Ok I finally got around to watching 'Exfiles' and laughed my socks off throughout and I finally understand the '5 song' convo 
I loved Tony and Ziva with there ipods at the beginning! But then it just got better didn't it :lol: With Gibbs' TrainWreck...but he looked quite amused never mind Tony's face!
But the best part of the episode had to be Abs' little punch :lol: (See banner
However I the ending was sad when they played the tape of Gibb's daughter playing the piano
I loved Tony and Ziva with there ipods at the beginning! But then it just got better didn't it :lol: With Gibbs' TrainWreck...but he looked quite amused never mind Tony's face!
But the best part of the episode had to be Abs' little punch :lol: (See banner
However I the ending was sad when they played the tape of Gibb's daughter playing the piano