New RP- open

Cath sighed and walked into the break room. It was slow, so she decided to put her feet up for a bit. She poured herself a decaf tea and sat down on the couch.
Nick walked through the halls of the lab,he was looking through some files after a case he and the others just got back from.
"Nick" Grissom's voice cought him off guard, Nick turned around to fing Grissom standing in the door way of his office.
"hey Griss, whats up?" Nick asked, he put his hands behind his back and tryied to smile.
"i want to talk to you" Grissom said in a low tone.
Nick walked up to him and the two entered the office, Grissom closed the door.
Nick sat down at his desk, he looked over at Gill, who walked around to his chair and sat down.
Grissom just staired at him, this made Nick nervouse, "listen Grissom, if you want to throw down lets do it, but no more of this silent crap" Nick said wile standing.
Sara left Nicks side to work her case, she was worried about how things would turn out would Grissom fire them Would he care ,She vowed that if things would get awkward she'd leave the lab but Now she couldnt leave without Nick
Grissom looked at him, he removed his glasses, and sighed softly, "Nick sit down, I don't want to throw down, I just..." Grissom paused.
Nick noticed the sadness that was present in his eyes, he sat down.
Grissom continued, "... I miss her, Nick, and when I found out you and Sara... I was stunned" Grissom said softly.
Nick sighed, "to be honest Gill, I'm happy she came to me, I love her, I have always loved her... well you want her to be happy right?" Nick asked softly.
Grissom nodded, "of course Nick I do... you better go" Grissom said suddenly.
Nick stood, "ok, but really Gill, you have to move on" Nick said before leaving his office.
Grissom sighed softly, he picked up a pencil and broke it in two, he then rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Nick saw Sara, he smiled and walked over to her, he knew they were at work, but he couldn't resist, he gave he a quick kiss on her lips, and smiled, "hey Sara" Nick said sweetly. he stood close to her and looked over the stuff regarding the case on the layout table.
She gazed into his eyes "how did that go?" she questioned him meaning how his conversation with Grissom went ,she looked down at the evidence on the table they didnt have much but at the moment she didnt care
Cath waved to the techs in the lab and walked over to Warrick's office. She rapped her knuckles gently on the door. While she waited, she nursed a cup of coffee.
Nick rubbed her back, "we're... we're ok, I think he will back off a bit, I told him he needs to move on and let you be happy" Nick told her, he gave her a little smile, "so, how is this case going?" Nick asked trying to change the subject.
she smiles at him ,grinning from ear to ear "well the case is going great I think we've got him ,the smudge on the knife we got is a match to the suspect we have in custody"
Nick gave her a big grin, "good, maybe we will get out of here soon, I am so tired" Nick said wile gently rubbing her back.
Greg walked into the break room while Wendy wen't back to the lab. He didn't see anyone so he thought he'd wait till someone came and explained everything.
nick was walking through the halls and saw Greg in the break room, sensing that Greg wanted to know what was going on, Nick walked in, "hey Greggo, hows it going?" Nick asked as he walked in and went to the coffee machine.