
Okay I watched part of the show yesterday and to be honest if my kid (if I had one) mouthed off to me or her father for that matter the way Arial did to Joe, she would find herself grounded for oh life. She is not the adult and the total disrespect she showed Joe is out of line.
This two hour special was awesome, and I've never mentioned this, but the opening music so spooky, somewhat like something from "The Exorcist":vulcan:

So, Alison is now working for Lydecker, and is not happy at all, they're nasty and mean-spirited to her. His son who he knows as well as Alison, is the serial killer, who removes the victims eyes, EWWW, so he hides him out in Mexico, and tries to shove meds down his throat which he won't take. Ariel and the dead girl, and now seeing things about her subsititue teacher, so Alison takes her to the doctor to get some meds. to calm her down. Then the son butchers the dad, and Tracy Pollan [great acting job] tells Alsion the truth but hdes the death as a terrorist Mexican group. She then takes over the company. As her new boss she also threatens Alsion with breach of contract if she tries to quit. Alison goes to Davalos and tells him everything, they go to the office with their news and she wants to call her attorney, and fires Alsion :thumbsup: thank gawd, what a horrible expierence for her and Joe and the kids.

Part 2, Alison back in the DA's camp, and her boss go to a crime scene, and Alison falls down, and is in a coma. All of a sudden Another patient Todd Emery [Jeffery Tambor] takes over her body and becomes her. he goes to the DuBois home to which Joe and the girls are horrified. He starts crying insisting he's Alison, so Joe lets him spend the night, much to Ariel's chargrin and her sisters. He actually sews Marie a pea-pod costume for her play and impresses the girls. Cut to the chase, Davalos comes to the house knowing Joe is hiding him there, They take him back to the hospital, and his low-life wife, shoots a air bubbe into his syringe tube, he dies, and Alison comes to life, but then they save him.. MIRACLE, I guess. They arrest the wife. The ending was cute, all going to the play and stopping by to pick up Uncle Tod~ I thought this was the finale, but next week is~
I have to say I finally got to watch the episodes (real life you know) and wow great again. I love this show. That second episode where they switched bodies--hilarious. I was laughing so hard. Hate to see the finale come as dont know if the show will be back next year.
Tonight shoud be riveting, I can't spoil the story but can tell you that Anjelica Houston will guest as she did last season:thumbsup:
I just saw on "Showbiz Tonight" (on the Headline News channel) that NBC has cancelled Medium. No word yet on whether or not TNT will pick it up. I think TNT is where the repeats were showing.
CBS just swooped it from NBC and you will have full episode of The Medium. It will show it after Ghost Whisperer.
WOW, good news, this is a great show and Patricia Arquette rocks, she directed this ep. & it was riveting, Anjelica Huston a stellar actress, so beliveable and Rumer Willis, as the hooker, Bruce and Demi's oldest daughter was great, She resembles her mom. Good story and the end where she talked her down and took the gun away, and Joe going to San Diego, 3 days a week, to work. They really want him so that'll be a bit difficult but it'll be OK. Good episode as always~
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CBS just swooped it from NBC and you will have full episode of The Medium. It will show it after Ghost Whisperer.

So, it's gonna be on Fridays and an hour earlier now? Cause Ghost Whisperer is on Fridays at 7pm (my time). I don't know what's currently on after Ghost Whipsperer. I just know the third show on that night, that channel is Numbers (9pm my time). :lol: I don't watch GW. I don't really watch Medium but once in a while on TNT (cause on Mondays/NBC its on same time as Miami lol). My mother watches Medium though, so she'll be glad to know it's picked up by CBS.

So, Medium at 8pm my time on CBS Friday nights? Cool. I'll let my mother know. :D
NBC just throw it away yesterday, so CBS went to the trash can and swoop to untrash it and bring it to CBS.

If Scarub made it to ABC and it's renewed again. Medium will made it to CBS.
NBC just throw it away yesterday, so CBS went to the trash can and swoop to untrash it and bring it to CBS.

If Scarub made it to ABC and it's renewed again. Medium will made it to CBS.

I'm sure it'll do fine. It's a pretty popular show. :) And pairing it with another show of the same type is very smart. :)

I thought this season (on ABC) was Scrubs' last season? Did it get renewed again? :lol: Those people seriously can't make up their minds. :lol:
This was so quirky and silly but still interesting, about the back teller who was the image of Carol Burnett, pretending to have dreams like Alison, but was in on a bank heist, after hearing two crooks talk about it. She was good. also poor Joe out of town in San Diego, and trusting Ariel to drive his care for errands and school business, and Bridget , while she was checking up on the locked windows, drove it and crashed into another car EEK:(So Scanlon and his holding out dealing with his emotions on the baby and visiting his dad who it seemed to have dementia, another aspect that this show hasn't shown. So, the end the bank robber guy who had killed his partner and confronted Ruth, was caught by Davalos, and they let her go, back to her job. Next week is the finale:thumbsup:
Hoping CBS will indeed pick up the show and air it like it plans to :)

Looking forward to the finale and how NBC would end the show.
From the new TV Guide June 1-14.. about MEDUIM~

Medium fans, remember to change you channel next season. After being canceled by NBC, the drama was saved by CBS. "Honestly, I was shocked that it wasn't going to continue", says star Patricia Arquette says. 'We have very loyal fans, and they;ve been this core audience that any network [can] depend on, because they've really tuned in despite all our moves" The show will now air on Friday's between "Ghost Whisperer" and "Numb3rs" "If your going to stay home, it's really a fun Frday night", adds Arquette. So will the network switcheroo change the tone of the show? Creator Glenn Gordon Caron says all will stay the same, including the answer to S/5's cliff hanger. The obvious difference "That conclysion will play on a different network than the one in which it all started"
And networks wonder why they dont have viewership like they used to. NBC thinks they are gonna do well with Leno but i doubt it. I know the internet plays into viewers also but changing programming all the time doesnt help it either.
That's true, but I'm a hard-core Leno fan and am thrilled he's going on earlier, I don't care for Conan, so this is a good thing..for me, and yipee to CBS, for not letting this show go, now if they'll only pick up "WOAT":thumbsup: