Melina Kanakaredes Fan Project

msgirl said:
hey all im a melina fan what do you have to do with three lines about why you like her post them here or send them to you jorja :)

Yep just send me a pm but if you wanna be creative & add in a background or whatever send it to my email & I'll give you my email address via pm. You have five more days so good luck :). Thanks for your contribution as well.
Only 4 days left till the deadline. I counted the contributions that I receieved & guess what...I have a total of 29 :D. That includes you guys here on talk csi & all my Melina fanatic friends. That excels the amount I was expecting by so much. You guys will make Melina so happy. However, I'm sure we can beat the current number of 29 so keep it coming ;).
I just e-mailed my entry to you, jorja. I hope it's alright; I had no idea what to write and I hope it doesn't sound too childish or anything :lol:
^^I agree!...I hope we will be able to know about her thoughts! ;)and I am sure she'll apreciate it a lot! :D
CSI_Willows said:
Great that so much people have respond :D I think Melina has a big smile on her face when she's all reading this :D

Exactly. I have poured many hours & some cash into this project but I am happy to say I did it all without any regret. Melina is one of my all time favourite actresses & I want to do something that will let her know how much her fans appreciate it. I think the Greek theme made it even better ;).

I too would love to see or hear how Melina felt about the scrapbook. Maybe she'll metion it in a interview but judging by the submissions you guys handed in she's gonna love it :D.

Remember everyone...only 3 days left till the deadline so keep it coming. Try not to send it out on the last day as I don't want to pile athens will a whole bunch of translations at the last minute :).
^don't worry about that!..I enjoy the translating part since it how I ''participate''!you'll have the next translations soon btw!... :D
^ I'm glad you're ok with all of this :D. Most people could not sit down & even do half of what you're doing so that's really awesome. The translation adds an authentic touch to the scrapbook :). I must warn you that you'll need a few good minutes when it comes to my contribution 'cause it's gonna be long :lol:.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, my entry is compleeeeeeeeeete. :D It's so wonderful to see there're so many submissions for this project! Melina is gonna get much luvin'.

Now I gotta work on teh Eddie project. I hope I'm not too late for that.
^Exactly. I even got a few guys friend to participate & some of the stuff they came up with is so sweet. One guy was practically hitting on Melina in his message :lol:.

I have awesome news for all you procrastinators like myself. I've decided to switch the deadline to November 1st which is a week from today. I think that should be plently of ;).
Excellent. Now I'll even get off my butt and do something for Melina. I love that you had a few guys participate! Melina deserves to have a few guys drooling over her hotness the way we drool over the boys.