
This was a rather weird episode, with losts of twists and turns some 'highlights' from this show~

Starts with David Bowie background music, "Grand Patrol From Major Thomas" [talk about old] and Allison sees a guy speeding with explosives in the back of hie car, he goes up to 100 miles per hr. and on purpose crashes into a concrete stud on the road and blows up. She wakes up. JOe's got the flu~ Breakfast with the girls and Bridgette seeing her own dream about Scanlon "he was sad" she says~

At work Scanlon shows Allison an engagement ring for his gal~

Meeting with the head of FEMA talking about a deadly virus that is highly contagious and someone stole some of it It could be used as a bio-terrortist attack, and there's NO anti-serum. Everyone is kind of bummed out for sure~

Allison on her way to get her flu shot sees the same guy she saw in her dream. She calls Joe and tells him to call 911. He crashes and is not yet dead, so Allison rushes up to his car and tries to save him he says "Go away, I want to die" and the car explodes, right after she runs away~

Scnlon tries to give his gal the ring, but she's all worried about the virus and puts a damper on the evening, they go home~

Allison gets the flu and Scanlon calls Allison, and tells her that not to go out or let anyone else go out. FEMA comes over and examines the whole family, thinking they might have the virus~Apprently the guy who crashed had the virus in his car, and they hope that was the end of it~

Eric, the FEMA guy calls in his boyfriend [he's gay] and said he's infected his partner with the virus, and he's taking all the anti-serum~

Allison has another dream, about this a..hole and in the morning confronts him and says she's going to blow the whistle on him~

Scanlon proposes, very sweet, he even got down on one knee;)

Later that night in bed Joe goes "Go to sleep" Allison replys "How do you know I'm not sleeping" He goes "I'm pyschic":lol:

The low-life Eric, who took all the anti-serum has an allergic reaction to the drug and comes down with the virus so it backfired. He's dying and Allison of course dreams it and is happy and smiling. Many more scenes and dialogue, but these were the highlights of the episode~
Brand new episode tonight~9:00 pm on CBS~

The tale of a dead crime suspect whose ghost contacts Allison to redeem himself, and connect with his girlfriend
Veery trippy episode, lots and lots of twists and turns:wtf:

Allison and her nightly nightmares, had her dreaming about a girl Gretchen ding her daily chores and a constant wrong # with this guy calling repeatedly, asking for Naomi then she the finds her dog..dead.. Joe fixing the girls breakfast and them nit-picking at his choice of clothes, he changes.

Davalos begin 3rd degreed about the 5th missing woman, then Allison tells them about her dream~

Joe having lunch with his immediate surprivisor, and him asking Joe to read his novel, and that this would have nothing to do with his 'review performance' coming up~ to be brutally honest~

Allison and Lee go over to Gretchens house and find the dead dog with her missing. Lee sees an electrician [Jeremy] outside, and the guy runs when Lee tries to question him, gets hit by a car and dies~

Ge then appears to Allison and says "I wasn't running because of the dead girl, it was bwecause I had a 'joint' in my pocket~

Joe tells Allison that Keiths book "sucks"~

Lee calls Allison and tells her Naomi was found hanging dead in Gretchen's closet~

Jeremy comes to Allison and tells her to talk to his girlfriend in retunr he'll help her find the 'penny jar' killer~ Called that, because he leaves the body of one woman in the closet of the next victim~

Keith comes in Joe's office and asks him what he thought of the book so far. Joe hems and haws and hedges and beats around the bush, and says 'he's only read 100 pages, out of 900. Keith says 'just tell me one word that describes it so far, Joe goes 'diffuse', he just couldn't bring himself to say 'sucks'~

Allison accepts this trad-off, and goes to see girlfriend Mandy bearing gifts, but she was not receptive and blew off Allsion, it did seem macabe~ she goes 'look in the hat box'~

He then appears to Allison and says he knows who the 'penny jar' killer is, then Mandy comes to Allisons office to apologize, and says she's going to move awaay from Phoenix to get away from all the memories, and if she talks to Jeremy to tell him she would have said "yes"~

Joe in his review performance got all bad ones from the DOM and the word used in all areas was 'diffuse' that SOB, what a mean-spirited childish thing to do. Joe barges into Keith's office and tells him off and calls him a 'punk' that his behavior was childish not one befitting an adult. So they go to a arcade to play silly games to see who's the best:rolleyes:and who was? didn't who that either~

OMG:eek: it was Jeremy and Mandy doing these crimes together, and Mandy was continuing , then Allison sees Mandy being executed, nd her and Jeremy reuniting both dead, and fighting and calling each other names. Strange~

The end was a bit confusing and fizzled, no closure it that were true [the execution] where was Gretchen? Did Keith change Joe's review? and what really happend to Mandy? Interesting, but a confusing ending~
This episode was heart-wrenching. It focused on Davalos and his daughter, we never knew about. Allison has a dream and sees his daughter Arianna writing a suicide letter to her parents and then goes out to the garage and turns on the exhaust. She wakes up all panic stricken~

Then Allison goes to tell him, and sees this guy putting a piece of mail in his mailbox. It's a horrible anniversary card on the death of her suicide.

Bridgett has 7 library books overdue, costing $92 bucks. So the libraian tells her she can work it off by helping out in the library. Ariel has like 200 e-mails, from these overseas scam artists, and Joe deletes them and downloads a new block-spam on the PC~ Bridgett meets a Prince type guy in the library and she knows he's the scam artist, and thinks she can get a return on her $38 bucks, so she gives it to him and he gives it back. She stopped him from this scam~

Allison and Davalos discuss why this person would do such a cruel thing long story short, Davalos prosecuted him years befor, and he thoought he'd pay him bakc by sending nasty mail to him. [Davalos looked so young with the black wig on] and down the line we find out that this creep Kerwin had raped his daughter and she couldn't deal with it, and killed herself. They couldn't prosecute him because he had served his time and there was no real proof of him doing this~

Allison has Davalos finally tell her secret and reads the suicide letter to his wife, as they both cry tears of anguish. It was different and as always awesome~
Finally a new episode and we recorded it, but didn't get a chance to watch till last night. Very strange from the land of fan-fiction.:vulcan:

Allison dreaming about a young girl with a 93-yr. old husband, who just told her he's cancer free and will probably live till he's 100. She freaks out and dumps him from his wheelchair down the staircase. He still isn't dead, so she bashes over the head with a vase.~

Allison in the parking lot of her work, sees a guy who's spilled his papers all over the ground, she helps him pick them up, then goes up o the elevator and there he is. This is the beginning of seeing him everywhere.:confused:

Meeing the girl Mallory who she saw in her dream and Davalos and her attorney. Then there he is again, working on the computer. Allison to Davalos. "I don't know who's slimmier, her or him"~

Ariel is hired to baby sit this freaky kid who has an imaginary friend a huge beaver called Mr. Topher, who see also sees. [very weird]`~

Allsion keeps seeing this same guy everywhere, and finally he turns into Joe, and she tries to attack him with a pair of scissors, but the girls stop her. She also sees him outside with a dress on. [We go, "this is getting silly and stupid"]

Ariel confronts the beaver who's a guy who died [hard to follow and digest this] and tells him to get lost, he disappears~

Mallory gets a call and thinks she's inherited this vast fortune, but her low-life attorney took all the money and she's dead broke:(

So the premise was this guy who Allison saw [and we did too] was a computer hacker, and broke into the system and sent thousands of e-mails that were bogus to the city, and Allison knew something was amiss but didn't know this was it. I'm still not sure what seeing him everywhere had to do with all of this~

Too off the wall and to the point of absurd, the writers of this one must have been on something when they wrote this:rolleyes:
Finally go to watch this from Friday night~ It begins with Allison leaving a super store, after shopping, calling Joe to tell him she was on her way home, and saying she can't find her car. Some punks jump her and mug her and steal her purse. She ends up in the hospital. good makeup. She's all battered and bruisded and has a slight concusion, but other than that OK. While waiting to be release she talks to a woman who was getting treated for a broken knuckle. She had years eariler been muged and raped. she started a self defense school called "PREVAIL" and invites Allison to attend.~

Davalos calls in Lee and shows him a vidoe of a 15-yr. old girl who was raped and the creep video taped it, he thinks it's Lee's long lost jail-bird brother. He goes to visit him he is shocked that Lee think's he's involved in this brutal crime, and just wants a fresh start. he was in jail for the exact same thing~

Alisson joins the class and is feeling better, but that night she dreams about the teacher, and her involvement~

Davalos brings in the brother questions him while Lee watches through the two way glass, and denies everything, but later Allison sees him with a mask on and it is him video taping the actual crime:eek:

An undercover cop is brutally murdered, and was watching the brother, so they automatically think it's him~

Big twist, Allison sees her teacher killing all the sees all the sex offenders and ehs' killing them because of her earlier trauma. Lee realizes it is his brother who raped the 15 yr. old and the teacher is stalking him so Lee is doing surveillance of her and his own brother, and lets the woman kill him and then goes in for the arrest. Allsion is so sorry, but she doesn't realize that Lee let the woman kill his brother due to the fact that he knew he was a total liar. and had never stopped his evil ways~ Intense drama and shocking at the end:eek:
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I just love that guest star. The woman who played the self-defense teacher was Laura Prepon, who played Donna on That 70s Show for eight years.
Thank's Dynamo1 I felt she was a bit odd and a bit off, but figured it was because of ther past experiences, she did do a good job, but I've never seen her or heard of her before:(
Very interesting ep. Opening with Brigett looking at old wedding photos of them and asking why he's taking them down. "Where was this" she asks, Joe says "San Luis Obispo" in California "wont mom be sad when she comes home to find the pictures down" Joe goes "I don't think she's coming home" Allsion wakes up:wtf: and the creepy music begins~

It shows Allison and Joe in a coastal Inn , by the sea. Joe picks up his parents from the airport, and they don't want to tell them she's preggos, just yet.

She goes to a flower shop with her maid of honor, and while there, a woman comes in and says 'her daughter is missing, and could she put up flyers of her" Allison immediatley sees the girl being strangled~

Allison goes to meet Joe's folks at a fancy restaurant, and is confronted by invasive, nosy questions, but handles it with polite manners. At one point she goes to the restroom, and in the mirror sees the dead girl she saw earlier~

Back in their room, Joe tells Allison that "his parents loved her" she for the 1st time tells him of her weird dreams. He's mystified. She then dreams about Ariel and she doesn't even know who she is, cause she wasn't even born yet also being strangled~

Her dead grandma comes to her and says "Seeing things, is for a reason"~

Joe and his dad play golf and his dad is negative and annoying the crap out of him, and he spills his guts that he and his mom are seperated, Joe is and walks~ Finds Allison had called the police about her dream and the dead girl He goes 'why'? His first experience staring with a long series of her and her dreams~

Rehearsal dinner, the dad says lovely things, sits down and lo-and-behold Joe's 2nd cousin starts speaking and Allsion sees that he's the guy who was strangling both the girl and Ariel:scream:

My DVR cut out right here so I have no idea what happend after this scene. Can someone who watched this, please tell me what the ending was? thank's~
Tonight is a two parter~

Allison dreams of an enigmatic girl. Worse, the same dreams haunt her daughters
Big fan of Medium and Patricia Arquette. This last episode (first of a 2-parter) was great, and creepy. This show has gotten better with age, IMO. I sincerely hope it is renewed.
I hope so too, a brief anaylsis of this episode> what great imaginations these writers have:eek:

Allison in elevator and on her cell phone saying her doctor wants her to have a mammorgram "getting older is a bitch" Her office is full of kids even her boss Davalos, then she sees a girl sliting her throat. and wakes up~Joe as always listens and is supportive~

Crime scene really bizarre, a whole family sitting on the couch dead, and look like zombies, with all their blood drained, but no blood at the scene~

Joe and his co-workers freaked out by their bosses behavior, he's sleeping at his desk, and when Joe wakes him up he's rude and actually fires one guy who's just spent 17 hours working on a project~

Poor Brigette has a nitemare and it's about the same girl that Allison saw sliting her throad, and then Ariel saw her too in her dream~

Another family is found dead, same scenerio all thier blood drained, sitting around the kitchen table. Allsion sees a blood trail sleading to a closet, ahe opens it and someone runs out. It's the girl from their dreams!

She's a homeless gal, Jennifer, with a boyfriend and it shows her at both crime scenes, but no evidence that she had anything to do with these crimes.~

Allsion goes to visit her in her cell, and she cops an attitude, and says "I'm not gonna to talk to you" so Allison drops her business card through the bars.~

She's released says Davalos, and then it shows her and her boyfriend sleeping underneath some high school bleachers, she dreams that this serial killer is going to shoot her with an injection, wakes up and sees a car in the distance, and calls Allison..TO BE CONTINUED~
CONCLUSION Jennifer calls Allison, and the meet at a diner. She had dreampt all these crime scenes. She never sees who it is though. She's been in a horrible car crash with her parents, a knew they were dead. They found her laying in the road. At the hospital, she starting having these dreams. Then the dreams escalated to her seeing an elk being shot in the woods, and the perp. posing the elk and taking it everywhere, So bizarre.~

Marie locks her self in her bedroom and won't come out Her tooth fell out, and no one put any $$ under her pillow. "How would I know, it I didn't know, and how would I have gotten into her room, he hands Brigette a dollar "Joe is frustrated beings he's got a huge meeting. So, Brigette lets her in~

Allison brings Jennifer home much to the dismay of Joe and the girls. She's a homeless kid with no where to go. Joe has a snit-fit. Allison "I won't let her out of my site" and takes her to work. Davalos said he's drop the breaking and entering for info. about the guy who's killing families and draining their blood~ She tells them she see this guy taking pics of the families before he kills them and she sees the addresses and goes their to scavenge food, and finds the dead bodies~ They look at her notebook and she's got a clown pic. drawn:confused: Davalos and Scanlon are wary and suspicious, that she's lying about everything. and how she knows about your dreams and then she has them too, street savy.. Allison defends her.

Joe giving speech at meeting and is interruped by Keith his immediate boss, who is a total psycho. [Jake Weber is so good in this role]~

Jennifer sees another family at a picnic and the guy taking photos again, and then their found dead~

Joe's DOM apologizes for Keiths behavior and asks him to forgive and forget Joe starts to leave in a huff and says "He's a lunatic" Keith reveals he's bi-polar and the DOM offers Joe a promotion and a raise. Allsion is thrilled and says "What ya' gonna buy me":lol: Joe is aprehensive~

It then shows the perp getting blood drawn and Jennifer near death receiving a tranfusion from him. Another nitemare~

Allison sees the guys face and knows who it is Scanlon finds his profile on-line~ a spooky looking dude. he then dispppears~

Keith still needling Joe and then tells him he resigns:bolian: and that Joe can take his place..YES~

Mney is missing from home and Ariel runs amok and blames her mom for letting this street kid into their house, She stole from everyone and was gone~

Shows Jennifer sleepng at a laundromat, and another horrible dream where she sees a Ice Cream truck and a cop approaching and saying "Sir, you can't park this here" and then says "Anything good in there" and the freak show goes "Oh, I'm sure you'll find something you like" then slams him over the head. She sees clown painting on back of truck, and then drinks bleach to cleanse her body from his [she think's] tainted blood, and lands in hospital.

Joe tells Allsion he'll relieve her on the hospital watch and tells her to go home and get some rest. while driving it starts raining blood on her car. She stops and sees the Ice Cream truck with a clown on the back. She calls for back-up they come the guy runs into the woods and shoots himself~

Allison at the hospital and Jennifer coming out of a two day ordeal, and knows the guy is dead. Allsion says she'll help her get her life back on track. She tells her she saw her dead mom and to tell her "She's sorry she left her all alone, but is watching over her" Jennifer cries, and then Allison says "So live your life like it matters"

Very intriguing, intense and exciting episode~ but it really never to me, solved why this guy was doing all of this killing and this blood draining what was his point?
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Here's a weird new kind of man trouble~On May 7, Ariel lands her first boyfriend [Michael Rady from Melrose Place] and starts time-traveling uncontrollably. "She traverses almost three decades, including one where she confronts her parent's mortality", says creator Glenn Gordon Caron. The season closer is jam-packed with major life moments:Ariel gets accepted to college, Det. Scanlon and DiNovi finally get hitched, and Allison's brain tumor returns". "At the start of this season her doctors said they couldn't remove a piece of the tumor, and now it turns out that's a problem", says Caron. "Basically, the log line of this episode is Allison dies:" Is he kidding? Apparently that's not necessarily bad news. Though MEDIUM hadn't recieved a network pick-up at press time, Caron says, "We're hopeful we'll be back. We did not write our season finale with the intention that this is our last hurrah"