May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

Hey hey, all. I <3 Aiden and I miss her dearly. The chance may be small of her coming back, but I hope anyway.

And you're very right, Detective_Burn, no one will ever replace Aiden... but I agree with the others in that we'll simply have to get used to Lindsay.

The whole "almost planting evidence" thing really rubbed me the wrong way, though. That's why I personally think they should have killed her off. At least it would have been final and it would be much more justifiable than her just thinking about planting the evidence ><
I understand why she would want to but it still doesn't seem to fit into her character. I mean, she's good at what she does. How many times have she helped out the team by figurig things out before even Mac does? And she goes through dumpster detail like a dream. Hello, best CSI of The Month material? Killing her off is probably almost too similar to Miami. Maybe a job offer somewhere? That way, in case of a fourth spin-off, they might still be able to include her character.
Maybe a job offer somewhere? That way, in case of a fourth spin-off, they might still be able to include her character.

Ooh, that would be awesome.... Never even thought about that.

I just like death of characters because of the finality that comes with it ^^ Then I can't sit and whine believing in the "what if's" ;)

But you're right. People would harp on it being too Miami-ish. *shakes fist at the people*
Lol, I think it would be too Miami-ish. *hides*
The Job offer thing sounds good. There'd be a bigger chance that we'd see her again, and it goes more with her character instead of her planting evidence. Which is totally not her, in my opinion.
*shakes fist at robospanker_fan* :lol: Just joking. To each his own opinion, I suppose!

But I still agree that it would have been better for her to get a job somewhere else. It's something that could happen, and it wouldn't drive the Burn fans absolutely crazy... I yelled at my Television. Loudly. Scaring my dog... not that I'm crazy or anything. ;)
A fourth spinoff would be so cool. CSI ___ ? Chicago, maybe? Mac was from Chicag so that would make an interesting storyline. We might even be able to get Mac do a cameo. Or maybe even Danny ;)
Haha! Yay for cameo's! I would totally go for Chicago... Or Seattle. Somewhere in California, maybe? Ooh, or they could do Colorado... :D Who doesn't love good ol' Denver? Though, it's very close to LV, so it probably wouldn't fly.

I'll choose to believe that Aiden works here now.. in our crime lab. :lol:

Gah, I miss her haha.
I know, CSI_Gray. I miss her too. But it certainly seems that a lot of people seem to be over her leaving, doesn't it?

"Everyone is a potential murderer. I have not killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction out of obituary notices."

I like the quote. Where's it from?
Yeah, a lot of people are over it. But, I'm not. Why? Because I'm a stubborn ass! :lol:

Oh! The quote, yes yes, it's one of my favorites. Clarence Darrow said it. He was a famous criminal lawyer. ^_^
You're not the only one. I'm still not over it either. I guess that makes it us two stubborn asses then :lol:

I like the quote. It's so morbid and cool :D
Yay! I'm not alone! *hugs* Two stubborn asses in a pod... :rolleyes: :lol:

But yeah, that's why I love the quote too. It's very morbid, but amusing at the same time.

Sort of like Aiden... She's angsty, but amusing!!
Just the three of us? Club meetings would be a bit sad, dontcha think? :lol: We could always invite Danny and Flack over ;) You know they miss Aiden too
Oh - don´t make me angry. ;)

Don´t you think a fourth spin-off would appear little strange?
Apart from this:
May I remember you - every cop-team has its problems. No need to tear each others head off!!
It would make, me really sick, if Aiden would chance the departement again, because:
Don´t you see this eyes, the ambition sparkling out of them.

Please, let´s remain serious:::
Aiden will never be the one escaping!!
She is so motivated and extraordinary charismatic
- NO WAY!!!!!!!!