May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

I hope you mean Linday. ;)
Yes - there was a passionate discussion in the Lindsay-thread that indeed noone of the team seems to miss Aiden.
I think that the writers should have made her become frustrated with the system that she knew know matter what she did that this person would not be brought to justice either way. The could have made her take the law into her own hands and go to kill the rapist so that he could not do it again to another woman. Than she could have been arrested and put into prison and then end of her story. I liked Aiden also and I thought that Danny would be the one to be fired after his performance last season but he also was aa favorite and I felt that Vanessa's heart was really not into going longer with CSI: NY
I´m afraid your wrong. In an interview Vanessa says she wouldn´t not hesitate returning to CSI, if ony Anthony Zuiker asks her to.

Another thing is in her last episode Aiden is pretty frustrated. Talking to Mac at the ep-end she doubts being able to contiune her job.

Last please don´t even think about Aiden murdering someone!! :( I am convinced Aiden should rather have beaten up the rapist. :devil:
I think it's pretty clear now that
she won't come back but it would be so
cute if she would talk to Mac
and she would be like

Aiden: Hey Mac, you remember my Badge I gave you...
I want it back...
I think that the biggest mistake I made was not planting the evidence it was not having trust in myself
Even if Aiden did ask, I dont think Mac would let her back on the team unless he had hard core proof that she did NOT plant the evidence. That just seemed so unlike Aiden.

I was watching last weeks re-run and realized how much i miss Aiden. She was a great character.
Of course Mac can´t support Aiden, if she returns. But facts are:

1. She didn´t plant the evidence - she only tried so.
2. She admits everything.

I think this could give reasons to lower her punishment (stupid word in this context, I know :) ).
It seems internal affairs will advice Aiden to take an attorney.
It´s also my opinion Aiden can´t count on her ex-team. Nevertheless I´m still convinced if Aiden trusts the facts she should dare fighting for her bade.
I was only using her killing another as a reason other than evidence tampering but beating the living snot out of someone that could get someone put into prison also. But because she was fired and not killed. I think it is safe to say that she could make an appearance down the road. Just like Kim Delaney's Megan Donner over in CSI: MIAMI could because she quit and was not killed (First season if people don't know).
I'm wondering why?
why did vanessa have to go...
it seemd like such a stupid reason to
let a chaacter go...
so i think they wrote it 'cause she maybe had
a fight with some of the actors or writer
wich i can't really believe..
so why did she go...
Maybe the same reason that Kim Delaney left CSI: MIAMI or Rory Cochran left also. They wanted to persue other things or the chemistry was not there from the writers P.O.V., I have noticed that CSI is the only show that has kept its original cast members for 6 seasons. (With the exception of Holly Gribbs who was killed in the pilot episode.)
I know csifreak. I just wanted to warn you Aiden could never kill somebody.

AlexxWoods, Vanessa says it was her own voluntary decision.
Never say never! We watch CSI and its spin-offs and it shows that people are capable of anything, we also read the newspapers and know that people are also capable of anything. It is human nature. I have two children and would do anything to protect them even if it meant killing someone to do that. I would not kill in cold blood though but only in self defense or to protect my family.
AlexxWoods, I read it off somewhere that she didn't want to be stuck doing tv shows forever. Or something like, only more elegantly phrased :lol: I'm sure you could find the interview if you look it off the internet.

I suspect the truth is that when Vanessa was offered the role of Aiden (she claimed she was the second person to be cast for the show after Gary Sinise), she thought it was a great opportunity to get exposed. Eventually, Vanessa simply felt it was time to move on to other projects closer to her own interests. She did say she might come back if Anthony Zuiker, the producer, asked, though.