
Not dissing Leno --he has good stuff and Conan will bomb as he just cannot do anything that great the only thing I remeber him doing is the "desk driving" with the green screen which can be funny but the other crap is just that.

With Medium I do hope that they still have the same writers or we could be in trouble.
Life After Death.. The Dubois family just can't seem to catch a break. First a vengeful ghost took up residence in Allison's head. Then Ariel became hooked on anti-anxiety meds. Finally, MEDIUM was nearly canceled--before it was offered a last minute reprieve on another network [CBS]. The trouble continues in the last ep. for this season/5, still on NBC-when Allison has visions that Joe and the kids wind up dead. "She has a dream set in the the very near future" reveals creator-exec. producer Glenn Gordon Caron. "She opens the door and a guy says, I couldn't let you eat alone on the on-year anniversary of you family being massacred" [The dude then appears iin her waking life-as a DEA agent assigned to a murder case she's investigating] When an event occurs that threatens Allison's gift, she's forced to make a choice:keep her loved ones out of harm's way or sacrifice her own well being. "The questions end up being, can she protect her family, and will she still have her gift?" That's the cliff-hanger", says Caron. Lucky for us, we'll get to find out the answers

OMG, this was the most terrifying, horrifying episode ever. Alison dreamed her whole family was slaughtered. It involved the Mexican drug cartel. She saw it all and then it kept skipping to how she was after this..a year later..And I've never seen Joe get so peeved and angry at her, nor have seen her so upset and angry. Of course. Then she started having horrible headaches, and upon an x-ray had a brain tumor. So many twists and turns that are really impossible to post here. It was an hr. show. The ending a real tear-jerker, after she finally had the operation it triggered a stroke, and she was incapacitated. That's how it ended... TO BE CONTINUED:(
Yea I agree Desertwind was a very scary show and the what if that happens factor through it all was heartbreaking. And the ending with her possibly being "gone" and her family being saved and alive. I think Joe just felt so out of control with the situation and probably scared as well which usually presents as anger and al was angry cause she is the one who saw what her life would be without them and plus who wants to know that their family has been murdered and then seeing those coolers with the body parts and knowing that is gonna happen...that would be too much for anyone to handle. Too many bad things in the world. Great episode and great writing and I am waiting for fall to see how they play it out.
i've finally caught up with the end of season 5 - the bbc bought the show over here and then aired it at stupid o'clock on sunday nights when no one was watching and also changed the time every week so you never knew when it was on (this is one of my pet peeves, it really annoyed me!) - i can't believe they tried to drop it, it's such a great show, i know so many people over here that love it. thank you cbs for saving the day :D

i thought hte last 2-3 episodes were just great, i can't wait to see what happens!
How exciting I just saw a preview of "MEDIUM" advertised on CBS, this will kick a.. over here, good move CBS:bolian:
This great show is debuting tonight on CBS at 9~

The season opener finds Allison coping with her surgery. Meanwhile, a stalking is investigated
I'd like to warn you that I only saw the last ten minutes, so this will probably all be random. :lol:

I didn't know anything about what happened to Allison, so when I noticed that she was holding her arm strangely, I had no idea what was going on. When I came on here I noticed that she had gotten a brain surgery, so I figured that it was some injury.

What I'm trying to get to is that I thought the "Mom, you're eating with your right hand" was actually kind of a good ending for an episode.

I'm actually just impressed that the writers gave someone an injury like that for a full episode. Most shows would've gone "brain surgery? but that causes no problems!".
Here's the whole episode Tciddaisc I am so busy, I record most everything and then we take Saturday after chores and then catch up, so here goes~and BTW Patricia Arquette has a cute new short hair doo, and Ariel does too:thumbsup:

ALlison had a stroke last season and it took her ability away to forsee the future, It started with Joe [full beard] and sitting by her bedside, and the nurse came in and told him it was "time to pull the plug" as she was brain dead. Then he woke up and she was there, but can't move her right arm or leg from the stroke, 3 months prior. And Joe doesn't have a beard. The beginning Ariel is throwing a tizzy about the missing car key and blames it on Briget. Joe told her to stay home, and she ignored him and snuck out to go see Davalos, and he told her she still had her job but maybe pt. time was better, due to her disability. The case:: a news reporter was being stalked according to her husband who owned the TV station where she worked. THen she sees the girl and the rape but it's not a rape. The hubby asks whats-his-face, and Allison to go talk to him, and they do. But, he says their having a love affair, EWWW, he's gross,:klingon: the guy from CSI who's eyes dart about, fat, bald and ugly:( Meanwhile Joe gives a presentation at a school on inventions, and one little boy asks him "what it you don't get another idea" and he goes "But I will". Then later the kids dad offers Joe a job in the green-peace enviornment type work place. So later the news girl is [according to her] raped and knifed] by the guy who said they were having an affair, and kills her husband as well. Allison and her co-hort review the surveillance tapes from some taggers and wa-la the lying woman was seen visiting him at a cheesy motel. So bottom line, she was doing him, so when he came back to see her, she would claim rape, but she killed her own husband and knifed herself OUCH:eek:, & blamed it on the poor sucker, so she could inherit the TV station for herself. While in the recovery room the guy she set up tried to crash her room, and was shot and killed. Davalos and Allison and the other guy, told her they knew, and would get her and prosecute, and she walked out. Then the final scene was when they were having dinner and Ariel noticed her mom was eating with her right arm. So she's back to square one.. compelling episode. Great show A+
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With Medium moving to CBS I thought it would be a bit more.. well more, especially with the way they ended it on NBC. But I found it boring totally unrealistic, I get its fictional and all but even this made fictional look more real. They rushed everything, they had the chance to ease Alison back into the "medium" part playing on her frustrations (a little flash here and there is one thing), they had the chance to ease her back with the stroke, and her frustration. They decided to take the quick route and that turned me off.

She came back from her partial paralysis and was able to drive herself to ask for a job? She managed to solve a case with only a little opps got it wrong here and there? They could have had her going back to work, answering the phones, as a paralegal, as she sees thing slowly coming back to her. I was fine with the way it was going before (on NBC) but the way they went from Joe sitting there for a long time waiting for her to wake up. "Do what you have to do"? I get that he knew at some point that he would have to let her go. But no kids saying their fineal goodbyes, then WHAM it was Joe dreaming.

I would have rather seen a little back story from the time of the announcing she was in a coma to the point. It wouldn't have taken that long considering the storyline of who did it was so clear. If I have to grade this ep, I would have to say "D+" I am imo being kind, since seeing that Ariel is now driving and helping out more understandably with the kids. That and Joe kept it from being an "F" for me.
Okay I just recently discovered this show a few weeks ago when they were showing reruns on CBS and so far I like it and I did like the season premiere now its going to be my goal to try and watch this new season. It helps that Numb3rs is on after it, which was why I caught on to this show, cause I had nothing to watch and I flipped to CBS and there it was.
Welcome to Medium 915...stick with it as it is a great show. I have watched it since the beginning. THis is one of my favorite shows and love all the characters.:thumbsup:

Season premeire was good but ya I would like to have seen more of recovery and struggling but it still looks like in the next preview .
that her hand is still clenched, so at least she is not magically cured of the effects of a stroke.

Anyway hoping that Medium gets more appreciation on CBS than it did on NBC.
Yes indeed welcome 915 great show isn't it, and fabulous cast so diverse, their all super. I've also watched it from the beginning, and thank's for the "spoiler" Missing:bolian:
Thanks guys, and I'm going to stick with this show it is really awesome. That is just my opinion on only watching two episodes. So far I love it and now I need to watch old episodes to catch up on it. :) Anybody know where I can catch up on old episodes?
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Thanks guys, and I'm going to stick with this show it is really awesome. That is just my opinion on only watching two episodes. So far I love it and now I need to watch old episodes to catch up on it. :) Anybody know where I can catch up on old episodes?

Hey ghost_writer I'm new to the show too!
They started showing Medium from the beginning last month on the Lifetime channel. Back-to-back eps each night. :)

I'm glad it moved to CBS. It's great watching it right after Ghost Whisperer!
