
Friday has the perfect line up for me, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, and Numb3rs best line up ever ;). Thanks for the telling me, now I have to try and watch Lifetime when I get a chance. Can't wait to see new episode tomorrow. :)
fantastic ep. left one amazed. Alliso dreaming about creepy scary serial killers. EWWW. Joe come home and finds Ariel with an ax, then Allison wakes up terrified.

The kids bickering at breakfast, and Ariel asking if whe can go on a scavenger hunt, much to the parents dismay:(

Allsion sees the pole dancer girl, and then Davalos says his housekeepers daughter is missing, and it seems to be the same girl Allison saw~

Ariel falling asleep in the car at school, and Briget all bent out of shape. Ariel seems all spaced out when Allsion told her she felt "uneasy" about the scavenger hunt, and then she asked for $200 dollars and it let Allison all baffled~

The girl and her sugar daddy and threatning him and him shooting her seeing it all again~

Ariel snuck out anyway & Allison and Joe were furious, also she was smoking:rolleyes: Then Allsion sees Ariel in the bar buying a gun and had the $200 cash, [she did steal it from Joes money drawer]~

Allsions follows, her to a friends house she was so humilated and she made her come home~

So the dead girls spirit inhabits Ariels body, meanwhile the guy who shot her buries the gun in his own flowerbed, then says a dinner prayer, [hypocrite]~

So they arrest Ariel and Allsion hugs her and she collapsesd and wa-la Ariel's back. What a phenomenal actress the little Ariel is, those expressions. Good all around ep.

She look's like Mick Jaggers youngest daughter Georgia May~
:) Yes I agree the episode was really good, kinda creepy how Ariel basically got possesed that was an awesome new plot though. This show is so awesome, keeps you interested from beginning to the end of the episode.
Patricia Arquette is currently shooting Medium's October 30 Halloween episode, which finds her character, Allison Dubois, digitally inserted into scenes from the 1968 black and white zombie classic "Night Of The Living Dead". Turns out the entire Dubois family ends up battling zombies--and middle daughter Bridgette [Maria Lark] will strike up a conservation with a dead spider named Miss Scarlet. The entry into the world of the dead comes via a funeral director, played by "Soprano's" vet Aida Turturro, whose father goes missing. Patricia was tickled about the news. "I worked with Aida before on a movie called "Bringing Out The Dead", and now we're in "Night Of The Living Dead" says Patricia, "I guess we only work on dead" projects":lol:
Another riveting keep on your toes episode~ Opening with Allison horrible dream sequence of her being catonic and one doctor pronouncing her dea dna another givng her a shot of some allergy medication that brought her back..then she woke up:eek: Allison asked Joe why he didn't tell her that happened, he said he didn't thnk it was relevant ~

The girls bickering again at breakfast over a TV reality show Bridgette was enamored with and of course Ariel putting her and it down~

Allison visiting Rosemary in the hospital who has stage 4 cancer and askes Allison to dream a good dream for her, than she finds doctor who saved her, [if she only knew] but does later~

Joe at new job interview and meeting Willham, instead of William, he's very nervous and Joe tells him to hold a water bottle~

Joe picks up the girls and B tells him she has a idea for a Hollywood character wants Joe to send it~

Allison dreams again about her friend and sees a weird scenerio involving drugs, goes to see her and is talking to her, and the nurse comes in and tells her "she passed away"~

Allsion goes to Davalos and tells him her suspicions, he tells her "she died of natural causes" She goes to the same doctor Statler and tells him, she thinks there was foul play. he doubts what she' saying [snake] but does an autopsy anyway, find nothing [so he says]~

Allison has the same dream..again..and this time sees that same doctor adminster the fatal overdose~

She tells Joe, then confronts the head honch the hosptal boss and tells him how many deaths happend on his shift, he gets angry and tells her to leave, and confides that he [Statler] treated his wife~ and she had good care tuill she passed~

Joe didn't get the job Willham did and Bridgette , but her characters were fictional, althouhg the same names and someone snitched on Joe with derogatory comments~

Statler confronts Allison and all but tells her what she suspects is "true":( Joe is sorry but kinda of neutral~

Administrator calls in the Dr. and is put on suspension but before he leaves goes into a horrific scenerio on his wife actually blackmailing him, so he can keep his hospital priviledges. Davalaos calls in administrator, because Allison saw the whole scene [of course] and offers him a deal to testify against the doctor

Joe goes to see Willham, on pretext of congrat. him and tells him to check out his wife and Carlos~ then hears from head-hunters while cleaning out his garage~

Statler plays cat and mouse with the ad. then KILLS HIM with an overdose of potassium, [untraceable] Allison sees it again, but when she confronts him he knows she can't prove it and tells her he's accepted a job in Gerogia, she looks baffled and it ends~~~ this has to be continued:confused:
From this weeks TV Guide from a reader~


Cheers to CBS making a seamless transition with MEDIUM. In a time when some shows undergo major changes after they switch from one network to another, MEDIUM is a wonderful as it was last season on [NBC], and no characters had to leave or be recast. Also love Patricia Arquette's new 'doo!
name witheld
Cameron Park, CA.
WOW, this was a shocker ep. The opening with the bad guy John on his death bed and the other guy telling him to admit to the killings of many girls he finally whispered "NO", the guy started shaking him but he was dead, then Allison woke up.:eek:

The girls at breakfast, bickering as usual~

Joe going to another job interview~

Allison in thearpy with the fash cards interpreting than differently than they were, then she meets Neal [Fisher Stevens] another survivor of a brutal attack says "use them backwards"~

Scanlon calls Allison to the morgue she sees the same symbol on the girls forhead as she saw in the falsh cards, when there were none~

Joe at his interview the boss SO RUDE, and not paying attention to Joe, he gets the job and is surprised, cause' he thought the guy hated him. Allsion teels him "your the best" then as she's driving around she sees symbols everywhere and almost gets in a wreck. She goes to the book store and it's the guy she saw in her 1st dream who's positive the guy John who died was the serial killer and the symbol was Libra.

Aallison tells Davalos and he doesn't believe her, but she's positive it's someone else. then the note she wrote to Marie's teacher was sent back because it was all written in symbols:confused:

Then she sees Neal as the killer, who knew?

Joe poor guy with an oddball strange boss, who says he has grants to hire people and Joe basically has nothing to do all day, he goes "think of it as a scholarship" He hates this, so give him a proposition to help him, when he needs it~

Neal indentifys his attacker from 11 years ago, but he was peeking into a girls apt. and Allsion, of course saw him, another dead girl it was Neal, EWWWW:klingon: it was always him not the other guy John, so he wants to talk to Allison from jail, she goes in with him he goes" do you see me like I see myself" Allison says "I see you as self centered, self involved, a mruderer a cowardly murderer"

The end~
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Vision or nightmare? That's the question when CBS' MEDIUM unveils it's 1st ever Halloween episode on Oct. 30, an homage to the 1968 horror film "Night Of The Living Dead". This is the world that occupies "Allison's dreams", says ex. producer Glenn Gordon Caron, who adds that the zombies of the movie are a metaphor for the episodes mysteries. The twist? Allison [Patricia Arquette] wakes up battered and bruised from things that happen in her nightmares, "It makes her terrified when she goes to sleep, because she fears one night she'll die in her dream", adds Caron. 'And every morning, she has no idea what kind of injury she's going to have" Arquette a longtime fan of the movie, was happy to mix things up a bit. "It's not like a typical day in the office".. Dana Meltzer Zepeda TV GUide writer
Recored this on Friday finally watched it. Another blockbuster and riveting episode~

Allson dreaming about when the girls were babies & Joe to, wakes up. To Joe "What do you think ablout having another baby"? He's look's baffled.

Ariel complaining about Bridgette's playing the clarinet, her reed broke. Joe is so good with the kids~

The ride to work with Scanlon and her raving about his baby girl~

The case, a missing baby boy and housekeeper taking him~ They go to the babysitters house burst in it's empty~

Joe takes Bridgette to the music store and Marie takes a clarinet off it's display stand and starts playing perfect much to Joe's and Bridgette's surprise.

Allison has a sneaking suspicion and goes driving through a strange neighborood, gos in a house and finds the missing baby Bryce in the OVEN:wtf:

Allison takes him home, and is off the wall think's he's supposed to be with her, Joe calls police and they come and get him~

Bridgette has a snit fit because Marie can play the clarinet and she can't so sh tlle her dad to let Marie's take her place at her lesson~

Scalon and wife, trying to have a night out alone without interference with baby talk and then he gets a call and leaves. She's glad~

Allison acting all sentimental and obessed with the baby goes to the house and a little girl comes to her and tells her the baby is not safe in this house. Allison jumps to the conclusion that he's being drugged~

Poor Bridgette, thinking no one cares about her as a person she's just a 'sister' Joe comforts her;)

Allison once again hears the baby crying in the middle of the night, goes [with Joe] who's aggitated. Asks if the baby is OK. The parents are a bit disturbed~

Allsion smells a rat.. baby sitter found dead, cousin identifies her!

Marie keeps hearing the same song with an old man playing it~

Allison, hears baby again goes over and sprays the mom with mace, and takes Bryce away with her. Calls Joe, who thinks she's totally insane by this point. Police find her, arrest her. But it re-inacts the babysitter Elizabeth and her sum bag cousin plotting to kidnap the boy, then sell him. she says "NO" refused to go along with this scheme, he slams her in the head and kills her. The blood in the kitchen matches the cousins, they arrest him~

The mom visits Allison and realized they were going to kidnap the baby and isn't going to press charges against Allison, she did save the baby and he was in danger~

Bridgette hears the same somg Marie kept playing at her school goes in asks him "what's the name of tat song" he goes "No name my dad never finished it before de died, then she goes and gets Marie, and she plays the song on the flute and he accompanies her on the piano~ cute ending:thumbsup:
This ep. was scary but silly as well, not creepy for the real world. A take-off from the old movie "Night Of The Living Dead" Allison kept dreaming about this and waking up with wounds and scratches on her body. So her and Joe slept in shifts, but she still fell asleep and had the same recurring nightmare, with the walking dad after her and the girls. And Bridgette all freaked out cause her pet trantula Ms. Scarlett, died and she felt guilty cause' she feed it candy. They were all hilarious with wigs and things~
From Friday night, better late than never;)

Allison dreaming about Ariel driving and a big rig pushing her through the red light, and the girls all freaking out, then she wakes up. Joe tells her to go back to sleep PD calls and ther was an accident, but not the way Allison dreamt it. Another girl and her mom where involved and did crash the car Ariel was driving, everylone was OK. Joe sure was calm for just having his car or Allisons car wrecked:confused:

She rents a SUV, only one available, meets up with Scanlon, way out in the desert. There's a big huge scorch burnt circle out there,. She has a vision of a guy blowing up a dimmu with explosives attached. Scary~ While she's driving she keeps hearing conversations with other people all around her and tries to get the gizmos on her new vehicle to work. She hears one [and listening to YMCA]:lol: conversation with one guy threatening to kill another, has o idea where or who~

The she sees a bank robbery, calls Scanlon and tell him the guy has a bomb, and thinks it's connected to the burnt hole in the desert~

Arriel has a tit-to-tat with the accident girl and has her own vision that the mom was in fact driving the car that caused the accident not her~

Allison at the bank and bomb squad guy tells her to go home, she again over hears a bomb plot~

Joe tells Ariel to drive with the mom who caused the accident and Ariel says "that's not an option" Ariel sees the girl dead, but warns her~

Scanlon calls Allison and tells her the guy at the bank blew himself up playing around with bombs and says a woman is involved~

The insurance will give Allison $2,300 for her car and it'll cost $7,000 to fix:(. Vehicle Allison formally rented was earlier rented by the woman in the bank plot~

Wilkes was the master mind and they found the missing money and the woman Erica~

Allsion relented on fixing her old clunker and bought the SUV, then Ariel gets to take her sisters and her new friend the girl to school~

Good as always:thumbsup:
This was another bizarre ep. alot of the girls, Ariel who's infauated with a boy, who Allison dreamt was a killer, and told the teacher and Ariel was horrified, and then she also saw a vision of him. He thought he was someone esle and it's so complicated, unless you watched this almost impossible to make sense> Bridgette vido taping a neighbor who was so humilated and was going to sue, she defied her parents after being told not too, and did it again.But, eventually while watching it on YouTube, an old girlfriend from his past saw it and came forward so it was a good thing. Amy Pietz was the kids mom excellent acting. Allison was great and Joe as well, good all around episode as always~ Directed by Patricia's brother David Arquette~
Strange episode, starts with Joe's dad in his work place and some guys presenting a new hybrid car and he goes naw, Americans like there big cars and "you know what runs on batteries? toys" he then falls to the floor with a massive heart attack which he dies. Then of course Allison, wakes up another nitemare. He was then talking to her in the bedroom and telling her to get Joe to see a doctor. He says 'NO" he's just had a checkup for his new job and was fine, then Allison starts seeing bright lights.

She goes to work and keeps seeing them, so Scanlon goes to the lost and found bin, and finds her some cheap sunglasses, that were left behind. She still sees the luminious bright lights and starts seeing numbers on peoples foreheads~

Joe takes a blood pressure test and it says he's "high risk" calls doctor~

She also sees a guy being tortured, another nightmare~

Joe has check-up and the doctor tells him to 'meditate' he scoffs, he's not the type, but gives it a try~

Allison goes to crime scene and sees Scanlon with a #2 on his foreheard, meaning he has two days left to live, she's all freaked out~

Gang members the Littleton brothers and the Mexican gangs are at odds, Allison sees the same sunglasses on the one, she's been wearing~

Joe goes outside on his lunch break, finds a quiet place and starts his meditation, but his boss finds him and he's embarrassed, and tosses the meditation book in the trash~

Both the Littleton brothers are shot to death, she's still worried about Scanlon and tries in vain to warn him, calls him and warns him it's a dirty cop~ who at the time is there to pick up some info. he was in cahoots but he talks really loud and mentions the guys name Carver, so if anything happened to him the name would be on the message~

Joe's boss calls him into the office and bonds with him. He also meditates, so it was a good thing about his dad warning Allison~

Allison rides the elevator with Carver, and tells him about her issues and he doesn't believe her, see's the #1 on his forehead, but he doesn't believe her and walks away. She then throws the sunglasses in the trash and that's the end~
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So ya havent posted --dam Facebook got me hooked. But ya I have been watching Medium and have been liking the episodes. The glasses one was kinda dumb--coulda been a better story than it was. Still liking how they use the kids in the stories--usually kids are just props for the adults but not here. Anyway I see Desertwind has been keeping up with the reviews and I will try not to be a stranger here.
Hey Missing glad to see you back on here, where ya' been?:confused: Yeah it's still so good, and I'm glad that CBS picked it up, although it's not cutting it in the ratings or at least not in the top 20 category:( Don't be a stranger;)