New RP- open

nicksarafan2 said:
Nick thought about that, "right, I hope I don't faint, my dad fainted when my mom had my oldest sister, I hope I don't, becouse I'll be the one holding the camera" Nick said hopefully, he looked at Sara and then at the other two, " and why don't you two name one baby Nick if it's a boy or Nik if it's a girl, works both ways" Nick said with a wink.
Sara eyed him as she gave him a look "and how do You intend on holding the Camera and My hand at the same time?" she questioned him,she then Looked at Greg and Wendy "Hey be nice to the Father of my child
greg smirked, wendy turned to greg "are you going to be holding the camera" she asked raising a eyebrow, "oh no", wendy sticks out her face "greg you have to child birth is a beautiful thing", greg shivers "your not the one who has to watch", "yeah im the one who has to spend countless hours in recless pain", greg looked at her and then at the others for support
Nick put his hands up, "sorry Greggo your on your own" Nick said with a smirk, then his beeper went off, and then his cell, Nick checked it, "oh fudge, Grissom wants us back in the lab" Nick said after he checked the beeper, he then answered his cell, "hello? yes Griss, were on our way back" Nick said, then there was an abrupt click on the other line, nick removed the phone from his ear, "ok hombre and Chicas, we've got to roll" Nick said wile sipping his coffee then pulling out his wallet, "and I got this" he said with a smile.

(i thought we should leave the diner if that is cool, and get on to other stuff :D )
greg smirked "good because i wasn't pay..." wendy hit him with her shoulder "i mean thank you nick how nice of you" he looked over at wendy and smiled "thats better" she teased
(thats fine with me)
Sara took Nicks hand "so much for a night off huh?" she turned around to face him "Did Gris say what the case was about? its gotta be big if its all hands on deck"
Nick sighed as he helped her stand from the booth, "he didn't say, all I know is he sounded bitter" Nick said with a shrug, "oh well, lets just try and stay on his good side" Nick said with a slight smile.
Sara Looked up at Nick,she couldnt help but see the love in his eyes ,she Loved how over protective he was being,she was only into her third week of pregnancy and already he treated her like a porcelain doll
Nick looked at him, "oh it's nothing, just have to get back to work you know" Nick said wile giving a bigger smile, he hoped it would be convincing enough to his three friends.
greg lowered his eyebrow "ok whatever you say" he could tell that something was wrong 'did grissom tell him something' he wondered "c'mon wendy my dear lets go", he smiled and moved out the way for her but before he did he quickely took the last sip of his coffee.
Sara could see the look in Nicks eyes she also knew when something was wrong, she frowned having a hunch on what it might be "he's mad istn he? He's jealous and Mad" she looks at him "He'll get over it" she kises him gently "he'll have to I'm in love with you now"
Nick smiled slightly at her, "yeah he will, but you know how he gets when he's mad at me, I can't stand it" Nick admitted, he sighed, he knew he shouldn't worry about it, but it was there, just staring at him like one of Gill's bugs.
Sara looked at him as she held his hand "Its okay Nick he cant fire us over this its against the Law and he Might baby us but so what" she gazes into his eyes "I honestly have no idea what I saw in the man"