand on her belly, he smiled to him self, he was happy.
Sara felt as if they were standing in line forever she wasnt at all suprised though she had heard that the movie had raked in lots of dough on its actual release date,she Just couldnt wait to finally get to sit down
Nick walked over to Sara, "got the tickets baby" he said wile putting a hand around her waist, they walked over to the theater that was showing the movie.

Grissom walked to one of the layout rooms, he turned to Greg, "I want you to tell me every thing about Sara and Nick" Grissom said flatly, he looked the young man square in the eye.
Gregs eyes got big "What uhh what do you mean there Grissom why would i know anything about them" he asked nervously not wanting to talk.
nicksarafan2 said:
Nick walked over to Sara, "got the tickets baby" he said wile putting a hand around her waist, they walked over to the theater that was showing the movie.
Sara smiled "awesome" they walked into the theater trying to find the seats (she had gotten popcorn and other condidements before going in the theater) "I guess I shouldnt be suprised that the theater is this packed"
Nick smiled as they sat down, "well yeah, the movie is turning into one of the highest grossing films of all time" Nick said as they got comfy, "and what do you wanna bet that the movie wont really start for like 30 minutes?"(at our theater this is what happens) Nick smiled as she laughed at that notion.


Grissom looked at him again "Greg, I have been a criminalist for more then 20 years, I know when people aren't telling me the truth, you can tell me, i just want to know the facts, is Nick good to her? is she really happy? does she miss me?...." Grissom paused, "and did she cheat on me with Nick when we were still together?" Grissom asked the young man.
Greg didn't know what to say "I think i hear Wendy calling i have too keep a eye on her she's pregnant and all" he started to head for the door
nicksarafan2 said:
Nick smiled as they sat down, "well yeah, the movie is turning into one of the highest grossing films of all time" Nick said as they got comfy, "and what do you wanna bet that the movie wont really start for like 30 minutes?"(at our theater this is what happens) Nick smiled as she laughed at that notion.
Sara smiled at him "I 'm not surprised I mean after everything i've heard about this movie" they waited for the movie to start as they sat through a million Or so it seemed Previews of other movies